There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 437 Powerful Practice System

Chapter 437 Powerful Practice System

The reinforcements from the human central region finally arrived at this border county on this day.

The huge and powerful army wiped out all the surrounding monsters with almost crushing strength.

According to the information Zhang Qing heard, this army was specially drawn from the legion guarding Tianyuan, and the level of each soldier was above level 20.

Among them, the girl riding a bird who arrived first had reached level 30 in strength.

But even so, this girl is only the vanguard officer of this team, the strongest person who came to help the army, it is said that it is a major general named Andy, a rookie of the human race known as the Prince of Thunder, whose strength is beyond ordinary and has reached level 40 , the strength in the Great Wilderness belongs to the existence of the middle and upper classes.

If he hadn't been promoted too fast and his achievements were not enough, he might have gone one step further to become a lieutenant general.

He is a true pride of the human race.

After Zhang Qing killed the big rat that turned into a giant war beast, he saw the reinforcements coming, so he went back to the orphanage alone, and was invited by those people in the county early the next morning.

After some exchanges, Zhang Qing saw the two soldiers staying in the county.

Their strength is very good, reaching level 25, which is comparable to the previous war behemoths.

But Zhang Qing can feel that their strength is stronger, if they meet that war monster, they will win in a short time.

"It's a great pleasure to meet someone with such potential and strength in this remote town."

One of the soldiers smiled at Zhang Qing, and then issued an invitation, "Are you interested in joining our Scourge Corps in the future?"

The Scourge Legion is the legion guarding Tianyuan.

And Tianyuan is one of the most important and extremely dangerous secret realms among humans in the wilderness. Countless high-level resources are produced in it, and the danger inside is also great. Casualties can be seen almost every day there.

When Zhang Qing first came to this world to investigate, he knew about these things.

Heavenly Abyss, Earth Abyss, Sea Abyss, and Abyss are the four famous abysses among human beings. They are all extremely top-notch resource secrets, and they are also important areas for the survival of the human race in the wilderness.

Although there are many other secret realms, these four great abysses can only produce the resources to support the top powerhouses. If any one is missing, it will be an extremely fatal blow to the Great Desolation Human Race.

Therefore, the Guardian Legion appeared here, not only responsible for harvesting resources on weekdays, but also monitoring various situations in the secret realm, and would resolve any accidents.

Therefore, in the guarding legion, they value their own strength very much. If they want to occupy a high position, they must not only have merit, but also have strength, both of which are indispensable.

The higher the position, the more terrifying the strength.

Later, this formula that position equals strength gradually spread to the entire human race. When comparing strengths, people would often say that XX already possesses the strength of a major, and XX is not as powerful as a brigadier general.

Zhang Qing didn't pay too much attention to this when he was wandering before, but now he is very clear that the two fighters in front of him with the strength of level 25 are only the level of non-commissioned officers in the guarding army.

However, from their unconscious words, we can also know that after this support, they have enough merits to be promoted to the rank of second lieutenant.

Obviously, the strength of level 25 is the starting point for a lieutenant officer in the guarding army.

"So, from this point of view, level 30 is the school level, and level 35 is the general level? No, maybe it's just a major general. No wonder it is said that Major General Andy is only lacking in merit, so maybe he should already have the combat power of a lieutenant general level ?”

Zhang Qing was also muttering in his heart, so it seems that the generals in the Terran Legion are all level 45?

That's almost all 90-point physical attribute combat power, which can be called the level of a near-celestial being.

The level of this world is very high, and the number of strong people it accommodates is also unusually large.

Zhang Qing tutted out, the key is that the speed of human cultivation in this world is really astonishingly fast. In this wilderness, the average lifespan of human beings is about 80 years old, and the strongest generals and marshals among them are only five or six hundred years old. At the end of life, there is not much ability to prolong life.

This also means that they can reach a very high height when they are very young. For example, Major General Andy, the 80-point physical attribute in the Supreme Immortal Court is about the level of Nascent Soul Realm, and often practitioners reach this level It may take at least hundreds of years, or even thousands of years.

But this Major General Andy is only 40 years old this year.

Hiss, thinking about it this way, Zhang Qing was quite shocked. If it wasn't for the fact that his lifespan was not too short, this kind of practice method that can increase combat power very quickly is really super powerful.

What kind of sparks will it bring if this world is introduced into the Supreme Immortal Court?

Perhaps in the future, practitioners of Supreme Immortal Court will not only have a long lifespan, but also improve their strength rapidly?

Zhang Qing was paying attention in his heart, but he didn't notice the curious eyes of the two soldiers in front.

Apparently, a kid in his teens who didn't even graduate from elementary school was able to kill a war behemoth alone, even if his strength was not far behind them.

More importantly, he is still an orphan, a student in a public school, without any guidance from his grandfather, and his talent is the lowest level 1. How did he get to this point?

Although curious, the two soldiers didn't say anything they shouldn't say. They just looked at Zhang Qing and then turned their eyes to other places.

Who doesn't have a little secret?

Feeling this in Zhang Qing's heart, a smile couldn't help showing on the corner of his mouth.

At noon, he had a meal with the two soldiers here, talked about some news from all over the world, and probably had some ideas about the future development.

Because the two soldiers suggested that he directly apply for the military academy, where there is no difference between public and private, it is directly funded by the state, everything is the best, and if he wants to have the best future, then the military academy is naturally the best for an orphan like him choose.

Three in a row are the best, which is enough to show the status of the military academy in the wilderness.

Therefore, military academies are the number one choice among many fresh graduates.

If you want to apply for a military academy, you have to look at the candidate's own strength in addition to the corresponding cultural class scores.

The younger the age, the lower the requirements for strength. Like Zhang Qing, he can almost 100% be admitted to any military academy.

Except for the Shengyin Military Academy.

This is the first military academy of the Great Wilderness Human Race, and it is also the place where the Holy Seal Legion, the strongest legion of the Great Wilderness Human Race, trains the reserve army.

Once they graduate from this military academy, even the students who are rejected by the Holy Seal Legion are the treasures that are sought after by other major legions.

Therefore, it is not so difficult to get into this military academy.

This is to win the qualification of one in ten thousand geniuses among millions of geniuses.

(End of this chapter)

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