This villain is so cute

Chapter 180 Young man, get to know each other 1 time [Farewell to Sadness] 30

Chapter 180 Young man, learn about interpenetration [Farewell to Sadness] 30
At this time, the sky was so dark and gloomy that people couldn't tell the time.

Under the boat is an extremely wide yellow muddy water, swallowing big trees, houses, and fields.

"Shi Qing, you are so courageous, you are not afraid to see me like this." Li Shuangyin opened his mouth and said.

What he said was a mechanical voice without emotional ups and downs.

As if she was a hyper-simulated robot.

Shi lightly lifted the oar, and rowed forward twice, getting a little closer to Li Shuangyin, with a calm expression on his face, and he was really not afraid at all.

Shi Qingding was three meters away from her, and said calmly: "Li Yuyin, you didn't talk like this before."

Seeing the other party like this, Li Yuyin looked at her with admiration, but she still spoke in an emotionless mechanical voice: "Well, because my time is up, I can no longer maintain my human appearance, I should go."

"What do you mean by that? Li Ruoyin, where are you going?"

Perhaps it was the background effect of the environment, Shi Qing's heart was as gray as the sky now, and strangely, there was a hint of sadness about farewell.

Yes, not farewell, but farewell forever.

Perhaps it was because the two had known each other before.

I knew each other when I was so young, and it has been more than ten years since I added it up.

Farewells are inherently sad, whether it's goodbyes to cats and dogs, or to people who aren't friends.

"I was sent by Kuaichuan Company, I can't think of it, Shi Qing."

Li Ruoyin turned around completely to face Shi Qing, with an unkind expression on her face, "But, my mission failed, so I have to leave."

Shi Qing was taken aback for a while, not expecting it to be like this at all.

When she heard Li Shuangyin's mechanical voice just now, she really thought she was a robot, so she could walk freely on the water.

But when she heard the words "Quick Travel Company", Shi Qing immediately believed her words, and couldn't help asking: "What is your mission?"

Li Ruoyin curled her lips upwards: "Help Yanyi blacken and become a stepping stone for the hero."

Hearing this, Shi Qing's eyes flashed with doubt.

However, in the next second, she successfully realized that the quick travel company sent Li Shuangyin to help Yan Yi blacken, isn't it just waiting to confront her?

So she and Li Shuangyin are enemies rather than friends?

"What did you mean when you said I was mediocre?"

After more than ten years, Shi Qing finally had the opportunity to ask this question.

Then, I waited for the other party's answer with a little depression in my heart.

"Oh, I just want to say that it's a miracle that Yan Yi is willing to lose to you again and again for an ordinary person like you, with average appearance and ability, to let you complete your mission."

Li Ruoyin didn't hide it, she was leaving anyway, so it didn't matter.

"Heh!" Shi Qing laughed angrily on the spot.

What, why is she just so-so?
If she looks ordinary like this, can other people still live?

However, Shi Qing grasped the key points!
Shi Qing had a very bad premonition in her heart, this time she directly faced Chuan Li Xunyin, and prayed with her eyes: "What does it mean that Yan Yi loses to me again and again, can you explain it clearly?"

"No comment, anyway, this time, you won again. But I really want to complain, Yan Yi is a piece of trash! I haven't even met the male lead until now, he deserves to fail every mission! "

Li Ruoyin started to turn around as he spoke, swinging his legs, and headed towards the turbulent Xiao Beijiang: "I'm leaving, goodbye!"

Shi Qing's heart sank, and she immediately rowed forward and grabbed Li Ruyin, "If you don't make it clear, don't even think about leaving!"


After Yan Yi learned of the flood in the town, he has been paying close attention to it.

It wasn't until Xu Huiling got out of the hospital and went home to recuperate that he was able to go back and have a look.

Xu Huiling originally thought that the flood in the town was so big that it was very dangerous for any car to drive in. It would be better to wait for the flood to recede before going back to have a look. Anyway, Shi Qing's family lived on the sixth floor and hadn't been flooded yet.

Now the rain has also become less, and there is a tendency to gradually stop, so there is no rush for a day or two.

But seeing that her eldest son was so worried all day long, Xu Huiling finally said: "Ayi, go, my mother is at home with your father and your brother taking care of her, and her body is recovering well, so go back and have a look." Come on, just be safe."

Yan Yi nodded, seeing the nanny and auntie cooking in the kitchen, and his younger brother Yan Kai thoughtfully brought a cup of warm water to the mother who was recuperating in bed, so he went back to the room to pack his things with peace of mind.

Shiqing's phone is still turned off, and it seems that it has not been charged.

Yan Yi hurriedly went out to a shop near the community, bought ten large-capacity power banks, and took them home fully charged, waiting to put them in his backpack tomorrow to charge Shiqing's mobile phone.

After packing up two sets of his own change of clothes, Yan Yi didn't know if there was anything he needed to take back, so he called Shi Qing's mother, wanting to ask her about it.

Same as off state.

Yan Yi tried to call Shi Qing's father again.

It was connected quickly.

The person who answered was Shiqing's seven-year-old younger brother, and his voice was full of tears: "Brother Yi, sister, she, she disappeared, wow! My sister went out to save people by boat two days ago, but she disappeared, and she was looking for her everywhere. I can't see her anymore..."


It was the sound of the phone slipping from his hand.

After Yan Yi lost his concentration, he squatted down and picked up the phone with the tempered film broken on the ground. He didn't want to stand up anymore, so he sat down on the ground and lowered his head, as if his energy had been sucked out of him.

Think of the photos and videos he saw on his phone these days about flooding in the town.

Especially the video of the water potential of the Xiaobei River, the huge flood is constantly tumbling and surging, as if it can swallow people in and squeeze them into mud. Collapsed!
But, soon he shook his head again, he didn't believe it, Shi Qing is so smart and skilled, nothing will happen to her!

Now there is no car back to the town, and at night, Yan Yi forced himself to sleep.

After a good night's sleep, I will have the energy to go back to town to find Shiqing tomorrow!
After tossing around in the middle of the night, Yan Yi was finally too sleepy to fall asleep, got up at dawn and got on the earliest direct bus.

At 06:30 in the morning, it is earlier than the high-speed train, and it is still direct, without the trouble of changing trains.

Since the flood has not completely receded, the bus cannot enter the town, so it can only stop at the intersection entering the town.

The bus back to the town was driving along the way, and people got off the bus, and now there are only three people left, including Yan Yi, who got off the bus back to Zaishui Town.

The three of them took the boat that was parked at the intersection and waited to enter the town, and then went back to their home.

The city government sent people down to deal with the flood, and now the flood in the community has receded to the first floor, Yan Yi called Shi Qing's father's cell phone again.

It was Shi Qing's younger brother who picked him up, and after confirming that Shi Qing hadn't been found yet, Yan Yi didn't enter the community, but boarded a rescue boat by himself and set off to look for it by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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