Chapter 503
According to what Zhang Qing learned from One Sword Demon's inheritance, when One Sword Demon killed all the extraordinary people in the world, his own strength was far lower than them.

But with this sword, he forcibly defeated the strong with the weak, and wiped out the cultivation civilization that had flourished at that time.

Such a powerful force comes from "one sword".

Zhang Qing can only be said to be in control now, not in control, and dare not say how much power he has exerted, but it is definitely not impossible to directly kill an extraordinary level with great hidden dangers.

Qin Ruolan never imagined that Zhang Qing's chest and abdomen were pierced by him, nearly one-third of his body was evaporated, and he could even swing a "sword" the moment he turned around.

This sword immediately hit Qin Ruolan hard on the back, a brilliant sword light slashed across, his left arm directly hit his half of the buttocks, almost half of his body was cut off directly.

The huge and terrifying annihilation breath came out from the blade of the sword, strangling Qin Ruolan's own resilience and destroying his body.

"You!" Before Qin Ruolan turned his head to look at the murderer, another terrifying sword aura came, crushing his head and killing his heart.

Afterwards, the sword light was shining brightly, and how many swords were swung in an instant, directly turning Qin Ruolan's powerful and terrifying extraordinary body into powder.

Just at that moment, a top existence that could have destroyed countless powerful people was accidentally attacked by Zhang Qing and died.

The many innate warriors who have been controlled by Qin Ruolan's domain at the side are also watching this scene in amazement at this moment.

Especially when Zhang Qing was empty and could see the gap in the chest and abdomen on the opposite side, wriggling quickly and repairing himself, he felt a burst of cold air rushing to his heart.

What a terrifying resilience, it is completely different from human beings!
Fortunately, he still belongs to the human side.

Zhang Qing took a deep breath, and after making up for the heavy damage to his body, his energy gradually disappeared.

Even if he had activated the spiritual treasure, he had consumed too much when repairing nearly one-third of his body, making it difficult for him to continue.

I had no choice but to close the spiritual treasure, staggered and fell to the ground, lay down heavily, and let out a faint breath.


Several soldiers struggled to stand up, looked around hard, and then cheered excitedly.

As more and more people recovered, although the enemies in the other world wanted to escape, when Zhang Qing sat up and looked at them, they all squatted obediently in place, allowing the military to capture them.

General Xu Yueqing silently looked at Zhang Qing in the distance, feeling extremely shocked in his heart. .

Can human beings do this?
He suddenly thought of what he had heard in a special base before. The people there seemed to be thinking about how to break the shackles of innate warriors, and wanted to explore a higher level of scenery.

It is said that they have already started to experiment with this.

They have even set a new level for this, using the monster that destroyed the city in Europe as a reference, and named the strong man who broke through the shackles of the innate warrior "Broken City".

A city-breaking powerhouse is the title of an innate warrior who will break through in the future.

It is equivalent to the existence of extraordinary level in another world.

If the earth can have a city-breaking existence before the extraordinary level of the other world enters, then it can rely on it to quickly wipe out the enemies in various battlefields, and make all the passages lose enough people to gradually weaken, thus degenerating into the original state.

Of course, this is the most ideal situation, but even if it cannot degenerate, at least it can guarantee that the strength of the enemy in the other world will be greatly weakened, and there will be no chance to become stronger and bring more powerful enemies.

So now the only way to survive on Earth is to have a city-breaking powerhouse, thus rewriting the current situation.

In Xu Yueqing's eyes, Zhang Qing is the most likely candidate to reach this level.

But soon, General Xu Yueqing put this point aside, because he had more important matters to report to his superiors.

On the No. 7 battlefield, there was an enemy from another world performing a blood sacrifice, which strengthened an extraordinary level powerhouse. Then, will this happen in other battlefields?
The European side did not happen in the battlefield, but the enemies of the other world who absconded from the battlefield summoned extraordinary level monsters outside by relying on the great change of the world, so the countries on the earth never thought that there is such a method in the other world .

It would be okay if this was just an accident, but if such things happened in all the major battlefields, it would be the end of the world.

Thinking of this, Xu Yueqing couldn't sit still any longer. He supported his body and walked out with the other people supporting each other.

Zhang Qing was exhausted, and was carried away by an innate warrior.

The surrounding soldiers all looked at him with admiration, looking at this man who, with his own strength, forcibly rewritten the desperate situation.

Zhang Qing felt very uncomfortable being seen by their eyes, especially the reverence and admiration in it, which made him feel complicated emotions.

So he closed his eyes, pretending that he didn't see it, and who knew that he fell asleep not long after.

By the time he opened his eyes again, he had already returned to the base.

There is a hanging needle in the arm, and the infusion is in progress.

Within a few minutes of Zhang Qing waking up, a nurse patrolled over. Seeing him waking up, he immediately called the doctor.

After careful inspection to confirm that there was no problem, Zhang Qing simply left the hospital, activated the spiritual treasure, and his body quickly reached its peak state.

After some rest, the spiritual treasure can also be opened again.

"Huh?" Not only was it a spiritual treasure, Zhang Qing unexpectedly felt another force being conceived in his body when he was exercising.

That is a brand new Shenzang about to open.

A few minutes later, a muffled sound exploded, Zhang Qing took a deep breath, and a huge force was constantly washing out from his body.

"Spiritual vitality!"

He opened his eyes and felt the vitality all over his body.

If it is said that the spiritual treasure is a rapid recovery, then the vitality divine treasure is a special attribute with incidental damage and defense.

Vitality is a kind of pure energy, as long as it is attached to it, his attack can increase the damage, and his defense can also resist a lot of damage.

To put it simply, it is to increase attack and defense, and at the same time have the effect of long-range attack.

"This seems to be a very good divine treasure."

Feeling the sense of strength full of vitality, Zhang Qing was a little thoughtful, "Why do I feel that the power of Shenzang is somewhat similar to the supernatural realm?"

It is nothing more than that it cannot be spread to other people, and can only be enjoyed by oneself.

So, after opening the Divine Treasure, is it considered to have reached the extraordinary level?

(End of this chapter)

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