Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 81 Disgusting

Chapter 81 Disgusting

"Oh? Then the Berserk team really still has a hole card?"

At this moment, Lin Feng looked at the movement on the field, raised his brows slightly, and then said softly.

In the soul fighting arena, the two teams that were originally evenly matched finally changed.

The auxiliary system soul master of the crazy battle team, although the spirit is far less powerful than that of Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, the strength increase it brings to teammates is completely less than half of that of Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda.

In Lin Feng's opinion, Ning Rongrong's two soul skills can increase the strength and speed of his teammates by 30.00%, while the first and second soul skills of the mad team can't increase defense and strength by 15.00%. That's half of the effect brought by Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda.

But the auxiliary soul master of the crazy battle team does have another huge advantage that Ning Rongrong can't match, that is, he has the third soul skill with a thousand-year soul ring as a soul master!

Following the release of the third soul ability by the silver plate martial soul of the auxiliary system soul master of the crazy battle team, six strands of silver light suddenly appeared from the silver plate, pouring into the other six members of the crazy battle team.

As the silver light entered their bodies, the bodies of the six members of the Berserker Team trembled at the same time. The next moment, their eyes turned red at the same time, and their bodies swelled with a punch.

Even the Kuangxi who had been suppressed by Dai Mubai had a sudden increase in strength, making him unable to rub his hands, and was punched in the chest, although Dai Mubai blocked it with both arms in time.

But the huge force transmitted through both arms still hit Dai Mubai's chest, he couldn't help but let out a muffled grunt, stepped back a few steps, and suffered a little injury.

On the other side, Xiao Wu, who was fighting with the Yang Wuhun soul master of the mad battle team, was also almost injured by this sudden boost.

But fortunately, Tang San, who had been paying attention to the situation of the audience, at a critical moment, a blue silver grass wrapped around Xiao Wu's waist, pulling his body back, dodging the collision attack of the sheep spirit master.

On the other side, Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing were also struggling to cope...

Now with the explosion of the six members of the Mad Team, even Tang San, as a control system spirit master, handled it extremely well, but faced with this situation, he was already a little powerless, a little unable to resist.

After all, this crazy battle team only has one auxiliary system soul master, the other six are all battle soul masters, and everyone in Shrek, Oscar and Ning Rongrong are all auxiliary system soul masters.

If the strength of the two sides is almost the same, when the battle soul masters can withstand the attack from the opposite side, the two auxiliary system soul masters can bring more effect to the team.

But at this time when the mad battle team broke out, if the battle soul masters in the team couldn't resist, and were unable to take care of the auxiliary system soul masters in the team that needed to be protected, those two auxiliary system soul masters would become an excellent breakthrough point for the opposing team to win .

The fighting power of the Berserker team suddenly exploded, the alluring woman screamed, and the rest of the people rushed towards the Shrek people who hurriedly opened a distance, fighting each other.

That coquettish girl's spirit ring configuration is the only best soul ring configuration in the Berserk team, and at the same time, the spirit is also a spider beast spirit, which has a high status in the team.

From Lin Feng's point of view, the strength of that coquettish woman should be ranked second in that team, second only to that Kuangxi, but because the arm was temporarily crippled by Lin Feng's blow, Kuangxi could not display its full strength.

This coquettish woman with spider spirit is the strongest person in this team!
It's just that as the strongest person in this team, that Spiderwoman didn't take advantage of the increase in strength brought about by this "fanatic" state, and continued to compete with Tang San.

Instead, taking advantage of the gap where Shrek was caught off guard, and being tightly entangled by his teammates, his speed suddenly increased, passed Zhu Zhuqing's side, and rushed towards Ning Rongrong in the center!

This "frenzy" lasted only 3 minutes. The reason why the frenzied team was able to win consecutive battles before was not only their own strength, but also the existence of this frenzied auxiliary skill.

It's just that this "fanatic" skill can only last for 3 minutes, if the battle cannot be ended in 3 minutes, then one's own soul power will fall into emptiness and enter a weak state.

There is another shortcoming, that is, the frenzied state will make teammates other than her lose their minds, so their games often have disabled opponents, or even fatal endings.

And her task is to first kick off the auxiliary system soul master specially ordered by the head of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, Na Ao, to ensure the safety of the auxiliary system soul master with complicated identities, and then she can deal with Shrek with confidence. other people.

As the commander, seeing that Tang San couldn't resist at this moment, he acted decisively.

"Everyone, lift off!"

Faced with this situation, Shrek was also well prepared. At this time, everyone in Shrek almost had a strange-looking mushroom sausage in their hands at the same time. Taking advantage of the gap between the mad battle team's fight, they directly fed it into their mouths. .

This mushroom sausage is Oscar's third spirit ability, which can create wings behind him and fly into the air for 1 minute.

At this time, everyone's body leaned forward, and wings condensed with light and shadow suddenly appeared behind them. With a flash, they rose into the air, and instantly rose into the sky at a height of 20 meters.

Of course not everyone, at this time Ning Rongrong looked at the mushroom-shaped sausage in his hand, with a little embarrassment and hesitation on his small face, although he was under the compulsory training of the devil master before.

She had already forcibly suppressed the barriers in her heart before, and ate the sausage that Oscar conjured with the obscene soul spell.

But if you still want to eat this food, you still feel a little uncomfortable, especially when you think of Lin Feng watching from the viewing platform, this feeling of discomfort is even stronger.

But seeing that gradually approaching the female spider soul master, Ning Rongrong frowned, remembering Lin Feng's previous advice to cry about this matter.

"Although it does look disgusting, it's just disgusting..."

Recalling Lin Feng's words of consolation and admonition to himself when he casually shrugged, at this moment, Ning Rongrong was also secretly comforting himself.

"It's just disgusting, yes, it's just disgusting, nothing!"

Immediately, the small face was slightly wrinkled, the small hand was holding the mushroom sausage, the eyes were slightly closed, and it was very reluctant to feed it into the small mouth.

However, although Ning Rongrong thought quickly and only hesitated for a moment, in the battle between soul masters in the soul fighting field, everything changed in a blink of an eye.

Even if it is just a short moment, it is enough to make a big change in the situation.

Seeing all the opponents suddenly disappear at this time, the members of the Berserker Team immediately lost their target and stood in place in a daze, while the spider female soul master who was the only lucky one turned pale with shock.

She never expected that the opponent they were facing had the rare ability of flying.

But very soon, she also saw something that Ning Rongrong's little hand was holding tightly, and immediately understood that the opponent's sudden rise to the sky was probably related to that thing.

Looking at Ning Rongrong, who had only one target left, the long pink hair waving on the coquettish woman's head instantly extended, and the coquettish woman had not yet arrived at Ning Rongrong's side.

That strand of long pink hair traveled through the space at an extremely fast speed, turning into an imperceptible pink thread, directly entangled in the mushroom sausage in Ning Rongrong's hand, and pulled it hard.


Ning Rongrong, whose eyes were slightly closed at this time, did not notice the thin pink thread, but felt that there seemed to be a force in his hand pulling the mushroom sausage.

Before she could react, the mushroom sausage melted into two halves, and then turned into soul power and dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Oh? The next one seems to be the most exciting!"

Lin Feng, who had been paying attention to the fighting spirit, looked at the changes on the stage at this time, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a joyful arc, and he said with a smile while lying on the chair.

(End of this chapter)

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