There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 441 Obtaining the Spirit of Excalibur

Chapter 441 Obtaining the Spirit of Excalibur
On a new day, the commotion in Caishi Town could hardly be suppressed.

Because the colorful brilliance does not only appear at night, but in the current daytime, the birth of that brilliance can no longer be suppressed.

A lot of strong people have arrived, and further, the masters who have already gathered the four major realms of the gods have also gathered nearby.

Although it is rumored that this is just the spirit of the Excalibur and the Excalibur itself, but whether it is true or not, they will never give up until they get definite news.

Never leave unless you've seen it with your own eyes.

However, the top experts are not interested in this, because the power and attributes of the Excalibur Spirit are not seen by them, and because of the unspoken rules within the human race, no one comes over.

The highest level here is just a middle-aged man at level 33.

Luo Tuojun, a retired soldier and now a mercenary, is in charge of protecting a big boss and is ready to get this opportunity.

The reason why he can compete even when all four realms are complete is because he is only supporting the boss, and his strength is relatively not too strong.

Zhang Qing took a look at him and confirmed that his strength range was within the range he could face, so he shifted his attention to other places.

From time to time, experts in twos and threes walked together and headed towards Caishi Mountain, as if they wanted to find a good place and snatch it at the moment the Spirit of the Excalibur was born.

But Zhang Qing himself just stayed in Caishi Town like this, because this is a situation he set up by himself, and how he should be born has always been under his control.

This night, the moon in the sky also hid in the clouds, and under the dark night, people gradually fell into a peaceful sleep—less than one tenth of them.

After all, night is the time when the spirit of the Excalibur shines, so many people come here for this, and it is also the easiest time to obtain it at this time, so how could it be possible to waste time on sleeping.

Almost as soon as night fell, Caishi Town and Caishi Mountain were already bustling, waiting for the appearance of the spirit of the Excalibur.

It's just that there are special circumstances tonight.

The spirit of the Excalibur, which was supposed to emit seven-color brilliance in the middle of the night, suddenly disappeared like this, which made many people feel uneasy.

"The spirit of the Excalibur was taken away?"

Such a statement began to circulate among the crowd, but it was also the most convincing statement.

After all, if the spirit of the Excalibur is still there, how could there be no movement now?Judging from the previous situation, it would appear every night.

The crowd gradually became anxious, and some even began to curse. These are normal, because more people are still waiting.

Zhang Qing woke up after a nap, rubbed his eyes and washed his face, then got dressed and came to the outskirts of Caishi Town.

After finding a relatively remote place, he yawned and waved his hands.

In an instant, a group of bright seven-color light circles suddenly rushed out of the quarry mountain, and exploded in the sky.

The huge sound formed a terrifying shock wave, which burst out unscrupulously towards the surroundings.

Many people were startled by the sound, and then saw the huge seven-color light circle suddenly shattered, turning into countless seven-color light spots and falling in all directions.

"It's the spirit of the Excalibur!"

Someone shouted excitedly, but was quickly covered by the person next to him, and ran towards the place where the seven-color light spots fell.

At the same time, at the place where the seven-color light circle dissipated, a small group of dim seven-color light clusters slowly fell.

This aroused more people's attention and madness.

"It's the Excalibur!"

"It turns out that there are really magic soldiers in this world!"

Many children of the rich clan showed surprise on their faces, and then, without waiting for anything else, they quickly headed towards the quarry mountain.

The place where the divine sword fell was in the depths of Caishi Mountain.

Zhang Qing watched the Excalibur fall, and did not take any action. After all, this in itself was just a way to let others take it away, as the most dazzling and shining person, to leave himself out.

If he wanted, he himself could forge a divine sword—just like this one.

After all, he still has the sub-profession of Baigong. Although he rarely uses it, he also has the ability of a blacksmith. It is relatively easy to forge a magic weapon-after all, he has not reached the level of a fairy sword.

Just when everyone was crazy about the Excalibur, a seven-color light spot floated from a distance and landed in front of him.

There was a smile on the corner of Zhang Qing's mouth, he stretched out his hand to gently grab it, put it into a porcelain bottle that had been prepared, and then sealed it with a special method.

This is the method of sealing spirits, an ability that all masters of the race must master. After all, in the mountains and fields, sometimes extremely rare spirits are encountered, and it is impossible to bring them back without this method.

"Wait until the physical training reaches the limit of level 25 in the Shengyin Military Academy, and then you can use the spirit of the divine sword to gather spirits."

Zhang Qing has already prepared for the future in his heart. Level 25 forging body is not difficult for him.

But what exactly is Juling, you have to experience it yourself, and you can't be sure that you will also reach the 15th level of Juling in a short period of time.

It's just that he is thinking about how to use the spirit of the divine sword to gather spirits in the future, and the person who is attracted by the spirit of the divine sword falling here has malicious intentions towards him.

"Hey, kid, hand over the spirit of the divine sword!"

The person who came was a fat man. Seeing that Zhang Qing was only a child in his teens, he immediately felt that the wave had stabilized.

Although blackmailing a child is not good, but if you can get the spirit of the sword, your reputation will be ruined.

Even if you don't use it yourself, you should be able to sell it for a lot of money!
This is the spirit of the Excalibur, its attributes are absolutely suitable for fighting, and it is the most valuable in the world today.

Before Zhang Qing could speak, several other people also rushed over and shouted at Zhang Qing: "Hurry up and hand over the spirit of the Excalibur, or I will make you look good!"

Shouting here, the fat man who shouted before was upset.

If I leave it to you, what should I do here?
So the fat man immediately glared at the latecomer: "Brother, there is an owner here."

The latecomers did not flinch, who would give up the spirit of the Excalibur here, and it seemed to be the best one to succeed.

But just a child.

So he also roared angrily: "Is there a Lord? Why didn't I see it?"

The latecomer didn't say anything, completely ignored the fat man, and grabbed Zhang Qing directly, "Give me the spirit of the Excalibur!"


Just when the fat man was about to make a move to teach the latecomers a lesson, a thunderous sound exploded in his ears.

A beam of light in front flickered and then went out, but those who came after had disappeared without a trace.

The fat man stiffened his head, and slowly looked back. A boulder had been completely sunken, and inside was the body of the latecomer, which was forcibly embedded in it.

In an instant, the fat man's legs and feet went limp, and he slumped on the ground, moistening the surrounding land.

(End of this chapter)

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