There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 53 Finally Found!

Chapter 53 Finally Found!
In order to be busy with the fire extinguisher, Zhang Qing came back a little late.

Looking at the situation in the steamed stuffed bun shop, I found that apart from the increasing flow of people, there were basically no other problems, and I felt quite at ease.

This means that as the flow of people increases, the daily income also increases.

There may be an income of more than [-] a month, which is a very good thing.

Although it may take more than a year for his goal to be achieved, this is a normal income after all, and will not arouse suspicion from others—after all, in the current world, if you go out of line casually, it will make people focus on to himself.

If you use some illegal means to make a profit, you may find yourself registered in some places the next day.

After all, the world is technologically advanced, and various surveillance methods make criminal behavior invisible.

Just after Zhang Qing returned home happily because of the increase in income, his good mood disappeared on the computer.

Another new situation has emerged.

It can't be said that this is a completely new situation. On the Internet, some gossip has begun to spread.

Human beings can see their fighting power.

Zhang Qing was a little curious about what the so-called combat power was, but after searching carefully, he found out that it was a personal state—a personal state that belonged to the earth.

The cause of the situation lies in an elementary school. A certain elementary school student may have become obsessed with reading comics. He talks about combat power and XX shock wave all day long, and shouts about transformation when he is free.

Perhaps it was a coincidence, or an accident, this elementary school student happened to coincide with a certain pattern, and he really saw his own personal state.

Although he is a second grader, this primary school student is really not stupid. When he saw his own personal status, he was still taken aback.

He immediately told the surrounding friends about this matter, and after they also accidentally saw his own personal status, this matter immediately began to spread.

Now is not a few decades ago, with the existence of the Internet, any little thing will quickly spread around.

It's just that Zhang Qing didn't go online for a day—no, he didn't even go up for a few hours to take a look, and he might miss the beginning of the incident.

Going on and on, of course, what those children said would not be believed.

[I can see my fighting power now! 】The post was posted on the circle of friends and classmates, and not many people paid attention to it.

After these posts, there are more ridicule and irony.

There are even some people who are idle and bored, and deliberately say irony below.

"I also saw my combat power, I have more than 1!"

"Haha, weak chicken, I have a combat power of 2000 million!"

"Cut, a bunch of scum, I have 99999 billion combat power after transformation."

The reason why Zhang Qing cares so much is because he also saw some other rumors in these comments.

"Is it really that high upstairs? I'm only 22."

"Don't brag, I only have 18 points, and my brother only has 25 points."

These messages were quickly submerged in the ridicule of the crowd, and there were no waves.

But that doesn't mean it's really going to happen that way.

Although the Internet is still calm now, these things are still regarded as ordinary scams, but after all, they can't be covered up for long.

The flooded messages are just a group of people who really believe and implement it, while those who are ironic just see everything and doubt it.

When people who try one after another really find that they can really see their own personal status, the whole wave will be completely set off.

No one will ignore the changes in the world, and the recent incidents of various wild beasts attacking people can easily be linked to it.


"Battle power?" Zhang Qing was quite interested in the names given by some people on the Internet.

It doesn't seem wrong after all.

These numbers are not just the individual's physical attributes multiplied by 100 and are more precise. They are indeed related to the individual's combat ability, and it is not wrong to call it combat power.

Zhang Qing also tried to take a look at his personal status, and the number 308 was extremely eye-catching.

He also searched online, screened from those who seemed to answer seriously, and got an answer that he couldn't tell whether it was good or bad.

Some people's combat power is around 20 points, and those who have been trained are about 30 points. Other than that, Zhang Qing didn't see any higher numbers.

Of course, there are numbers of 99 and 199 on it, but it is clear from that that it was released with a playful mentality.

It can be seen that the physical quality of the people on earth is really poor, according to the standard of the high-dimensional world, it is only at the level of 0.2.

Even if it reaches the limit of human beings, it may only be 0.5. Such a big gap really makes people feel uncomfortable.

However, with the continuous arrival of aura, the human body may become stronger, but the amount of aura is too small, and it will take a long time to achieve this goal.

"Forget it, forget it, I knew that this kind of thing would not be hidden for long." Zhang Qing turned off the computer, feeling a sudden anxiety in his heart.

He had to speed up his accumulation of money to ensure that he could buy his own house before the world changed completely.

As for now, Zhang Qing was lying on the sofa to doze off after eating and drinking, and had no intention of going to sleep.

It was almost 11 o'clock in the evening before he put on his clothes again and walked out of the room.

There is a small garden not far from the house where he lives, which is used for the residents in the community to exercise. Various trees are planted around, and the lush and lush almost form a small forest.

Usually in the early morning, this place will be occupied by all kinds of uncles and aunts, breathing the early morning air, smelling the fragrance of blooming flowers, and starting a day full of energy.

People like Zhang Qing are not too embarrassed to compete with the old men and aunts for a seat, so they simply go to other places.

But now, he can monopolize the environment here. After all, this place is relatively empty, and it is also a remote location in the community. No one will come here. Even the security guards rarely pass by here. It is basically a blind spot.

Here, he can practice all the martial arts he has acquired without being discovered by others.

Tiger Fist and Hundred Cracked Legs, he could feel extremely extraordinary the moment he got started.

Zhang Qing was very fascinated by watching martial arts movies when he was a child. He once clamored to go to Shaolin Temple to learn martial arts. Unfortunately, his parents suppressed him forcefully, and finally failed.

But later, his second uncle introduced some people who were said to be "martial arts masters" for him, and he learned some martial arts.

It's a pity that he practiced in a hurry for more than half a year, but he didn't achieve anything famous, and his interest gradually disappeared.

But he can still understand the basic knowledge, and he also understands that the so-called martial arts are actually just some fighting methods, and they are not as magical as those in TV and novels.

But when he really started practicing Tiger Fist and Hundred Cracked Legs, he was sure—it wasn’t that there were no such miraculous martial arts, it was just because the earth didn’t have the essence of a high-dimensional world, so it couldn’t develop such skills That's all.

(End of this chapter)

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