There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 484 Short of Money

Chapter 484 Short of Money

The neighboring city is called Luan City, and sometimes I occasionally see news about Luan City on the Internet.

There are all kinds of violent incidents such as fighting, chasing and killing, so it is sometimes called a chaotic market.

The official also wants to manage it, but this place is quite special, with many reasons and factors entangled, making it very difficult for people to get started, so in many cases, this place is simply abandoned.

Although it seems unbelievable like this, it is said that there are two bottom lines here.

The first rule is that it is not allowed to go out of Luan City and riot other cities.

The second rule is that it is absolutely not allowed to make big troubles, and there is nothing wrong with doing small things. If something big or important happens, Luan City will immediately carry out a big cleanup.

Luan City has Luan City's rules, and if they abide by the rules, it won't cause too much pressure.

The root cause of Luan City's chaos is actually that there are so many martial arts clubs in Luan City.

To what extent?
Luan City, with a population of 350 million, has more than 1000 registered martial arts gyms, and more than ten times as many underground martial arts gyms!

In other cities, the ratio of martial arts to the population is at least 30 to 1 or even [-] to [-], but in Luan City, it has reached a terrifying [-] to [-] ratio.

For example, Ancheng, where Zhang Qing lives, has a population of just over 200 million, and there are only more than 100 martial arts gyms, but the majority are unlicensed and illegal martial arts gyms.

There are not many people practicing martial arts, only one person in hundreds of people is more diligent, and there is only one qualified martial arts apprentice in 1000 people.

There are two martial arts schools in Ancheng, and the total number of students enrolled each year is no more than 300.

In Luan City, almost everyone practiced martial arts diligently. There was one martial arts apprentice for every three adults, and one official martial artist was born for every twenty martial arts apprentices.

And in this city, there are more than [-] innate warriors sitting in the city.

Although it is not as good as Shenjing, the real holy land of martial arts, it is already an area respected by martial artists in countless cities around it.

This is also why things here are very complicated and difficult for the people above to handle.

It was under such circumstances that Zhang Qing entered Luan City. On the first day he came here, he saw dozens of fights during the three hours he had just got off the train and walked to his destination. There were more than one scene where the battle was fought so far, and the scene where the skin was beaten to pieces.

"This place is really scary."

Zhang Qing smacked his mouth and looked at the scene around him, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

However, he could also see that these fighters were not very strong, at least he felt that these people were not his opponents.

After practicing the Holy Spirit Art for more than ten days, Zhang Qing can be considered to have a little vision. These people should not even enter the rank, that is to say, they are not even martial arts apprentices.

A truly powerful warrior might not fight in the outside world?
As Zhang Qing walked and watched, he found that the martial arts gym here was really very prosperous, almost every few steps, you could see a martial arts gym appearing.

He even saw a martial arts gym just opened, and then attracted some people who kicked the gym. After a battle, the plaque of this martial arts gym was taken off, and a group of people were driven away in embarrassment.

"Dare to open a martial arts gym in Luan City without the strength?"

Many people around sneered, showing no mercy to the group of losers.

Zhang Qing chatted casually with the people around him, and he also had a certain understanding of Luan City.

In fact, most of the people fighting on the streets of Luan City were students from various martial arts schools.

One is that after practicing martial arts, my blood boils, and I really want to make gestures with other people.

The second is to attack other martial arts schools and make a name for their own martial arts schools.

In Luan City, martial arts clubs without strength will be taken off their plaques and leave in despair just like before.

Only martial arts with unique skills and strength can survive in Luan City.

Of course, this only lies in the registered martial arts gyms. In fact, many of the unregistered underground martial arts gyms have their plaques removed and do not have much strength.

Because the fee is cheap, and there are indeed some things, so it is possible to survive in this Luan City.

Zhang Qing suddenly had a bad premonition, so he said goodbye in a hurry, and quickly searched for the address given by his mother.

When he really found that martial arts gym, he suddenly knew that his premonition had come true.

The martial arts hall is really gone.

"Dizzy, this is troublesome." Zhang Qing took a deep breath, the former martial arts gym has been converted into a supermarket, and the entrance is very lively with people coming and going.

The martial arts hall suddenly disappeared, which made him really depressed, but since they have already arrived in Luan City, it is naturally impossible to just go back like this.

Anyway, it's for practicing martial arts, so just find another martial arts gym.

Just as Zhang Qing was hesitating, some girls who were distributing small advertisements at the entrance of the supermarket ran over and stuffed him with a leaflet.

After a while, he had several leaflets in his hand.

Looking at these leaflets, they are all the recruitment brochures of various martial arts schools.

However, he always felt that these martial arts gyms didn't seem to be very formal, and they were probably all underground martial arts gyms.

"Underground martial arts are not acceptable." Zhang Qing wanted to find a regular martial arts, mainly to cover up his specialness.

After practicing the Holy Spirit Art these days, he has been able to feel the improvement of his own strength. In a few years, he thinks that he may become an official warrior.

If there is no official martial arts hall as a banquet, he suddenly has such strength, which may arouse some people's curiosity.

After all, there is information about his level and talent in his original school.

And in the official martial arts gym, gradually becoming stronger in front of other people, it will only make people think that he really relied on his own hard work to get up, and the focus will be much smaller.

Of course, the greater possibility is that even if he becomes an official warrior, not many people will notice him, unless he becomes an innate warrior, he will attract the attention of countless people.

Although he felt a little self-indulgent, Zhang Qing still made such a move, just to get rid of a little worry in his heart.

"Let me see where the official martial arts gym is."

Zhang Qing took out his mobile phone, searched for a while, and saw the information of countless official martial arts schools in Luan City.

And as he searched the map, he soon found a formal martial arts gym not far from here.

A martial arts gym named "Jiangnan Sword".

The owner of the gym is named Feng Wenjian, aged 38, and his strength is a formal martial artist at level 6. He is only one step away from a natural martial artist at level 7. He ranks higher among many martial arts gyms.

There are as many as a thousand students in the Jiangnan Sword and Martial Arts Academy, with a large number of formal fighters and excellent training methods.

And you get what you pay for, and the charges at the Jiangnan Sword and Martial Art Museum are naturally extremely high.

Zhang Qing looked at the funds in his hand. If he chose Jiangnan Sword, the three-year fee might be used up in less than a year.

"Lack of money."

After a long time, he paid the membership fee of the Jiangnan Sword Martial Arts Academy, and he couldn't help but sigh when he walked out of the martial arts gym.

How can I get some money?

(End of this chapter)

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