There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 406 Extraordinary Rejected by the World

Chapter 406 Extraordinary Rejected by the World
As a battle fairy, although Zhang Qing has reached the level of a fairy in terms of combat power, but compared with a real fairy in many things, there are still great shortcomings.

For example, fairy body.

The special self-defense ability possessed by every immortal is completely capable of resisting what Zhang Qing is facing now.

Because the fairy body is a characteristic that an individual can have when he evolves to another level.

If it is interpreted according to the game data, it is equivalent to - the damage received is reduced by 70%, and the damage is immune to a certain extent.

things like that.

Without reaching a certain level of power, it is difficult to cause damage to the fairy body.

Just like a sponge has evolved into steel, the toothpick that could pierce it is completely helpless.

Basically, apart from the Heavenly Dao of the high-dimensional world, it is difficult for other low-level world Heavenly Dao to restrain it. The existence of this level already has the ability to destroy the world.

However, although the fairy body is so powerful against the lower-level world, even some low-level worlds cannot fight against the enemy, but because its essence is too high-level, the things it needs are naturally more terrifying.

After possessing the fairy body, it is almost impossible to leave the high-dimensional world at will, because only here can there be enough energy to meet their needs.

This is like the immediate evolution from hydropower and wind power to nuclear energy and antimatter energy.

If for some reason you can't return to the high-dimensional world and can only survive in the low-level world, then you can only find a way to proclaim yourself a fairy body, retreat in realm and give up your power.

Zhang Qing does not have a fairy body, and at the same time has the strength of a fairy, which can be said to be very rare.

Therefore, in this weird world, it has a very strong ability.

Walking into a city at random, the first thing that catches the eye is the huge towering chimneys in the distance, from which black smoke gushes out and scrambles to spread into the surrounding air.

The nostrils are full of pollution particles, and the smell and burning sensation are enough to make anyone want to cover their mouth and nose when walking outside.

Although Zhang Qing can use some small means to directly isolate this harmful substance, in order not to stand alone, he also took out a mask and covered it up like everyone else.

The sky was gray and it looked like it was going to rain.

But this is indeed a rare good weather here, Zhang Qing can hear the people around talking, discussing that they should take advantage of this weather to relax in the suburban park.

Walking in this city, Zhang Qing's mood is also not very happy.

The pollution in this world is too serious. The fuel in the steam age is coal, and only a small part is clean energy, but this is basically exclusive to the royal family.

Others, even noble and wealthy businessmen, still have to enjoy the convenience of industry amidst the pollution.

Unless you hide in the countryside, the living environment there may be slightly better.

After measuring the whole city with his footsteps, to Zhang Qing's surprise, he didn't find anything extraordinary here.

Everything looks like the earth without demons in the early days, and it looks clean and full of ordinary people.

But this is obviously unlikely.

When Zhang Qing felt the strange aura of heaven with the seal of heaven, he could tell that there was definitely an extraordinary existence in this world a long time ago.

But where did these extraordinary beings go after the problems in the Dao of Heaven?
"No matter what kind of extraordinary, it can be said that it is closely related to the way of heaven, and the strange air that pervades the entire planet will also continue to erode any extraordinary."

Zhang Qing can only search with the naked eye, and he is unwilling to use his own power ostentatiously, otherwise he will be entangled by this entangled energy and cause his own depravity.

However, as Immortal Sword Immortal, his spiritual sense is still very effective. There are some things around that cannot be seen clearly with the naked eye, and he can perceive them from time to time.

But even so, he didn't find anything. Is there no extraordinary power in this city, or has the extraordinary really perished in such an environment?
If this is the case, it is really a pity.

Zhang Qing rubbed his nose, feeling a little itchy.

He has kept his body restrained and started to have the experience of a mortal.


All of a sudden, a flute blew in a distant place, and with a whimper, many people fled from there.

Zhang Qing looked up in astonishment, and suddenly found a gray figure that had disappeared.

As his eyes locked, the gray figure reappeared in his eyes, and after turning left and right as he squeezed into the crowd, he changed several identities and walked into a hotel.

The fleeing crowd passed by Zhang Qing, and a few short words appeared in his ears.

"Someone killed someone!"

"The police were all killed!"

"A complete madman!"

The uninterrupted voice has already described the specific things clearly.

Zhang Qing thought that he didn't have any mission goals anyway, so he shook his hands and kicked his feet, like an ordinary person with nothing to do, and walked against the flow of people towards the scene of the incident.

The scene of the incident has been surrounded by policemen in black leather jackets, and a cordon has been set up to prevent irrelevant persons from entering.

Zhang Qing didn't even think about going in, he just stood outside the cordon and looked inside with wandering eyes.

When he got here, he frowned slightly.

"When I was here just now, there was obviously nothing."

He squeezed the space between his brows, "Why is there such a strong extraordinary aura here?"

The so-called extraordinary aura refers to something beyond ordinary people here.

Although it was not obvious, it might just be a drop of milk dripping from a bowl of water, but to Zhang Qing, it was ink on white paper, which was clearly visible.

Then, right under Zhang Qing's eyes, the drop of ink quickly disappeared, and quickly merged with the surroundings, turning into everything normal.

"No wonder I can't see any extraordinary power, and I'm directly rejected by the world itself!"

Zhang Qing saw that what erased those extraordinary powers was nothing but the consciousness of the world itself.

Without the interference of the Dao of Heaven, the consciousness of the world itself did it by itself—or in other words, created a special rule to control these extraordinary powers.

Obviously, for this world itself, extraordinary power seems to have completely become a harmful existence.

"It's fun, it's fun!"

Zhang Qing's excited nostrils were blowing out hot air. It was the first time he had seen the extraordinary power of the world repelling him, because that was the most important way for the world to improve.

Losing extraordinary power is a very serious problem for the world.

This will cause the world to degrade, and even sink into the bottom of the sand from now on.

He's ready to play a detective game and find out what's going on in this world!
First of all, you need to find a gentleman to tell you part of the truth about this world.

(End of this chapter)

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