This villain is so cute

Chapter 163 Teenager, understand each other 1 [study hard] 13

Chapter 163 Young man, learn about interpenetration [study hard] 13
Shi Qing reacted extremely quickly to dodge.

"You don't need it." She said with a faint glance at the boy.

Under the shade of a tree, four people sat side by side on the green grass.

The entire Gupo Bay is covered with green grass, which is allowed to step on freely, otherwise there is no place to set foot.

Yan Yi was sitting on Shiqing's right, Ji Qiuxue was sitting on his left, and An Rongxin was sitting on Ji Qiuxue's left.

Shi Qing dodges Yan Yi's hand, it's just an instinctive reaction.

She herself has hands and feet, her eyes are not blind, her hands are not disabled, and she also has tissues on her hands, so why would she need him to help wipe her sweat?
That's too much to do.

If he wanted to show his kindness, he would call her sister a few more times to listen instead of being big or small, as if he was the elder brother.

Dazedness and loss flashed across Yan Yi's eyes, which was so fleeting that it was too fast to be captured.

So in Shi Qing's eyes, he still has a smile on his face at this moment, that perfect face is so perfect that it's easy to make people dizzy, so it's not suitable to look at it too much.

Shi Qing quickly retracted his gaze and focused on the surrounding environment.

It is rare to come here once, of course we have to see what is so magical about it, so many people like to come here.

Before Yan Yi could retract his outstretched hand, Ji Qiuxue's hand suddenly stretched out, and after a while, he took the tissue from Yan Yi's hand.

She opened the paper towel and wiped her neck, and explained her behavior pitifully: "Cousin, since sister Shiqing doesn't need it, then you can give me the one who needs it! Woooooo, it's so hot, I don't want to talk to you tomorrow. You came out together."

As soon as Ji Qiuxue finished speaking, An Rongxin immediately spoke up: "Student Qiuxue, I'm the same as you, I don't want to come out anymore."

Immediately afterwards, he changed the topic: "Why don't you teach me to do my summer homework?"

Ji Qiuxue was stunned for two seconds, and then reminded him earnestly: "There are answers to all the summer homework, you can copy it yourself."

An Rongxin scratched his head angrily, "That's right, I actually forgot."

Missteps, really missteps!
Seeing his sudden enthusiasm for learning, Ji Qiuxue suggested to him: "If you are interested in learning, you might as well enroll in a cram school and take advantage of the summer vacation to pick up some basic knowledge from before."

"Uh, hehehehe..." An Rongxin nodded with a dry smile. What is a cram school? Is it a suitable place for him to go?

Ji Qiuxue thought that An Rongxin was considering her suggestion, so she withdrew her thoughts, just like Shi Qing, and focused on looking at the scenery.

"Sister Shiqing, the scenery here is really beautiful!" Ji Qiuxue exclaimed.

The Xiaobeijiang River is very wide. Since a power station was built upstream, most of the water flow was blocked, so the water flow downstream here was slow and not rushing.

The river water is very clear, from shallow to deep, you can see big rocks covered with aquatic plants in the river.

There are several small fishing boats moored on the shore. When the wind blows, the fishing boats drift slowly with the wind, creating layers of ripples on the river that cannot be stopped and reproduced.

On the other side of Gupo Bay, there are many green hills, which seem far away and near, and seem to have no end in sight. All of them are reflected on the river on the other side, which is as picturesque as poetry.

Ji Qiuxue couldn't help but recite a few lines of poetry: "The apes on both sides of the strait can't stop crying, and the light boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains."

Then, she began to fantasize: "Sister Shiqing, I really want to sit in a small boat alone and float on the river in the wind. The breeze blows over my little face, blows my little skirt, and gently raises my long hair. Fa, lead me through the layers of mountains, to find my paradise."

"Hehe." Shi smiled lightly, and decided to ruthlessly break her fantasy: "No, if this is the case, what you are going to is not a paradise, but a paradise."

"Sister Qiuxue, you haven't heard of how many people are drowned in this river every summer, right?"

Shi Qing explained to her in detail: "Last summer, six boys from our school secretly came here to swim together, but they were all drowned. There was really no survivor. Two of the boys were brothers. What do you think?" Thinking about how much tragedy and shock it is for their parents when a family loses two children at the same time?"

"Woo, I think I've been hit too." Ji Qiuxue lowered her head obediently and obediently with a mournful face: "Sister Shiqing, I feel very sad when I hear you say this, don't say it, I don't want to take a boat anymore, okay?"

"Okay, you can't swim either, this river is beautiful but also very dangerous." Shi Qing's expression was serious.

The danger of this river is not only that many people have drowned here. I heard that 20 years ago, because of the collapse of the dam of this river, there were two major floods in Weishui Town, which almost flooded the entire village.

The flood can reach the first floor of a house in a higher place, and it can reach the third floor in a lower place!
I don't know how many people lost their lives and properties due to the flood. Water and electricity were cut off for several days and nights, and their lives were seriously threatened.

Just when Ji Qiuxue was in awe of the power of nature, An Rongxin quietly came over and said, "Student Qiuxue, what Liao Shiqing just said was too exaggerated. I often come here to swim, so nothing happened. .”

"No, I think Sister Shiqing is right." Ji Qiuxue shook her head, and even educated him: "Student An, you'd better listen to it, and stop swimming in the future. You are the only one in your family A boy, you must cherish your own life, you know?"

"Goose hehehehe..." An Rongxin laughed dryly again, thinking that Ji Qiuxue seemed to be chattering more than his grandma.

Yan Yi didn't speak much the whole time.

After arriving at their respective homes, Shi Qing got out of the elevator and wanted to enter the door of her own home, but was grabbed by Yan Yi.

"Why? Talk about something, don't talk about it." Shi Qing was inexplicably upset.

It seems that since he came back from summer vacation, the two of them can no longer return to the feeling of sister and brother loving each other.

The young man lowered his eyes dimly: "...Shiqing, you have changed, and now I don't even allow you to wipe your sweat and pull your hand?"

He was aggrieved, and he finally looked like he was a child, soft and cute, bully, and in need of love.

Shi Qing finally softened his heart, and looked up at him with a little arrogance: "Well, it was you who changed first, whoever told you to come back, you will not recognize me as a sister."

Yan Yi pursed his lips, and lowered his head in embarrassment: "This is because... I remember the two of us, didn't we have a baby kiss since we were young?"

Shi was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect him to bring this up.

He is still so young, does he know what baby kiss is, does he know what love is?
Pfft, let's study hard!
Shi Qing shook his head at him: "No, why don't I know, maybe you remember it wrong when you were young? I remember my parents and your parents, they only told us to love learning, love labor, and grow up. Make contributions to the people after she grows up."

 The campus plane of youth, so the title is full of desire to survive, hehe~
(End of this chapter)

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