There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 344 Beast Friend

Chapter 344 Beast Friend
Seeing the appearance of the sword fairy, Zhang Qing didn't hesitate in his heart, he rushed out of the ruined temple and headed towards the deep mountain.

If this is the sphere of influence of the Supreme Immortal Court, then there will be no loss if you die here, and you can directly return to the high-dimensional world, recover again, and maybe catch up with the star exploration again.

Along the way, his thin body ran fast. Although he exhausted a lot of physical strength, he still broke into the deep mountain smoothly with one breath.

"Huh? The beast doesn't have any tendency to attack me?"

After running into the deep mountains, he couldn't avoid the passing beasts several times. He thought there would be a battle, but he found that they just took a look at him and left silently.


Zhang Qing suddenly felt that something was wrong. These wild beasts had no malicious intentions towards him and would not attack him at all.

He thought about these years carefully, and felt as if he had missed something.

The old man who raised Zhang Qing passed away when he was 7 years old. During the two years until he was [-] years old, he did not encounter any danger in the wild.

During the day, he followed the people in the village to look for food, and when encountering wild beasts, he ran away together. He stayed in the ruined temple at night, and he never seemed to encounter any wild beasts.

He always thought that he was hiding well, but beasts have a very keen sense of smell, how could they not find him?

Obviously, the real reason was that the beast had no malice towards him and would not attack him on purpose.

So what is the reason why I have been avoiding the attacks of wild beasts in the past few years?
Zhang Qing pursed his lips, feeling a little curious, why on earth would he not be attacked by wild beasts?
After thinking for a moment, he may have found a possibility.

He carried the seal of life and the seal of heaven on the mission of exploring the stars, but because he accidentally fell into this world, the seal of life and the seal of heaven were accidentally lost.

Perhaps in such a process, his body incorporated some properties of the seal of life and the seal of heaven, thus obtaining a special thing that prevented him from being attacked by wild beasts.

So does it work for humans?
Zhang Qing also recalled that it seemed that in the village, he did not suffer any discrimination or abuse, at most he just ignored his existence. Occasionally, he would get kind assistance from the villagers and get some food to survive a difficult period.

"It seems that my guess is correct. The seal of life and the seal of heaven have not completely disappeared, but exist on my body in a special way."

"From the original active ability, it has become a passive ability that works all the time."

Zhang Qing pondered for a moment and confirmed this possibility.

Since the beasts here would not harm him, he naturally didn't need to worry about anything, so he quickened his pace and ran towards the depths of the mountain.

More than half an hour later, he sat on an ashlar, panting heavily, feeling that he didn't have much strength all over his body, so he had no choice but to rest here.

With a young body, lack of adequate nutrition, and being skinny, being able to run so far is already a remarkable thing.

Zhang Qing sighed depressingly, it was his mistake, it was too difficult to find the sword fairy with such a body.

He turned his head to the other side, and saw a huge black bear lying and crawling on the grass not far from him at the moment, with scarlet eyes like rubies, patrolling the surrounding territory.

If he guessed correctly, this should be the beast that the village has been very afraid of recently.

With a body length of 4 meters and thick claws, it looks like an extremely ferocious guy.

But even such a ferocious beast did not show any hostility towards Zhang Qing when it saw Zhang Qing.

Zhang Qingzuo began to give up. He was curious about the circumstances under which he would be attacked by the opponent.

So he came to the side of the giant bear and circled it twice.

The giant bear moved its body indifferently.

Zhang Qing put his hand on the giant bear's body, and stroked back along the hair.

The giant bear still didn't do anything, just sniffed and sneezed.

"It's really interesting." The more Zhang Qing touches this beast, the more clear his boundaries are in his heart.

He can do anything to this giant bear, as long as he doesn't cause some damage to it, he won't be attacked by the giant bear.

In the eyes of the giant bear, he is considered a harmless kind, and at the same time has a certain majesty, so he cannot be harmed.

Besides, he can...

"Do me a favor and carry me to the mountains."

Zhang Qing leaped to the back of the giant bear, patted its big head and said softly.

The giant bear snorted a few times, seemingly unwilling, but still stood up and walked slowly towards the mountain with him on its back.

"Ah, this is much better."

Zhang Qing sat on the back of the giant bear, felt the gentle breeze, looked at all kinds of beasts that occasionally appeared around him, and lay down in a relaxed and happy state.

So far, he still doesn't know the name of this mountain. After all, the backward village has been surrounding this mountain, and there is no need for a specific name. As long as it is a mountain, it is the mountain.

But sometimes, because the mountain is green all year round, Zhang Qing calls it Daqing Mountain.

Daqingshan is a very huge and towering mountain, and there are so many wild animals in it. The village can only move around it, and never dares to go deep into it.

As he went deeper into the mountains, Zhang Qing found that this was absolutely correct.

Because the deeper you go, the more frequently various ferocious beasts will appear, and sometimes even several ferocious beasts appear at the same time.

"However, I haven't seen the beast yet, and I don't know how strong the beast is."

Zhang Qing stretched his waist, thanked a few monkeys who delivered wild fruits, and began to gnaw them.

Although the pulp is not too sweet, it has enough water and can still be full.

"Thank you!" Zhang Qing waved to the monkeys, watching them chatter away.

Not only these monkeys, more and more ferocious beasts ran out from the depths of Daqing Mountain, and the direction they left was exactly the direction where Zhang Qing had seen the sword fairy fall.

The giant bear also seemed to be a little hesitant, its footsteps were even slower, and gradually it didn't want to go any further.

Zhang Qing didn't force himself, jumped off the giant bear and waved it away.

After resting for so long and eating a lot, my physical strength has recovered.

It shouldn't be too far from the destination, and he no longer needs to ride the giant bear.

Stepping forward briskly, Zhang Qing soon came to an open space that was smoothed by a huge force.

The majestic energy is still lingering nearby, stimulating his skin to continuously glow with goosebumps.

"Let me see if that man is a Sword Immortal!"

Zhang Qing stepped over the last big tree and came to the open space. He looked at the young man in front of him who was on guard and showed a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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