Chapter 335 Demon God!

A new day was supposed to be a new beginning.

But today, no one looks forward to the new day with lighthearted thoughts.

What they were thinking about was how to spend this damned doomsday!
Yes, doomsday.

Although the two monsters discovered by the world were dead, it didn't take long for more and more monsters to appear in people's sights.

They destroyed many cities, killed countless humans, and even evaporated an island country, causing everyone to fall into panic.

The governments of various countries are no longer able to conceal the existence of the Illusion Realm, because the front established by the Bureau of Magical Ability in the Illusion Realm has completely collapsed and fallen, and the monsters there are completely invading.

In just two months, one-third of the world was destroyed, and the population dropped by nearly half, as if the end of the world had arrived.

At this time, the savior appeared!

At this moment of despair, the director of the Bureau of Divine Ability, a powerful existence who has survived since ancient times, a true god, completely sealed the two worlds with everything he had.

Stopped the invasion of the void illusion.

This is of course a good thing, but this kind of peaceful years is only a short 20 years.

After 20 years, if there is no more powerful existence to fill the seal, then at that time, there will be no one who can stop the arrival of the illusory monsters.

Under such circumstances, how can human beings be willing to look forward to a new day?

Isn't that tantamount to running towards the end?

Therefore, in such an environment, the human order is almost collapsed, countless crimes are bred, and the whole world is in chaos.

Under such circumstances, the Shentong Bureau joined forces with the governments of various countries to carry out extremely strict military control, and directly hit all kinds of bad things with heavy blows.

In the end, the order gradually improved, and the society began to be stable, but there was no hope in human hearts.

"Ah, it's another day."

Zhang Qing doesn't care too much about the future of the world.

Since he came to this world, whether it is good or bad, it is just a scene on the road.

Even if the world was really destroyed, for him, it was just a surprise.

But for the sake of merit, he will also consider sending people to this world to save the people in this world.

Touching the bed next to him, it was cold.

Gan Mingyue didn't seem to come back last night.

Gan Mingyue has been extremely busy since the defense of the Illusory Realm fell.

Of course, her identity has been exposed, after all, she has taken over the identity of the director of the Shentong Bureau.

On the premise that the world is on the verge of destruction, she also has to give up her small family and focus on everyone, and she may not be able to come back even three days a month.

Although I am sorry, Gan Mingyue has no choice.

Zhang Qing is very supportive of her career, but the children feel very disappointed that they cannot see their mother every day.

Because of Gan Mingyue's identity, it is difficult for the children to go to school again, worrying about being kidnapped.

This is no joke.

Although the Void Illusion has been temporarily sealed, in fact, after being sealed, there are still many Void Illusion monsters left in this world.

And among this monster, apart from monsters with huge bodies and beasts, there are also some existences that are very similar to humans and claim to be demon gods.

They are the true masters of the Void, the rulers of those monsters.

From the beginning of time long ago, they fought against the gods until now.

The Illusory Realm has been sealed, and there are quite a few demon gods left in this world. Although many of them have been wiped out by the Supernatural Bureau, there are still some demon gods hiding. They are looking for various opportunities to break the seal and kill this All resisters of the world.

Blood Warriors.

As the current director of the Bureau of Divine Ability, Gan Mingyue is naturally the primary target of the demon gods.

The demon gods will do everything possible to find Gan Mingyue's loopholes, so as to coerce her to achieve their goals.

Therefore, the family members of all the members of the Shentong Bureau have been arranged together to protect them with the highest defense measures.

They hide their names and are not known to people, and even going out is a luxury, so as to avoid opportunities and loopholes found by the demon gods.

Although it is like house arrest, this kind of life is already a good thing that outsiders can't imagine.

Although order has arrived, the decadent living conditions have reduced people's quality of life to the extreme.

Businessmen are unwilling to trade, teachers are unwilling to teach, and students are unwilling to learn. People all over the world are in an environment of anxiety and anxiety. Even though a few people are still struggling, under the general trend, there is almost no big change.

"The root of the matter is actually the illusory realm. If this trouble cannot be solved, the future of mankind will only be doomsday."

Zhang Qing looked at people's posts on the computer, this is a fact that everyone agrees with.

Don't say such nonsense as surrender, the demon gods don't need humans to live in their world.

Sweeping away all human beings, no, destroying this world is what the demon gods want to do.

The two sides are the ultimate confrontation, a life-and-death struggle between you and me.

"I have a feeling that I'm going to be back on Earth soon."

On this day, Zhang Qing's mind was a little uncertain. He didn't use any power from the body on the earth, it was just a pure hunch.

He hugged his children, looked at the sunny weather outside, and suddenly had the idea of ​​taking them to bask in the sun on the lawn at the door.

If my premonition came true, wouldn't the days with them be less and less?

Suddenly, Zhang Qing's heart shrank suddenly.

He understood that if he had to return to the earth, it meant that he had died in this world and was forced to return.

And if you die, what will happen to the people around you?
What will happen to my own children and my wife?
Thinking of this, Zhang Qing felt a stagnant breath grabbing his heart tightly, making him breathe heavily, and a desire to destroy spontaneously arose in his heart, wanting to destroy everything around him.

"Calm down, calm down."

Zhang Qing realized that his mentality was wrong, and immediately took a deep breath.

Although he suppressed such a mentality, he also knew very well that this was only a temporary solution, not the root cause.

After so many years, the children were already a piece of meat in his heart, and his wife was already an inseparable existence in his heart. No matter who he lost, it would be extremely painful for him.

"Maybe this is the reason why the teacher and Elder Yiyang let me come here, to experience the pain of these separations?"

This thought flashed across Zhang Qing's mind, and he didn't know what to say.

"But I don't want to do that."

He sighed faintly, and the moment he exhaled, his heart suddenly trembled.

The warning from intuition made Zhang Qing look up to one side.

A dark figure was standing on a tall tower in the distance, staring at him with a pair of long and narrow eyes.

That is the devil!

(End of this chapter)

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