Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 23 Five major occupations

Chapter 23 Four Major Occupations
"After choosing the sharpshooter job change job, the specific information of the [-]th level job change task will be displayed."

At this time, a short message appeared in Lin Feng's mind instantly.

"Huh, the job change is finally here!"

Lin Feng whispered in his heart, and soon a lot of inexplicable messages gushed out of his mind.

At the same time, it was also the first time for Lin Feng to feel a voice in his mind. The voice had no emotion at all, like a machine, and it was lightly talking about the origin of the sharpshooter profession.

"There are many schools of power in the Arad Continent, and magic is the main one, which is implemented in every aspect of people's lives. However, the celestial beings on the Arad Continent have not been deeply influenced by magic.

They gradually understood the elements, metalworking, chemical power and other phenomena. The development of metal and gunpowder technology led them to create guns. Since then, most wars have become long-distance battles with guns as the main weapon.

Soldiers who use guns are called "sharpshooters", and they are also divided into several categories.

The "roaming gunmen" in the lawless zone when Bakar was eliminated developed their own original shooting techniques;
One year later, in order to protect Zodiac, a firepower-based profession, "gunner" was born;
More recently, the professions of "mechanic" and "ammunition expert" have been born under the influence of industry.

They are fighters who use firearms as their main weapons for long-range combat. Although they also have close-range kicking and fighting skills, long-range attack is their main method of choice. "

After introducing the origin of the "Sharpshooter" profession, the weird voice disappeared immediately.At the same time, four different messages appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

"Roaming Gunslinger"

Roaming Gunner is a fast gunner known for fast-moving attacks.Being good at using moving positions to find the enemy's flaws, coupled with fancy shooting skills, makes the roaming gunner an out-and-out cool job.

The tough and rough living environment allows the roaming gunners to master the unique shooting skills that can shoot the enemy in any posture and at any time, such as "random shooting" and "moving shooting".But don't think that Roaming is a long-distance attack-based role. Its excellent physical skills are enough to compete with many close-range occupations.

"They never see anyone as their opponent, just a supporting role in their stunt."




Gunner, real heavy gun expert.Whether it's a sniper rifle, a flamethrower, a laser, a quantum bomb, or even a satellite ray, you can use it with ease.Ultra-long-distance strike is the biggest feature of this character.Even in close combat, the gunner with high defensive ability will not flinch in the slightest.

Killing enemies thousands of miles away, the Gunner is definitely the most feared opponent on the battlefield.

"You can only feel his presence when you're down, so you have to be on the lookout for them all the time."




Mechanic is the only profession among gunners who can manipulate highly intelligent machines. He is an intelligent character who can defeat enemies with just a snap of his fingers.Even in the case of outnumbered enemies, you can deal with it calmly.

"When you face such an opponent, you must not take it lightly. What you will face is a huge army of intelligent machines. Groups of robots, air combat machines, machine gun turrets, bombers, and even space technology... But the most What's scary is the detonator in his hand."



"Ammunition Expert"

Ammunition expert, out-and-out hand grenade, master of bullets.Good at using various attribute ammunition and grenades to attack.They are shooters who are proficient in the power of bullets and have excellent skills in bullet crafting.They can use bullet belts to increase the number of bullets; they can also drive bullets with special properties, such as freezing bullets and scorching bullets, to penetrate the enemy's heart in an instant, causing a one-shot death!
The cross-shooting and gasoline bomb skills they master can attack the enemy in a wide range.

"The continuous research on ammunition is destined to make them the protagonists in calming this chaotic world."



"After choosing a job change job, the job change task will start, please choose..."

Lin Feng closed his eyes at this time, carefully feeling the descriptions of the different professions, with a strange expression of mixed joy and sorrow on his face.

The "joy" is that this job change is really what he thought, it is a powerful job like "Roaming Gunner" and so on.

But the "worry" is that these professions seem powerful. For example, the gunsmith can use weapons such as sniper rifles and quantum bombs, and the "mechanic" can summon mechanical troops, bombers, and space technology...

Although these descriptions are extremely powerful, in this world dominated by martial souls, all attacks are driven and formed by soul power.Among the many messages, this point was also mentioned, the power increases with the level of soul power.

The so-called mechanical army, the bomber, probably with Lin Feng's soul power, can at most form a mechanical toy and a toy plane that can attack.

There is also the Quantum Bomb of the gunsmith. If it is described in it, in this world, it may have the power to kill gods.

Even Lin Feng really believed that the Quantum Explosive Bomb had this kind of power, but the user had to be strong enough. If Lin Feng changed his profession to a gunsmith and only had [-] or [-] soul powers, it would probably be impossible to use this Quantum Explosive Bomb. Not even one ten-thousandth of the power in that description.

After figuring this out, Lin Feng also shook his head, but he couldn't be fooled by the fancy description. These four professions obviously have their own advantages and disadvantages, so we must make a good choice.

After thinking carefully for a while, Lin Feng also directly excluded the "mechanic". After all, for this kind of profession that relies on the formation of mechanical warfare, Lin Feng's current level can't exert much strength.

Moreover, skills such as building a machine army can be seen to be very soul-consuming. If he chooses such a profession, I am afraid that for Lin Feng, his soul ring skills can only become gaudy summons for a long time. Toy skills.

After excluding this choice, Lin Feng also looked at another profession, the Gunner, and after thinking about it for a while, he also directly excluded it.

The Gunner is obvious, although the description of ultra-long-range strikes, killing enemies and thousands of miles away is excellent, but Lin Feng knows that if he really chooses this thing, he may be able to be a long-distance sniper.

Except for strengthening his already extremely powerful long-range damage ability again, there is no change.

"Ammunitions expert? Roaming gunner? Which one should I choose?"

At this time, Lin Feng was still struggling in his mind. Judging from the description, the ammunition expert and roaming gunman could immediately bring him a huge improvement after he successfully changed jobs.

Therefore, for a while, it was not easy to make a choice. He frowned, and after thinking about it for a long time, Lin Feng looked at the remaining two messages in his mind. decided!

"Well... Forget it, don't hesitate! Just choose it!"

 Although I only chose one of them, things about other professions will appear in other ways in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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