There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 505 The Law Has Primordial Spirit

Chapter 505 The Law Has Primordial Spirit
Vitality, in the world of the universe, is called mana.

According to the description of Luomen's disciples, in the great world of the universe, mana is the standard equipment for the strong, and they can use it to use all kinds of powerful and indescribable spells.

And spells have a huge background.

All of these are related to the existence of the holy level.

Reaching the level of manifesting holiness has its own supernatural powers, and spells either come from the weakening of supernatural powers, or come from the laws of birth by observing supernatural powers, so any spell is extremely powerful.

Therefore, the mana to release spells is extremely rare, but warriors who specialize in physical training cannot obtain it, so they have no way to possess mana.

"However, it is extremely difficult to cultivate mana. An extraordinary monk can often only cast spells dozens of times before running out of mana."

Disciple Luomen said enviously, "But any spell has an extremely extraordinary effect, and can often change the outcome of a battle."

Zhang Qing was secretly delighted when he heard this.

His vitality is mana, and opening the divine treasure of vitality is almost equivalent to an endless supply of mana.

Does that mean he can cast spells all the time?
Zhang Qing asked this Luomen disciple for a spell, and the other party gave it to him very happily.

In the minds of the disciples of Luomen, all of them are warriors on this side of the earth, and it is impossible to practice mana, and the spells must be strictly in accordance with the corresponding attributes.

Therefore, there are actually only three spells that Luomen disciples can learn here.

One is the spell he is best at, Burning Heart, which he cast when he was fighting with Zhang Qing.

If it weren't for Zhang Qing's amazing defense and the opening of the spiritual treasure to keep him recovering, he would have died on the spot.

The second spell, called Red Lotus Body Protection, is a self-defense spell.

The effect is not too strong, because it does not have the ability to defend, but directly returns the damage received to the enemy in the form of flames.

For this disciple of Luomen, this spell is quite useless. He actually used it when he was fighting Zhang Qing, but it is a pity that Zhang Qing himself was burned by the flames at that time, and this little damage did nothing to him at all. Influence.

It is useless to meet a ruthless person like Zhang Qing.

And the third spell is called Flame Clone.

It is the self that transforms into a flame, assists itself in fighting, and can kill and injure the surroundings in the form of self-destruct if necessary.

It's a pity that disciple Luomen hasn't learned this spell yet, otherwise he should have already used it when he met Zhang Qing.

Zhang Qing kept these three spells in mind, and then continued to ask him about the rune artifacts.

"Rune objects? Are you talking about all kinds of items engraved with runes?"

Disciple Luomen is quite boring in the base every day, because he has too much information about other worlds, he spends almost every day in torture, and then he understands, what other people ask, he will answer honestly up.

"Runes are the manifestation of the avenue of rules."

Disciple Luomen said, "Actually, it is a written embodiment of writing spells."

"Because only the Dao characters manifested by such rules are qualified to carry the power of spells."

"Although the spells engraved by the runes are already much weaker, the effects are still amazing because they can be produced on a large scale and used by ordinary people."

Disciple Luomen looked at Zhang Qing, and suddenly showed a long-lost smile: "The reason why you ask me this is because the elite of Luomen has begun to arrive."

Zhang Qing snorted softly and ignored him.

I have finished asking what I should have asked, and obtained the answer, so there is no reason to stay here any longer.

But before leaving, he turned his head and asked, "Have you heard of [Ling]?"

"Spirit?" Luomen disciple was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously replied, "Fa has primordial spirit?"

Zhang Qing suddenly stopped in his tracks. He just asked subconsciously when he first asked, never expecting someone to answer him like that.

But at this moment, the words of disciple Luomen immediately detonated his long-standing expectations.

He used to think that he could search for [spirits] in this battlefield, so that he could take his holy spirit skills a step further and achieve the stage of gathering spirits.

But it's a pity that he hasn't reached this point until now, and he can't find any spiritual existence at all.

Not only is there no mutated battlefield area, but the enemy in the other world has never seen any spirit existence.

He thought that things like spirits might have already become extinct.

But at this moment, the words of disciple Luomen aroused Zhang Qing's interest, he went back to disciple Luomen, did not ask Ling again, but asked again: "Is there any magic weapon?"


Disciple Luomen nodded, "Every great power at the level of manifesting a sage has divine soldiers to help out."

Zhang Qing frowned. He was very worried that the magic weapon the other party mentioned was not the same thing as the magic weapon he knew, so he asked, "Does the magic weapon have a spirit?"

This sentence made disciple Luomen shake his head: "I'm not too sure about this, anyway, it is said that they are holding magic weapons, with all kinds of incredible powers."

Zhang Qing was silent for a moment. If he wanted to obtain divine soldiers for the recruiting stage, he had to snatch them from the existence of the holy level?
I always feel like I'm courting death.

He turned to continue to ask: "What do you mean by saying that the law has Yuanling?"

"Fa has Yuan Ling, which means that mana has a certain amount of wisdom, and the spells released also have corresponding intelligence, and will use the most appropriate way to achieve the most perfect presentation of the spell."

Disciple Luomen looked at Zhang Qing, and he felt that Zhang Qing seemed to be suppressing something at the moment.

"Fa has Yuanling? Can this Yuanling be used as a spirit so that I can achieve the effect of gathering spirits?"

Zhang Qing pondered and left here.

In the Divine Judgment of the Holy Spirit, the description of the spirit is not comprehensive, but it is not vague.

According to the above statement, it is possible for everything to be born with a spirit. This spirit has a certain degree of intelligence and can display various strange attributes.

Once the spirit gathering is successful, it will also have this ability.


Zhang Qing suddenly thought of the characteristics of the extraordinary level in the different world, "No, it seems to have something to do with entering the Tao!"

He pondered, breathing slowly, "Perhaps, the Holy Spirit Art is one of the oldest exercises in the different world, but after being destroyed and rebuilt by Yijian Demon, all kinds of things have been broken up and rebuilt, so it has the same effect as before. Feeling paradoxical."

Since spirits exist in everything, who stipulates that mana cannot give birth to spirits?
Fa has Yuan Ling, maybe that is what he was talking about.

As long as you can let your own mana give birth to a spirit, no, it's your own vitality that gives birth to a spirit, you should be able to smoothly enter the stage of gathering spirits, so as to reach the extraordinary level of another world.

Zhang Qing took a deep breath, and he was about to start serious research on how to give birth to his own vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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