Chapter 427
Zhang Qing didn't finish his journey in the world of Great Wilderness, he just walked around a few cities in the human territory to get a general understanding of the environment here.

In the wilderness, human beings are ranked middle and lower, and there are many races that are ranked ahead of human beings.

Leaving other races aside, Zhang Qing can find many extremely powerful existences among humans alone.

There are not a few who can reach [-] or [-] points of combat power, and even an old man with tens of thousands of combat power appeared, which really surprised Zhang Qing.

This means that human races with nearly immortal strength still cannot rank high in the world, and from this we can understand how powerful those top races are.

There may even be immortal-level powerhouses.

In such an environment, even Zhang Qing didn't dare to think that he could run amok, and he still had the limitations of the world, so it was difficult to fight with all his strength.

Although the human beings in this world are only middle-to-lower in strength, their war potential is not low.

First of all, the birth rate of human beings is very high, and there are rewards for the birth rate everywhere in the human territory. The more births, the more rewards you can get from the government.

And with sufficient nutrition to strengthen it, often young children among human beings don't do anything, and when they grow up, they can often reach the level of 2 points of physical attributes.

But this is almost impossible. Every human being has been trained in combat skills since childhood, and has performed various exercises. Often when they are in middle school, most people's strength can break through 10 points Physical attributes, the most outstanding ones, can even reach more than 20 points.

The top universities among human beings often need to have sufficient strength to apply for the exam. This is almost a 45 in [-] pass rate, so that all the candidates who are admitted have strengths above [-] points in physical attributes.

This is considered to be the top powerhouse on earth, and Zhang Qing needs to cheat to get a powerhouse.

But in this world, they appear one after another.

However, after reaching 50 points, the strength improvement of these outstanding geniuses began to slow down. 1 point of physical attribute growth is also equal to 150% of the previous level. It can be said that it is not weak. Often within a few years of college, it will reach 55 points. It is already considered a good score, 60 points is the elite among the students, and 65 points is the genius among the geniuses.

High school and university are the golden age of human beings, and the improvement of strength is often the fastest at this stage, and the growth of strength is much slower when entering the society in the later stage.

It may take decades before there is a significant improvement.

Zhang Qing only saw one of the superpowers who reached 100 points of physical attributes, and he knew that human beings were still a little lacking in top-level combat power.

With a general understanding of the humans in this world, Zhang Qing began to think of ways to prepare for himself.

He did not choose only one path, but prepared to take both paths.

He is going to try first, whether he can ascend by himself, if it is really not possible, he is going to train some people to ascend instead of himself.

"If you want to ascend by yourself, the most important thing is to hide from the world, so that this world loses its trace and no longer pays attention to me."

Zhang Qing is quite clear about this, he is basically unable to exert any useful effect when he is paid attention to by Heavenly Dao.

So on a rainy night, Zhang Qing came to a small county in the human territory.

There is no high city wall guarding here, and there are not many strong men stationed here. It is just an ordinary small county.

Zhang Qing quietly came to an orphanage, he had already inquired about it, and it was a very good orphanage.

Yes, he was going to be an orphan.

In the middle of the night, he stood silently at the door of the orphanage, and after taking a light breath, a golden light immediately divided it into two halves.

Half of it turned into a god who couldn't see his face and stood there, while the other half quickly degenerated into a weak baby boy, who was held in the arms of the god.

Afterwards, the God-man stuffed the baby into the swaddle that had already been prepared, put another jade tablet with the word Zhang Qing engraved on it, and stuffed it with a rich sum of money, and then rang the orphan's hand. The gate of the courtyard.

When the door opened, and an elderly middle-aged woman looked out the door, the man of God had already disappeared, only a sleeping baby with eyes closed was left at the door.

"Oh, who is so cruel to send such a small child here."

The middle-aged woman was the director of the orphanage, Qiao Fangqiao. When she saw the baby, she quickly picked it up and saw the jade plaque with her name on it: "Is it Zhang Qing?"

Accompanied by Dean Qiao carrying the child into the orphanage, the man of God immediately crossed the sky and went to an unknown land.

The god-man is Zhang Qing, and the baby is also Zhang Qing!

He separated his own power and consciousness, abandoned most of his own power and characteristics, and reborn as a baby in the way of golden cicada shelling, directly avoiding the detection of the world.

But that man of God possesses almost everything that Zhang Qing has. The world will only focus on the man of God, not a newborn baby.

All of this was possible because of the vast knowledge of Supreme Immortal Court, which he was lucky enough to discover and use in the end.

The steps are slightly wrong, and everything is tantamount to useless work.

Zhang Qing, who became an orphan again, lived in this orphanage.

However, unlike other ignorant children, Zhang Qing still retains his own memory and knowledge. At a very young age, he has already started to create an exercise method that suits him.

Since it was to avoid the attention of the Heavenly Dao in this world, Zhang Qing naturally would not casually cultivate with the martial arts of the Supreme Immortal Court.

He had already made preparations in this world. Before the plan started, he had already found the world's top cultivation method to improve. Now he quickly built a foundation with this set of exercises to create his best physical condition.

So at the age of 4 years old, he was already the overlord of the orphanage, directly beating those underage kids, and successfully became the veritable boss of the orphanage.

Zhang Qing, who has won the title of King of Children, naturally doesn't care about this. While he is cultivating himself, he also does not forget to train a few orphans whom he favors.

This can be regarded as a way out for him. If he really has no way to be recognized by the world, then he can only rely on other people to ascend and open a channel for himself.

Just when he did not forget to train a few orphans while practicing, a few years passed in a flash, and soon it was time for Zhang Qing to go to elementary school.

It can be said that the real cultivation of human beings in this world starts from this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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