Douluo's skeleton is also crazy

Chapter 49 Dragon and Snake Strike

Chapter 49 Dragon and Snake Strike
Dugu Zhan looked carefully at the eight-headed crypt spider. Its size was actually twice the size of the man-faced spider, and its body was thin and long. However, it also had eight spider legs, but it was obviously not as slender as the man-faced spider. powerful.

The gray body is not conspicuous at all among the many extremely powerful spirit beasts, but there are some yellow filaments near its body, which are its spider webs.

The crypt demon spider and the man-faced demon spider belong to the top of the spider-type soul beasts, but they take different routes, but all streams return to one, and eventually return to the sea, and they are the same existence in the end.

The Man-faced Demon Spider is famous for its tyrannical attack power and venom, but the Pit Demon Spider uses another method to hunt and kill enemies. Although its reputation is not as great as that of the Man-faced Demon Spider, it is not As bloodthirsty as the Man-faced Demon Spider.

But the insidiousness, which is also incomparable to the Man-faced Demon Spider, has been shown in this joint siege.

The Man-faced Demon Spider is good at terrifying, swift, and domineering attacks.

But the Crypt Demon Spider is best at using various terrains to create traps for opponents, relying on its special soul skills to cleverly kill powerful enemies.

Its spider silk is completely different from that of the Man-faced Demon Spider. Although it is not poisonous, it can form various forms. It is not as simple as the Man-faced Demon Spider's web, which is only used to entrap and kill opponents.

From the point of view of strength, facing the attack head-on, the Pit Demon Spider is definitely not the opponent of the Man-faced Demon Spider.

But if the Crypt Demon Spider is placed on a familiar terrain, or at a certain distance, then the Man Faced Demon Spider will definitely die.

Of course, this also depends on the cultivation level of the two parties, the real gap.

Because compared with the Man-faced Demon Spider, the spider silk of the Pit Demon Spider is even thicker. Although there is no toxin on it, the toughness is still on the Man-faced Demon Spider's silk.

Moreover, it was accompanied by an extremely viscous liquid, which condensed when exposed to wind, and in an instant, the spider silk became as hard as steel, and then formed a real spider prison.


"Dragon Staff!"

"Snake Blade!"

"Martial soul fusion technique, dragon and snake attack together!"

I saw the unrivaled dragon and snake couple jointly displaying their martial soul fusion skills. The power of the combined attack of the dragon and the snake was so amazing that the Man-faced Demon Spider Society and the Eight-headed Pit Demon Spider stopped, and then they began to flee in a panic.

"I want to escape now, it's too late, Du Longyan!"

The unrivaled dragon and snake couple, one of their martial souls is a dragon stick, and the other is a snake blade.

Although both of them are weapon souls, their martial soul fusion skill is a giant dragon with green hair and white belly. It doesn't look very good-looking, but it is extremely powerful.

This huge green-haired and white-bellied dragon spewed out an extremely poisonous green gas smoke bomb from its mouth. It was far more poisonous than the venom of the Man-faced Demon Spider. Boom out.

Although the Man-faced Demon Spiders above the ten thousand year level and the Eight-headed Pit Demon Spiders were severely injured, they did not completely lose their ability to move. After all, the vitality of the soul beasts was still extremely strong.

Escape, this is their instinct, knowing that they are invincible, the only way to save their lives is to escape.

"The first soul skill, Skeleton Swordsman!"

From the front, Dugu Zhan lit up his soul ring, and quickly summoned thirty black skeleton swordsmen, who emerged from the ground one after another, arranged in a circle of ten people, formed three offensive and defensive formations, and intercepted nine spider-type soul beasts respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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