There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 61 Live Streaming

Chapter 61 Live Streaming
"This is it?" She Yuling held up a mobile phone and looked at the screen to greet the audience in the live broadcast room, while looking at her father who was acting as her assistant behind.

Just two days ago, She Yuling's father and daughter were finally discharged from the hospital after numerous inspections and found that there was no problem. Excited, She Yuling and her father immediately ran to the restaurant to have a big meal.

By the way, I did some eating and broadcasting, which can be regarded as a rise in the popularity that has gradually declined in the recent period.

She Yuling's job as an anchor and dance show is actually just her own hobby, and by the way, she earns a little pocket money on weekdays.

Thankfully, her father was very supportive and became her assistant himself.At the same time, she also seems to have a talent in this area. Not only is her grades still at the top of the class, but she is also considered a small well-known figure on the barrage website.

Recently, she has been greeted by many people due to her hospitalization. Although her popularity has dropped slightly, her popularity immediately rose back after she resumed eating and broadcasting.

Then, when She Yuling and her father were having a big meal in the restaurant, a viewer suddenly asked them a question on the barrage in the live broadcast room.

That is--

"I heard that there is a very good steamed stuffed bun shop in Jiangtong City. The anchor should go and try it!"

The person who said this was a big benefactor in She Yuling's live broadcast room. He is also from Jiangtong City. He has been working hard outside for the past two years. After getting the news from the hometown group, he wanted She Yuling to go there in person. Taste it and tell him if this bun lover is really that amazing.

If true, he'd probably fly right back to try it out for himself.

In the live broadcast room, there were quite a few people from Jiang Tongshi and the surrounding areas, and they all asked She Yuling to taste it for themselves. If it was really good, there would be an army of foodies coming along.

"Okay then, I'll go there." She Yuling made a promise and got the address of Baozipu.

Then She Yunlong took a look, isn't this the address of the steamed stuffed bun shop of the teacher Zhang who saved himself and his daughter?Could it be that this steamed stuffed bun shop was mentioned in the live broadcast room?
He just happened to be going to visit Zhang Qing to thank him, why not take this opportunity to advertise his steamed stuffed bun shop and help him attract some people.

With this in mind, She Yunlong went over to inquire first, and couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the huge crowd of people in the queue, so after a day of preparation, he finally brought all the guys together and came outside Zhang Qing's shop today. .

"Look, everyone, this is the steamed stuffed bun shop we are going to broadcast live today." She Yuling pointed the camera at the queue outside, and dozens of people formed a long queue, which was extremely eye-catching.

"My God, is this steamed stuffed bun shop so delicious? There are so many people queuing up?"

"Looking at this team, I feel that this steamed stuffed bun must be delicious."

"Don't you put some medicine on it?"

"Go and eat the live broadcast, and tell us the taste when it's over."

Seeing such a long queue, the people in the live broadcast room immediately started typing in the live broadcast room, and the bullet screen became very long.

In particular, the big benefactor took the time to post a drooling emoji on the barrage, looking forward to the next tasting session.

After waiting in line for a long time, She Yuling finally got to the front of the line.

It's just a pity for her that she didn't see Teacher Zhang here, but she could see a faint figure through the gap in the kitchen.

She Yunlong didn't care about other things. He found out here that this bun shop mainly sells only one kind of meat buns.

However, it is divided into big meat buns and small meat buns.

The big one costs 3 yuan, and the portion of one can almost make an ordinary little girl full.

For a small 2 yuan, even a normal adult can handle it with two or three.

In addition to steamed stuffed buns, there are also all kinds of wine and food here, but most of the people queuing here are also buying steamed stuffed buns, and few people buy other things.

After buying 2 large and 4 small meat buns, She Yunlong found that he actually bought the least amount.

Others bought these buns at least 10 times. With a steaming plastic bag of steamed buns, everyone who bought them could see a happy smile on their faces.

This made both She Yunlong and his daughter extremely curious, and they couldn't bear the desire to explore patiently.

What's more, the scent wafting from the steamed stuffed bun in the bag in their hands made the gluttons in their stomachs eager to move.

"Everyone, I'm very, very hungry right now." She Yuling walked out of the shop with the buns and came to a remote corner and said, "You don't know, I just took these buns, and the faint aroma , it makes me want to eat them very much!"

As she said that, She Yuling couldn't help swallowing her saliva, making the audience in the live broadcast room laugh.

"As you know, I usually don't eat steamed buns, dumplings and other pasta. I only like big pieces of mutton and beef. But today, I have such a strong desire for a few steamed buns. I really can't bear it." Can't stop."

While talking, She Yuling couldn't bear the smell of the steamed buns in the bag, so she took out one, and with the help of her father, she pinched the two sides of the steamed stuffed bun with both hands, and bit down gently.

In an instant, steaming hot meat juice flowed out of it, and she subconsciously rolled her tongue gently to keep all the juice in her mouth, and She Yuling's eyes suddenly widened: "My God!"

She hastily swallowed the buns in her mouth and exclaimed, "This taste is simply beyond my imagination."

"I can't describe in words how delicious it is, but I feel as if I can eat this bun forever without having to eat anything else."

"The taste of this steamed stuffed bun is so delicious, it's almost two kinds of food from the steamed stuffed bun I used to eat!"

"This is definitely the most delicious bun in the world!"

She Yuling was amazed and praised, while eating the steamed stuffed bun with big mouthfuls.

As a food and broadcast anchor, what you need is a good appetite and a large stomach. Although it is only a part-time job, She Yuling has them all.

In just a few minutes, all the big meat buns went into her stomach. As a father, She Yunlong could only fill her stomach with the last two small buns depressed.

The delicious taste finally made She Yunlong, who had been waiting for a long time, show a satisfied smile. Looking at it this way, it is very worthwhile to wait for so long.

"Oh my god, seeing the way the anchor eats, I feel hungry too."

"Buns! Buns! Buns! I'll eat buns tonight!"

"I really envy Jiang Tong, I also want to eat delicious buns."

As the big benefactor who had been looking forward to, he only sent this reply.

"Go back to Jiang Tong immediately, I must go and taste how delicious it is! Then I will buy this bun shop!"

While Zhang Qing was still working hard to practice his skills, what he had been looking forward to was finally coming soon.

(End of this chapter)

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