This villain is so cute

Chapter 151 Young man, get to know each other through interpenetration 1 [Small 2 months] 1

Chapter 151 Young man, learn about interpenetration [Little two months] 1
In the boundless darkness, Yan Yi's arms suddenly emptied.

Shiqing disappeared.

His heart was also empty.

Accompanying it was intense anxiety and anxiety.

Yan Yi was really worried, she disappeared completely like this, never to meet her again.

So he couldn't wait in his heart, and wanted to follow her to the next world.

The lives of the two of them were too short, and they only stayed here for ten years.

In the past ten years, he used the name Shen Yongxu very well, and almost forgot his own original name. He felt that he could continue like this and only use the name in the original world.

It doesn't matter what his name is, it's just a code name, the important thing is that Shi Qing still loves him.

Well, that's right, his Shi Qing really loved him so much, she obviously had no memory, and completely forgot everything he and she had experienced, and she still had the feeling of knowing him once.

Thinking of this, Yan Yi really wanted to go to the next life as soon as possible, then find her, and continue to stay with her.

As for why they didn't admit that the two had known each other before, Yan Yi was afraid that Shi Qing would find out that he was actually a tasker.

He has gone through five worlds with Shi Qing before, as long as he fails five more times, he will no longer be able to be with her.

So she doesn't need to know, she just needs to concentrate on completing the task...

In the dark, Yan Yi suddenly felt a headache, and when he closed his eyes, he didn't know anything.


Xishui Town, with many mountains, waters and many people, is the town with the largest area, the largest population, and the best economic development in Yingzhou City.

Every market day, people from other towns will "come here" to shop or sell goods, and there are even more people walking side by side.

It is conceivable that Yingju City is actually not very big, but it is only a small fourth-tier city. The subway will never reach here, and most people cannot afford private cars.

In order to boost the economy, we can only develop tourism, focusing on the original ecological environment, looking at the mountains, rivers and fields, and fooling people from big cities who have never seen these things to come to consume.

Not to mention, there are really a lot of people from first-tier big cities who come here with money in their pockets during the holidays and have made a lot of contributions to the economic development of Yingzhou City.

The economy of Yingzhou City is on the rise, and the first thing to be allocated for construction is the most promising development potential of Weishui Town.

The old market was demolished, and a super-large new market was re-selected to build a new market. On market days, there was finally no need to be crowded.

There are more shops, and hawkers don't have to fight to occupy such a small place to set up their stalls.

The new market is equivalent to the center of the town, one after another real estate, one after another community, all built around it.

As a result, people in other towns who have money in their pockets would rather buy a house and settle in Xushui Town directly.

Those who have no money to buy a house are still trying to earn a down payment, which can be mortgaged to buy it, and there is still room for appreciation.

During this period, the government certainly did not forget to build roads. It is said that in a few years, the high-speed train will be directly connected to the town, making it more convenient for people to travel.

In short, the economic development of Xishui Town is getting better and better, but it is still difficult for every household to be well-off.

Due to inconvenient transportation, migrants from other provinces and cities cannot come here, and there is a lack of large-scale factories to increase employment rates. Therefore, if most young people want to work hard, they need to leave their hometowns and go to big cities for employment.

Only a few people can make a fortune in the local area and become rich.

It was under this background that Shi Qing was born in a family in Zaoshui Town.

The best community in the town, with two households on one floor, and each household faces south.

Four bedrooms, two living rooms, two bathrooms, one balcony, elevator on the 6th floor, a family of three, simple and beautiful.

Shi Qing was still a white, tender and chubby baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, with only a small head exposed, trying to stretch out her hand, counting is now a task that is almost impossible.

She could only say silently in her heart, task 6, start.

Started off as a baby, great!

She eats and sleeps every day, sleeps and eats, she can't sit or walk, and she can't do anything. On the first day of her arrival, she was so good that she cried.

Because being a baby is so boring!

Seeing the baby crying on the bed, her mother Zheng Yujing quickly put down the phone she was chatting with her friends, picked her up and sang to comfort her.

Hey, after this hug, Shi Qing not only couldn't cry anymore, but also closed her eyes and fell asleep completely.

Usually after waking up during the day, Shiqing will find that there is a beautiful pregnant woman at home, who is chatting passionately with Zheng Yujing, the two seem to have a good relationship, and they look equally beautiful.

At first, the pregnant woman smiled and said, "Xiao Jing, I envy you so much, the baby is so cute! I'm due in two months, and I really want to unload as soon as possible. Now I can't sleep well every day, it's too hard."

Two months later, the pregnant woman cried and said, "Xiao Jing, I'm due tomorrow. I'm so scared that I want to cry. What if I have to have surgery if I don't come out? I'm so afraid of pain, woo woo!"

As someone who has experienced it, Zheng Yujing kept encouraging her: "Hui Ling, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, having a baby is actually not that scary, it's like defecating, just use a little force to pull the baby out, come on!"

"Ugh, this is a tasteful encouragement." Xu Huiling pretended to be disgusted, but her heart had already decompressed a lot.

That night, Xu Huiling broke her water and went to the hospital to wait for delivery. After a day and two nights of pain, she finally gave birth to a baby boy.

At this time, Shi Qing felt nothing in his heart.

It wasn't until a month and a half later, when Zheng Yujing carried her to the opposite door to chat with Xu Huiling, and heard the little boy's name from the two of them, that Shi Qing finally became interested and took a look at the sleeping little boy.

Yan Yi.

Unexpectedly, this little boy who is two months younger than her is actually Yan Yi, the villain of this plane, the target of her mission 6!
At this moment, Shi Qing bent her rosy lips, stared at her target, and smiled wickedly.

It is said that beating the younger brother... oh no, it is to educate the younger brother as early as possible.

This villainous little brother lives in the door opposite her, and the relationship between the two families is still very good. From now on, she will definitely educate him, let him study hard every day, and strive to become the successor of socialism, hehehehe~
Shi Qing thought so, but the two women who noticed her were not.

Xu Huiling first exclaimed: "Ah, Xiao Jing, look, your daughter has been staring at my son and smiling! This is the first time I saw my son, and she stared at him and smiled, goose goose, do you think your daughter is Did you see my son?"

Zheng Yujing bowed her head when she heard the words.

Just in time to see the arc on the corner of Shiqing's mouth that he couldn't stop in time.

Zheng Yujing was also surprised: "Ah, it really is!"

Then, he also began to work for the welfare of his daughter: "Hui Ling, I don't care, since my daughter has taken a fancy to your son, then this baby kisses us!"

"Okay, okay, no problem, I really like your daughter too!" Xu Huiling deserved to be straightforward.

The two mothers laughed together.

Looking at the two little babies in the room, I felt envy and anticipation at the same time.

They have not been able to have the love of their childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts since they were young, so they hope that their children will have the opportunity to have this kind of beauty.

 Labels of the new plane: youth campus, interpenetrating souls, being positive ∩_∩

(End of this chapter)

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