This villain is so cute

Chapter 185 I Like You, Together 1 [I don’t know what to write] 4

Chapter 185 I Like You, Together [I don’t know what to write] 4
Shi Wei slightly raised his eyebrows, but did not fall into the other party's affectionate gaze.

Although she and Feng Zhishang were both male guests, but standing together at this moment, the height difference and body shape ratio between men and women were clearly contrasted.

Standing in front of Feng Zhishang, who is tall and broad-shouldered, Shi Qing is half a head shorter than him, and looks a little slender.

But it doesn't matter, there is no rule that men can't look like this.

Shi Qing felt that Feng Zhishang must have come to make troubles, did he do this in front of the camera, was he afraid that the people of the whole country would not know that he had broken his sleeve?

"Hehe, no need, I suddenly feel very hot, I probably need air conditioning more."

Shi Qing said and tried to withdraw his hand again.

Because she didn't want to be too obvious, her movements were so small that only the two holding hands could feel them.

Feng Zhishang was willing to let go this time, but said with a smile: "From now on, my surname is Leng Mingqi."


Everyone laughed awkwardly, as a way of saving face.

The director team dare not say anything about the performance of the investor's father.

I only dared to ask whether that part should be cut or released when the recording was stopped for a break.

Feng Zhishang looked at the close frame of himself and "Wu Shi" on the screen, and smiled slightly: "Don't cut it for a second, let it all out."

"This..." The director wanted to say that releasing it would definitely cause a lot of misunderstanding and controversy.

But before he could say it, he heard Feng Zhishang say again in a happy mood: "By the way, edit this part and send it to me. I want to keep it as a souvenir."

The middle-aged male director was dumbfounded: "..."


Lunch break time.

As soon as Shi Qing came out of the restroom of the hotel, Xiao Xianyi just went in.

Shi Qing rejoiced.

In order not to show his feet, Shi Qing always went in when there was no one in the men's room.

Now that she has finished solving the problem and is about to leave, she doesn't care about Xiao Xianyi, and walks out of the bathroom door as if she didn't see him.

But Xiao Xianyi obviously didn't come here to solve the excretion problem, but specifically to block her.

Seeing her go, he quickly came out of the toilet and grabbed her arm.

"Wu Shi, Feng Zhishang is not a good guy, don't be fooled by his affection on the show."

When Feng Zhishang was mentioned, Xiao Xian became angry.

"Oh? Could it be that you were cheated by him?" Shi Qing was referring to the trending topic.

Xiao Xian's face darkened, and he also thought about what happened last night.

It was Feng Zhishang who came to contact him suddenly, saying that he had something important to discuss with him, and wanted to invite him to have a meal together.

As soon as Xiao Xian knew that Feng Zhishang had been displeased with him all the time, and wanted to get angry at him, he agreed.

Unexpectedly, after sitting down, Xiao Xianyi found out that the other party had prepared a candlelight dinner.

A bad premonition flashed in Xiao Xianyi's heart at that moment.

Just when he was wondering if the other party had a crush on him and was about to confess to him, he heard Feng Zhishang say seriously:
"Xiao Xianyi, you heard me clearly, Wu Shi, mine, don't covet me."

Hearing this, Xiao Xianyi was embarrassed by his wrong idea just now, so he turned cold: "Please, Wu Shi is a man, I'm not interested in men."

"It's the best, remember what you said." Feng Zhishang was very straightforward, "I'm not interested in a man like you, I only like a man like Wu Shi."


As soon as Xiao Xian thought of this, he reminded: "Don't mention it, anyway, you'd better not get too close to him."

Shi Qing nodded: "Well, I just remembered when you mentioned it like that, and I can't get too close to you, bye."

"..." Xiao Xianyi didn't know that his mother asked people to take money to leave her son, but thought it was because he was afraid of affecting everyone's future.

He didn't say anything, he just regretted in his heart why Wu Shi wasn't a woman.

The show continued filming.

After "carefully selecting" the guests to pair with themselves, the guests chose the partners arranged in the script.

The remaining two male guests, Shi Qing and Feng Zhishang...

Also "reluctantly" formed a team.

At first, the director thought that two male guests would definitely have frequent problems if they formed a team.

However, during the filming, he shouted cards many times because Xiao Xianyi didn't pay attention to the female guests in his group, but always stared at the two male guests.

For a while, the female guests felt strange.

Mamma Mia, aren't their angel faces and devil figures attractive enough?
A big man, with so many beauties not staring at them, but only staring at men, it really hits their self-confidence as women!
After the first episode was aired, the most hotly debated ones were indeed the three male guests Xiao Xianyi, Wu Shi, and Feng Zhishang, and the hot searches were all dominated by these three people.

The other guests only made some small splashes, and soon there was nothing to say, because everyone was very polite and didn't have much to watch.

From the broadcast of the variety show, the audience can see that Feng Zhishang is gentle and considerate throughout the whole process, and his care and help for "Wu Shi" is not pretending at all.

"Wu Shi" also became uncomfortable from the beginning, and gradually became more comfortable, naturally generous.

The interaction between the two had a tacit understanding, and they laughed happily throughout the process.

Xiao Xianyi was indignant the whole time.

#On the triangular relationship between Wu Shifeng, Zhishang and Xiao Xianyi#
After less than half a day of hot searches, it was all taken down by someone.

Then Shi Qing received a notice from her manager, Sister Pei, that she had to stop filming this variety show.

The program team unilaterally terminated the contract, not only does not require her to pay liquidated damages, but also compensates her!
Shi Qing was happy and relaxed, and was preparing to retire from the circle.

After the second episode of the variety show aired, Shi Qing found out that not only she was the one who quit the recording, Feng Zhishang also quit.

The female singer Feng Ying claimed that her schedule was vacant and she could continue recording each episode, and she was partnered with a second-tier male star.

The interaction between Chen Wenfei and Xiao Xianyi has finally begun to make some progress, and they can be regarded as the team with the sweetest interaction.

Not surprisingly, these two will develop as the original plot.

Shi Qingbian no longer pays attention to these two people, but pays attention to Feng Zhishang, the task target she should pay attention to.

Shi Qing hasn't seen him since quitting the variety show.

This is also because she stays in the apartment all day and does not go out.

The downside of being a celebrity is that paparazzi candidly take pictures and fans block the way when you go out.

If Shi Qing would go out for a walk more often, she would definitely find that her neighbor had changed.

Feng Zhishang wanted to meet her by chance, but he never had a chance.

When the opportunity came, it happened to be the day when Shi Qing moved out of this apartment.

"Feng Zhishang, why do you live next door to me?"

Shi Qing wasn't surprised, just felt very strange.

"Uh..." Feng Zhishang didn't know how to answer, so he changed the subject: "I just moved here, why don't you come to my house?"

"Okay." Shi Qing readily agreed, wanting to take this opportunity to test his views on Xiao Xianyi, and by the way persuade him to work hard and be a good boss.

(End of this chapter)

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