There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 706 Battle Between Worlds

Chapter 706 Battle Between Worlds

The reason why Zhang Qing was stunned by his promotion in this world was entirely because the promotion was so sudden.

Because he can be sure that the whole world has become a high-dimensional world naturally without any signs before.

And the most important thing is that this kind of change is not only the self, but also the present, but has already begun to run through the past. The moment this world appeared, it became a high-dimensional world!

This is... the power of the Daluoxian level!
A sense of enlightenment welled up in his heart, no wonder those high-dimensional worlds gave him the impression that they were already high-dimensional at the beginning of their birth. There have never been rumors that a certain world suddenly became a high-dimensional world, but it turned out that it was because The very beginning of history has been changed by itself.

As long as you achieve high-dimensionality, you will be high-dimensional from the very beginning, even if it has been hundreds of thousands of years since then.

His world actually has the power of Da Luoxian?

So, as the body of the world, he transcended and became a Daluoxian?
Zhang Qing was soon disappointed to find that there was not.

To be precise, although the world has certain characteristics of Da Luo, and Zhang Qing's strength has also been improved beyond the ordinary, but in fact his essence has not changed much.

He is still at the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, but slightly stronger than other Hunyuan Jinxian.

The part of Da Luo's characteristics that he can grasp is only the time flow of this high-dimensional world from its birth to the present, beyond this range, there is nothing he can do.

Although he still can't escape in other directions, during this period of time, he can definitely do many things that he can't do in other places.

Being able to completely grasp this period of time and space has an extremely terrifying ability.

As the current beneficiary, Zhang Qing must maintain the existing "history" in order to maintain the current situation that is beneficial to him.

Anyone who tampers with history will face Zhang Qing's wrath.

"This is also the reason why you will suffer bad luck if you use the power of time indiscriminately without Da Luo."

Zhang Qing has reached this point, and more and more questions that he was puzzled in the past have begun to have answers.

The high-dimensional world itself will spontaneously maintain its own "history" and ensure that everything about itself will not be changed.

Any world has its own upper bound and high-dimensional world. These worlds under the high-dimensional world will also be supervised by the high-dimensional world itself, and no tampering with history is allowed. Once violated, Will be subject to "bad luck".

With a sinking heart, Zhang Qing began to explore why he became a high-dimensional world.

If this kind of thing is not clear, he will have trouble sleeping and eating—but he doesn't seem to need sleeping and eating now...

It didn't take him much time to figure this out.

Soon, Zhang Qing figured out what was the reason.

"Really, I actually forgot this crucial piece of information."

Zhang Qing sighed softly. He has known for a long time that the high-dimensional world is the origin of concepts.

For example, Supreme Immortal Court is the concept of human beings and cultivating immortals, while Glorious Universe is the system, the source of the concept of the universe.

Every high-dimensional world is born with a corresponding concept, and thus the corresponding information is circulated, and the corresponding world and various disturbances are born.

To become a high-dimensional world is very simple, you only need to let the world produce the source of concepts.

But Zhang Qing can be sure that there is absolutely no such thing in his world——no, there shouldn't be any before.

But suddenly he had the origin of a concept called redemption.

This is the origin of the concept that he finally possessed after using this world to redeem the human beings in the endless world for countless years.

However, this concept has already been born in the void, and there is also the beginning of the concept of salvation in a high-dimensional world.

That is to say, Zhang Qing's concept was originally captured from the other party's world.

The reason is that the other party's world is no longer able to explain the concept of redemption, while Zhang Qing's world can better represent this concept.

Relying on the continuous feat of saving human beings, the concept of redemption was stripped from the opponent's world and acquired by Zhang Qing's world. Finally, relying on the arrival of the origin of this concept, it has since been promoted to a high-dimensional world.

"It turns out that the relationship between the world and the world is like this?"

When she understood this point, Zhang Qing was surprised.

At a level that intelligent life does not know, there is such competition between worlds. If the ordinary world wants to be promoted to a high-dimensional world, it must snatch the concepts possessed by the high-dimensional world. If the high-dimensional world does not want to lose, then There can't be any mistakes.

"It's no wonder that the high-dimensional world does not allow anyone to touch history and change history, because history is changed, and it is likely to cause corresponding changes in itself, so that the origin of the concepts it grasps is surpassed by other worlds and taken away. A conceptual origin of its own."

Zhang Qing understands more and more how abominable the use of time ability is to the world. Even in a world with human consciousness like him, if anyone wants to make a little moth in history, he will definitely take action to destroy it himself. It should be crushed to death, so as not to prevent the high-dimensional world that I now have from capturing the only origin of this concept.

"But since the origin of the other party's concept has been taken away, the other party will definitely not let it go."

Zhang Qing is very clear that even if the world itself does not have any clear consciousness, it is also very clear how important the origin of the concept is, and it is impossible for him to take it away.

It is very likely that the other party has already begun to conceive and fight with him, or else he will regroup and use a more efficient redemption to take away the origin of the current concept.

But if the concept of salvation can be taken away by this new world of oneself, then there is definitely a big problem in that world, and it is not easy to take away this concept again.

Therefore, the greatest possibility of the other party is to invade by force, to destroy the world with powerful force, so that it cannot continue to complete the mission of redemption, and let this concept automatically disappear from this world.

"If you invade by force, I'm afraid it's still a little dangerous."

Zhang Qing pondered, how many powerful existences are there in a high-dimensional world that was born I don't know how many years ago?

Is there a level of Da Luo there? Once the two worlds go to war, will the other side take the initiative?
"Could it be that we still have to send rescuers?"

Zhang Qing thought about it, and felt that this was not impossible.

He didn't believe it anymore, with the reputation of being the number one force in the void and the highest fairy court, he could still be underestimated by others.

Besides, Zhang Qing also has a very strong feeling in his heart, facing that world, he may not necessarily lose.

(End of this chapter)

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