There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 434 The last battle

Chapter 434 The Last Battle

Zhang Qing agreed with the conjectures of the leaders of Changbing County.

Because he usually pays attention to the situation outside the city, he has already noticed that some powerful monsters are lurking nearby.

These are monsters from other places, it seems that the other party is going to treat this place as a breakthrough point.

He originally wanted to talk to the people in the county and ask them to pay more attention, but before he reminded them, these people had already guessed this possibility.

This is a good thing, Zhang Qing is teaching his little apprentices every day, and the time is a bit tight.

Among the four children, Liu Xiaoyi is the oldest, and at the age of 4, he was also the first to successfully practice the Holy Spirit Art.

When the first complete operation of the Holy Spirit Jue was completed, Liu Xiaoyi's strength reached level 5.

This is an incredible achievement. At level 5, many middle school students are preparing for the college entrance examination. Now he has reached this statistic four or five years ahead of schedule. If other people know about it, he will definitely be very envious and jealous.

Both Zhang Xiaoxiao and Yang Ziyu are only 9 years old, but they are stronger than many adults, and they are also very hardworking in practicing the Holy Spirit Art.

As for the 8-year-old child, it is obviously much worse. Before that, Hunyuan exercise skills have not been completely perfect, and now they have to take care of both.

But after all, he is only 8 years old, so it should be slower.

On the same day, Zhang Qing got the news that there was support, and in the evening of the next day, Zhang Qing felt that the monsters outside were about to move.

Although the monsters have been attacking continuously during these times, the monsters at this moment have a feeling of powerlessness.

This is not because the monsters have no hope of attacking the city and are preparing to retreat, but on the contrary, the real decisive battle is coming.

Because the monster beasts who control them no longer pay attention to them, they are all preparing for the next battle. Without the control of the monster beasts, the strength level of the monsters will naturally decline, giving people the feeling that it is a kind of Weary.

Not only Zhang Qing saw this, but also capable people in Changbing County discovered this.

So it didn't take long for a large amount of combat materials to be piled up on the city wall of Changbing County, and all the shells were taken here.

They have already started preparing for the final battle, and there is no need to stay any longer.

Zhang Qing also invited the high-level officials in the county to prepare for him to make a move at a critical moment.

Of course he agreed to this, so he and this group of leaders sat in the combat conference room in the county, relying on the surrounding monitoring equipment and drones to observe the situation on the battlefield.

The combat conference room was very large. In order to accommodate enough people, the county even broke open the walls at both ends of the combat conference room and arranged more equipment.

Various monitoring screens are placed around to ensure that people can clearly see all the battlefields around the county in order to make tactical changes.

Zhang Qing was surrounded by the crowd on the seat, and a huge screen kept flickering, showing the most important battlefield in front of everyone.

"At the four city walls guarded by heavily guarded troops in the county, there is no movement to be seen. The monsters that were still attacking seem to have started to retreat."

Someone began to report on the current situation, and when they knew that the monsters had started to evacuate, all the people present became serious.

"Are they preparing to leave, or are they trying to paralyze us and prepare for a sneak attack?"

Some people frowned and thought about it, but some people directly shouted, "Let the drone fly over and take a look."

The technological level of drones is still very high, but in this world, they can basically only be used as disposable telescopes.

Not far from the county seat, before approaching the group of monsters, a black light instantly knocked them down, leaving only the sizzling screen that turned black.

But at the moment when the drone was about to be destroyed, everyone in the county could also see that a group of powerful monsters had gathered together.

Needless to say, everyone already understood the thoughts of those people from the Beast Monster Race.

"Prepare for the opponent's attack!" Immediately, someone issued an order, and a series of charged bombs were fired from the sky immediately, hitting the air and directly turning the night into day, turning everything around the county into a bright area.

Not a single shadow was cast.

The charging bullet lasted only two or three minutes, but the county town fired out one after another, and the current environment was maintained.

The price of rechargeable bombs is expensive, but the county has accumulated dozens of them, and it can last two to three hours if it continues like this.

Seeing this scene, the beast monsters didn't know that their plan had been seen through, and they couldn't be paralyzed at all.

"Come on!" A monster beast waved its claws directly and shouted.

Hundreds of powerful monsters roared amidst its screams, ran wildly, and charged directly towards the city wall.

Clap clap clap clap!

With the reappearance of the monsters, the dormant guns fired again. The scorching bullets mixed with powerful functions tore apart the bodies of monsters one after another, and the blood was sprinkled on the road of charge.

But those who were killed by the bullets were only a group of weak monsters. Some monsters with thick skin and flesh acted as shields in front of them, and slammed into the gate of the city wall recklessly.

Under the huge roar, dozens of monsters following behind charged frantically, stepping on the bodies of other monsters, jumping directly into the air, trying to occupy the top of the wall.

However, they were stopped by many strong human beings who had already prepared, and the swords and knives radiated deadly power, tearing away those thick skins that even guns could not work, opened huge wounds, and took away It took the lives of those monsters that had approached him.

"Defend the wall, and don't let a monster rush behind us!"

"Behind us are our family members, our compatriots, as long as a monster rushes over, it will bring about a murder!"

People on the city wall, someone shouted at the top of their lungs, the battle on the scene was extremely fierce, and the monsters attacked the city with all their strength, which brought great pressure to everyone.

But fortunately, under the condition that they have already been prepared, after losing the attribute bonus of sneak attack, it is basically difficult for the monsters to make much use of their attacks.

The two sides were engaged in a bloody battle on the wall for a while. In the battle of you coming and going, I don't know how many people and beasts lost their lives.

Zhang Qing watched the extremely tragic battle on the screen, and his heart was full of enthusiasm.

Even though he has seen thousands of worlds on the verge of doomsday, such a scene is still enough to touch his heart.

"There's a big guy coming."

Suddenly, the screen in front of him jumped, and a brand new battlefield image was transferred.

That was the west gate of the county seat. In the midst of the fierce battle, a ten-meter-tall terrifying monster in the distance was moving slowly, shaking its surroundings.

"It's a giant war beast! How could it appear here!"

With a scream, Zhang Qing keenly felt that the morale of the people around him dropped a lot at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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