There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 46 The Sutra of Brightness and Wisdom!How to keep fit!

Chapter 46 The Sutra of Brightness and Wisdom!How to keep fit!
Bright Wisdom Sutra (gongfa): After learning, you can gain the growth of understanding (the effect will be lost when the understanding reaches 6 points), the improvement of the heart attribute (the effect will be lost after the heart attribute reaches 5 points), and the improvement of the god attribute ( God attribute loses its effect when it reaches 5 points).

Health Cultivation Method (gong method) (incomplete): After learning, you can gain the growth of the root bone (the root bone loses its effect when it reaches 6 points), and can improve the body attribute (the effect loses its effect when the body attribute reaches 5 points).

Remarks: When the health-cultivation method is complete, an additional boost can be obtained.

Looking at the introduction of the attributes of the Guangming Wisdom Sutra and the cultivation method, Zhang Qing was also very excited.

Although the upper limit that can be increased is not too high, it is indeed the most practical skill for me now.

A physical attribute of 5 points is enough for him to get the same starting line as others.

Although the comprehension and root bones do not seem to be improved now, the higher the level of the skill, the more attributes that can be improved.

He reached out to the two books and said softly, "Use."

These books can be recycled, but you need to pay a certain amount of experience points when learning, and the more powerful the skills, the more experience points you need.

The Bright Wisdom Sutra was used first, and a ray of light flashed across the book, pouring directly into his mind.

All of a sudden, a chant sounded in his mind.

Zhang Qing was almost passively brainwashed by these chants, but soon he woke up, and the voice in his head gradually disappeared.

Then he whispered softly and chanted the voice in his head, and immediately felt the top of his head was slightly warm, and the subtle heat flow directly drifted down from the top, making his body feel extremely comfortable.

Zhang Qing suddenly became obsessed. Chanting the Sutra of Brightness and Wisdom brought him a very long-lasting pleasure. He even seemed to hear something growing in his mind, as if the dry land ushered in the spring rain.

But this kind of obsession is just a kind of comfortable laziness, not really unable to extricate oneself.

It's like lying on the sofa after a long day of work, stretching and resting.

He woke up soon, and after feeling the effect of the Bright Wisdom Sutra, he couldn't help but take a deep breath: "This kind of practice is not a good thing?"

You must know that besides being able to attach certain attributes to the Sutra of Bright Wisdom, it also has powerful effects.

It can make people get rid of distracting thoughts, avoid intimidation, keep the mind stable at any time, resist spiritual attacks, and make themselves more intelligent.

In addition, the Bright Wisdom Sutra also gave Zhang Qing the most important ability.

That is to destroy evil.

It can effectively attack monsters, ghosts and the like, and has extra lethality.

This kind of thing is not seen by the boss, he really deserves to be a boss, if there is a chance in the future, I hope to get benefits from this boss.

This is the case with the Bright Wisdom Sutra, so what about the remaining remnants of [Cultivating the Body]?

This name made Zhang Qing feel a little weird, after all, it was only a method of self-cultivation, and it was an incomplete version.But even if it is the incomplete version, the attributes given are not low, so if it is the full version, how strong will it be?

He put the Bright Wisdom Sutra into the storage ring, leaving only the body cultivation method in his hand. After using it silently in his heart, countless information rushed into his mind, countless cultivation postures flashed in his mind, and there were countless Herbal remedies and their medicinal flow, fully expounded to him on how to strengthen the body and nourish it to perfection.

Zhang Qing felt this knowledge in a strange way. To his surprise, these herbs were not used for refining medicine, but most of them needed cooking skills to cook them together with meat to make a medicinal meal.

A small part is the demand for medicated baths for recuperation and body repair.

"Moreover, there are no specific requirements for various herbs, but only various medicinal properties. Is this an alternative method to avoid being unable to find corresponding herbs?"

He felt that this was like a prescription that could be circulated in various worlds. Different herbs were different in different worlds, but they only needed similar medicinal properties to make a suitable medicinal diet.

"When I get back to Earth, I have to go to the Chinese pharmacy to see if there are any suitable herbs for making medicinal meals."

Zhang Qing scratched his scalp. Herbal medicine is very important in the body cultivation method. If it lacks the effect, it will not be very good.

The most important thing is that the body cultivation method and the Bright Wisdom Sutra are both exercises that cannot be improved through experience. They need to be practiced step by step by themselves. This is the reason why he feels a little helpless.

If he could directly use experience points to improve, he would have given it a try by raising two levels.

After all, he has made countless food these days, and he has gained a lot of experience points.

He has tens of thousands of general experience points alone, and he will soon reach the upper limit.

"So, let's try the cultivation method first?"

Zhang Qing was a little hesitant. He originally wanted to go back to the earth to do it again, but it should be considered safe here, and when he arrived on the earth, he might not have the strong aura of this world.

Although until now he has not really tasted what aura is like.

However, according to the novel, the higher the aura, the faster the cultivation should be. Zhang Qing feels that maybe the same is true for this cultivation method?
With this in mind, Zhang Qing began to practice the cultivation method.

Although the cultivation method is incomplete, it is extremely rich.

Not to mention all kinds of medicinal food making and health-cultivating potions, which accounted for half, there were more than three kinds of training methods alone.

It is roughly divided into "moving" and "static".

The practice method of movement is very simple. Make a round of nourishing boxing, the strength of the boxing is soothing, and the strength is round.

There are two kinds of quiet practice rules.

One is the lying down training method, that is, lying on the ground, posing in extremely difficult poses, exercising all parts of the body, from the skin to the bones, to be subjected to great pressure, so as to continuously strengthen oneself.

This kind of practice is very painful, and often the sweat can be poured on the ground after a trip.

But the most painful thing is the last breathing method.

This is a very special vibration method, relying on breathing and rhythmic vibration—using bones, internal organs, and blood as levers to leverage the mysterious power within oneself.

Breathing method does not require any posture and can be practiced at any time, but this is also the most painful and painful method of cultivation. If you cannot master it, all other powers will be false and you will not be able to grasp the root.

That is to say, the breathing method must be practiced, and Zhang Qing must also endure this torture-like practice.

The three training methods complement each other and are indispensable. It is best to do it every day. At the same time, you also need to prepare soup, medicinal baths and medicated meals to make up for the shortfalls and injuries caused by the training of the body.

The room was too small for Zhang Qing to practice Yangshenquan, so the first thing to do was to practice lying down with less pain.

(End of this chapter)

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