Chapter 451

Time, like flowing water, passes by without stopping.

Zhang Qing spent several months in the Shengyin Military Academy, but with the increasing pressure from the outside world, the closure of the Shengyin Military Academy gradually became difficult to support.

Yuan Xinyan sighed a little, and finally, under the persuasion of several leaders, revoked the order to close the school, allowing Shengyin Military Academy to get in touch with the outside world again.

For this, many students themselves are very dissatisfied, because those high-quality resources no longer have anything to do with them, and the former suppliers can only bring ordinary materials when they come back.

At the same time, the news about Zhang Qing was also transmitted to the outside as soon as possible.

Zhang Qing is also looking forward to the future development.

But to his surprise, it has been more than a month since the military academy reconnected with the outside world, and nothing happened.

He is still winning the No.1 throne in the first grade, getting the resources that everyone envies, and standing on the stage that countless people desire.

Zhang Qing's spirit gathering has been raised to level 10.

Although he should have raised Juling to the full level, it seems a bit too scary, and the magic weapon has not been cast yet, so he has to slow down temporarily and so on.

But even so, the level of 35 is already considered a real master in this Shengyin Military Academy, even in the senior grades, he can still occupy a place.

Not to mention that there is a way to open the sacred treasures like the Holy Spirit Divine Art. Once the divine treasures are fully opened and the combat power soars, no one in the Shengyin Military Academy will be his opponent.

Yes, no one in the entire military academy was his opponent, including the headmaster Yuan Xinyan.

This principal with a level of 46 is impossible to be his opponent in front of Zhang Qing.

Because he has gathered spirits and has the ability of the spirit of the sword.

This is tantamount to releasing a small part of his sword fairy ability, making his strength even more terrifying.

How could Yuan Xinyan, who was only one level higher than him after opening Shenzang, be his opponent?
What's more, Zhang Qing has been looking for a way to open the remaining divine treasures, and already has an idea.

"The six great treasures can actually all be opened."

Zhang Qing sat on the sofa at home, thinking, "It's just that for me, the opening of the three major treasures is already a little bit reluctant. To open the remaining three treasures, I need to have stronger strength."

"The recruiting stage should be the time when the remaining three great treasures will be opened. At that time, among the human race, I should have no opponents to worry about."

Forging Body Level 25 + Spirit Gathering Level 15 + Three Great Divine Treasures Level 10, this is already level 50, the level of the strongest Zhang Qing had seen casually among the human race back then.

But at this time, he hesitated.

Is the level 50 strong man he perceived back then really the strongest among human beings?

Just in the Shengyin Military Academy, there are countless people who will surpass level 50 in the future, and there are even more people who are approaching the limit level.

The students in the villa area alone can almost reach the 24th level in body forging, and they also have the [-]th and [-]rd level Juling.

This is already approaching level 40, so are Nabing and Huishen only the lowest 5 levels?
This is simply not possible.

Therefore, Zhang Qing understood that he must have been blinded by something at that time, and did not see the real strong human race.

Those who can do this step are definitely much stronger than him.

"According to the physical attributes, it is probably above 135... Tsk, is it close to the limit?"

Zhang Qing rubbed his chin, feeling a little depressed, "Really, I was so careless, I didn't notice."

Regarding the wrong estimate of the strength of the Great Wilderness Human Race, it is also difficult for Zhang Qing to imagine that the Human Race with such strength is actually a low-middle ethnic group among the ten thousand races.

Either the great wilderness is indeed extremely terrifying, and there are a large number of extreme existences among the stronger races.

Or the human race has some secret plan to hide those strong people, and there are only some weak ones on the surface.

"So... shall the plan continue to be implemented?"

Zhang Qing pondered for a long time, and finally made a decision.

The plan is already prepared, and he made it to control the human race. If it is abandoned due to some strong factors, he will be a little bit reluctant.

Then it’s good to include these strong men in the plan, but because of this, the plan needs to be delayed for a long time before it can be launched, so that the strong men of the race can enter the trap set by him.

Just as Zhang Qing was thinking about these questions, a doorbell rang from the gate of the villa.

The maid in the room walked over quickly, opened the door, and the principal Yuan Xinyan came in.

And a majestic white-haired old man behind her.

Zhang Qing's muscles swelled involuntarily, and he immediately raised his head with his hair standing on end, looked at the door, and saw the white-haired old man at a glance.

The strength of the opponent is beyond ordinary, and has already surpassed the so-called strongest person of the human race.

"Level 60? No, level 65 is possible!"

Zhang Qing's breath was hot for a short time, this is a stronger existence than when he was at his peak!

I was still thinking about the strong man of the human race before, but now there is a real existence.

It's really... so interesting.

Zhang Qing stood up, smiled at Yuan Xinyan first and said, "Is the principal here for something?"

Yuan Xinyan stretched out his hand respectfully to introduce the white-haired old man behind him: "This is one of the guardians of the human race, Pojun—Nangongshang."

"This time he came mainly to see you."

Hearing the headmaster introduce the white-haired old man, Zhang Qing cupped his fists and saluted him: "I have seen the guardian, Mr. Nangong Shang."

"Well, no courtesy." Nan Gongshang nodded slightly, and then looked at Zhang Qing, with disbelief and joy in his eyes.

As a member of the guardians of the human race, his strength completely surpassed all the forces on the surface of the human race at this time. The reason why he suddenly walked out of the original hermitage was entirely because of the set of exercises that Zhang Qing had mastered. It can directly bring nearly 10 levels of strength improvement.

Such a powerful skill, even the guardians, cannot turn a blind eye.

However, the guardians have different opinions on how to treat Zhang Qing.

Some people think that exercises are very important and must be obtained from Zhang Qing, so it doesn't matter even if they do some irrational and unwilling things.

In other words, grab it!
This is the easiest and easiest way to save this set of exercises in the place where the guardian is, and it has become the heritage of the human race ever since.

But another part of the guardians believed that too much coercion is not a good thing, and Zhang Qing's own talent is extremely outstanding, maybe there are other strong people behind him, and the source of the exercises also needs to be thoroughly investigated.

Therefore, their opinion is the deal.

Get all the information you want from Zhang Qing, and solve all problems peacefully at the same time.

Therefore, on the one hand to suppress other forces in the human race who wanted to snatch the skills, the guardians also chose to send people to come after several investigations.

(End of this chapter)

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