There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 372 The Fall of the Immortal

Chapter 372 The Fall of the Immortal

In Lei Yunian, Jinyi will be the master.

Lei Ruofan is the second head of the Jinyi Club.

Lei Yushang is the third head of the Jinyi Club.

Lei Haichao, the fourth leader of the Jinyi Club.

Lei Nanjue, the fifth head of the Golden Clothes Club.

The five leaders of the Golden Clothes Society are all surnamed Lei, just because the head of the Golden Clothes Society once adopted these five people, and they finally changed their surnames to Lei and they inherited everything from the Golden Clothes Society and developed it together.

From a mortal world gang with the highest combat power only in the foundation building period, it has developed into a huge gang that is also domineering in the human world today.

The reason why they can dominate one side with the highest cultivation base of the Nascent Soul stage is that these five masters practiced a set of "Five Elements Secrets" together. It may be common for a single person, but with five people working together, no one at the Transformation Stage is an opponent. Apart from Flowing Gold City, it is one of the top forces in the vicinity.

At first, Zhang Qing thought that the Jinyi Society was just a small force, because he hadn't guessed that the five masters actually had a joint attack technique.

But even so, compared with the Seven Saints League where the Luoxia Sword Sect belongs, he is still a younger brother.

But even such a Golden Clothes Club would not give up the terrible benefits that Liujin Valley could bring. Therefore, after stabilizing Liujin City and supplementing its own defense system, members of the Golden Clothes Club began plotting to seize Liujin Valley.

Zhang Qing changed the identity of the Golden Clothes Club, and followed several high-level executives to run around, and learned about the actions of the Golden Clothes Club from them.

They didn't directly enter Liujin Valley recklessly. After all, it was the place where the three masters of the transformation stage fell. The group of people from the Golden Clothes Club may have been delivering food in the past.

Even if these five masters are stronger than the God Transformation Stage together, they dare not go like this - after all, if they are stronger than the three God Transformation Stages, do they still need to wait until now to seize Liujin City?
Therefore, the Golden Clothes Club is sending out invitations widely at this moment, inviting many surrounding forces to come.

They are going to gather a large number of strong men, go directly to Liujin Valley, settle the matter there, and then obtain the benefits of Liujin Valley according to the corresponding contribution.

Of course, this is only a superficial statement. As for how to distribute the benefits inside and how the parties plan, it is not enough for outsiders to understand.

In short, this team consisted of 32 masters from the Transformation Stage, [-] masters from the Nascent Soul Stage, plus a group of troops from the Foundation Establishment Stage and Golden Core Stage, and headed straight for Liujin Valley.

And Zhang Qing, who was already a member of the Golden Clothes Club at this moment, naturally hid in it and went with the others.

Liujin Valley is not far from Liujin City. Standing at the gate of the city, one can see the shadow of Jushen Mountain at a glance. With the ability of an immortal cultivator, if one is able to fly, it can be reached in about three or four hours.

However, due to the slow speed of the teams in the Foundation Establishment Stage and Golden Core Stage, it took more than a day to reach the Gold Flowing Valley.

These Foundation Establishment and Golden Elixirs are very weak compared to those of the God Transformation Stage, even a person of the God Transformation Stage can easily wipe them out.

The reason for letting them come here is nothing more than some physical labor and cannon fodder in the face of danger.

There is no need to say much about this point, everyone understands it very well.

Naturally, these Jiji and Jindan were in a very unhappy mood, and even appeared to run away.

It's a pity that these people were shot dead by some patrolling experts before they could escape far.

Zhang Qing followed the crowd to the outskirts of Liujin Valley, and immediately felt a burst of depression welling up in his heart.

He is like this, and those who are weaker are more obvious.

Especially those foundation builders, who are panting continuously at this moment, like fish thrown ashore, are about to suffocate to death.

Even Jin Dan was only a little better, his expression was full of anxiety, and he was so upset that he was about to go crazy.

Zhang Qing and the other Golden Cores made similar expressions, and when the top of the Golden Clothes Club scolded them, they were driven further away.

The cannon fodder plan failed directly, and these people couldn't even enter the valley.

"Damn it." Seeing that the prepared cannon fodder didn't work, he knew that even if they were forced to enter, he might go crazy after only a few steps, and felt extremely depressed.

After they came here, they found that there must be something very scary inside, otherwise how could it bring them such serious negative emotions.

But there are so many masters here, even those who are strong in the Tribulation Stage are not their opponents, even in the Mahayana Stage, due to some special reasons, they will never fight them.

Therefore, the hearts of these masters were relatively relaxed. After there was no option of cannon fodder, after everyone discussed it, these Nascent Soul and Transformation Stage powerhouses soared and flew towards the valley.

Zhang Qing frowned. Although he wanted to go in together, he still stopped him in his heart and stayed outside without moving.

Then, a violent explosion came from the valley, followed by successive explosions. After a few screams, the valley became quiet again.

The originally palpitating atmosphere suddenly became more serious.

Zhang Qing closed his eyes to sense, and then opened his eyes: "It can be recovered by killing?"

His heart moved, and he was sure that Su Mo should be inside.

This should be using the blood of the strong to repair the injury and recover.

The strength of this force is astonishing, definitely not the power that the human world should have.

Zhang Qing estimated his own strength. If he didn't want to reveal it, he would definitely not be Su Mo's opponent with his current strength.

and so……

"Red Flame Immortal! Found Su Mo's trail!"

He simply called Immortal Chi Yan directly, and the secret communication method directly delivered his words to that one.

"Wait a moment."

Immortal Chiyan received the coordinate information sent by Zhang Qing, and after a quick reply, he rushed over immediately.

As an immortal in this world, Chiyan Immortal is of extraordinary strength and possesses countless celestial arts. He is separated by a distance of at least a million miles, and he arrived in just 10 minutes.

With the arrival of Immortal Chi Yan, the sky was suddenly clear without leaving any trace.

Afterwards, a flame fell from the sky and rushed straight to Liujin Valley in front of it.

In an instant, violent flames spewed out from the valley. The distorted flames seemed to be able to burn everything, and the entire valley seemed to be burned to ashes in the flames.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly jumped up, turning into a beam of light and piercing the Chiyan Immortal whose figure was revealed in the air.

Just when Zhang Qing thought that the two might have a wonderful duel, and was about to take a good look at the fighting methods of the world's top leaders.

That ray of light penetrated through the body of Immortal Chiyan, and then a brilliance flashed, Immortal Chiyan turned into multiple parts and fell to the ground.

In an instant, Immortal Red Flame—dead!

(End of this chapter)

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