There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 283 Silver Academy

Chapter 283 Silver Academy
Time passed like running water, and Zhang Qing gradually grew up.

He also went from elementary school to junior high school, and even from junior high school to high school. He was about to graduate from high school and take the unified exam of Norton Galaxy.

This is a grand exam held by the 120 six administrative stars and 55 space cities in the Norton galaxy.

Once a year, there are enough 6000 million candidates to participate in the unified examination.

The best and top universities in the Norton Empire will select the best talents among these candidates to join their colleges.

However, this is also the best and top-level university in people's eyes. The three major colleges that are truly recognized by the empire—Norton University, Galaxy University, and Silver College—need to become knights to be allowed to enter.

Here, what can be learned is all kinds of super technological knowledge that is difficult to see in the current society, and teaches knights how to assemble and edit their own metals to achieve various forms and modes beyond ordinary people.

So Zhang Qing thought about it, and decided to take the entrance examination of these three universities. After all, when he enters the universe in the future, what he sees is still the metal form of each. The more he learns and the more he changes, the stronger he will naturally be.

When he came into this world, he didn't ask for anything to do.

To put it simply, what the Evergreen Reincarnation Sutra needs are different elements from the previous ones. He only needs to live in this world for a longer period of time, experience a longer period of time, and learn more about this world, and he can basically barely meet the requirements.

But you can't just stay in one place, you have to appreciate more of the wonders of this world, and get more involved in various events and trends in this world.

Therefore, the road of Shilipo Sword God is not suitable for him, and the best is still Lang.

That's right, after causing trouble, looking for trouble, and disturbing the peace of the whole world, he will naturally get more benefits. After returning, he can directly break through the current shackles and directly board the threshold of a senior professional.

"After so many years of accumulation, it's time for a blockbuster."

Zhang Qing walked out of the school and left alone.

He is very withdrawn in school, and there are not many people who have a relationship with him, and those who are a little bit talkative are just asking each other questions during their studies.

These were all done on purpose by him. After all, every once in a while, he had to find suitable rations for his metal seed, and it would disappear for a while. It would not be a good thing to be noticed.

From childhood to now, people around him already know his character, so they are very smart not to disturb him.

Back home, Zhang Qing opened the door with the key and called softly, "I'm back."

I didn't get any reply, which is also very normal.

Because there is no one else at home.

Parents have followed the genius sister to planet Norton [-] and settled down there.

Originally, he wanted to take Zhang Qing there, but he was unwilling to live or die. Finally, he could live alone and have more personal space to do his own things. Why bother to go to the most important area of ​​the Norton Empire, where countless surveillance cameras are in his eyes? Life.

So, after a long period of stalemate, they finally compromised and only went to planet Norton [-] with his sister.

Speaking of his little sister, Zhang Qing was indeed quite jealous.

Because she really is a super genius.

Although Zhang Qing has always suffered from serious brotherhood, it seems to Zhang Qing that he is a little nervous, but in fact, this young lady's talent and ability are indeed terrifying.

When she was in kindergarten, she didn't need to do any tests at all, because every piece of metal seed would resonate strongly with her.

After going to elementary school, at the age of 10 in the third grade, he broke the record of the Norton Empire for many years and became the second stage of the knight.

As soon as Pu entered this stage, the coverage rate of the suit directly reached 35%, which directly shocked everyone in the local knight academy.

Then, in junior high school, he completely became a knight in the third stage and became the idol of everyone in the local school.

At that time, Zhang Qing had only just entered the second stage, and it was achieved by relying on his innate talent and spending his own life.

And then, in order to accumulate to the third stage, Zhang Qing spent six or seven years, searching all the surrounding garbage dumps, and attuned all kinds of metals before absorbing them into the metal seeds, thus entering the third stage.

Such a talented knight deserved to be valued by the empire. Not only did she completely reduce her tuition, but also received a large amount of resource subsidies, which immediately greatly improved the life of Zhang Qing's family.

Afterwards, because the young lady was unwilling to leave Zhang Qing, she insisted on staying on Norton 12 for another three years until she was about to go to university. Then she had no choice but to leave this planet and went to Norton [-] with her parents. Go to Norton University.

Among the three colleges of the Norton Empire, Norton University is a public school established by the Imperial Army. It has strict requirements, but it can be awarded directly after graduation, and those with excellent grades even directly become middle- and upper-level military officers and become masters.

However, this school has strict management. Although the tuition fee is the cheapest, Zhang Qing doesn't like it.

His older sister is too annoying. If she is admitted to this university, just thinking about it will give people goosebumps in the future.

And Star River University was established by a number of groups, with the support of countless money and forces, and the best channels and resources. It can be said that it is the tallest, richest and handsomest in the school.

But the tuition fee here is also the highest, and it is also restricted. Although you can reach the pinnacle of life immediately after you come out, you must also join these groups.

Zhang Qing was reluctant, so he naturally set his sights on Baiyin College.

This is the most professional knight academy, because the principal of this school has the reputation of "King of Silver".

The Silver Knight King, one of the strongest in the Norton Empire.

It can break the stars and cross the existence of stars and rivers.

Even in the high-dimensional world, he is still a fairy, similar to his master Changqin Immortal.

Zhang Qing once saw a video about the King of the Silver Knights. It was an invasion of the dark galaxy. He was the only one who summoned his own Silver Knights, directly pushed hundreds of planets, and destroyed more than half of them. Galaxies, not even stars, cannot defend against his attacks.

This kind of legion model made Zhang Qing quite envious.

Therefore, he wanted to be admitted to the Silver Academy, to see if he had a chance to be taught in the Legion mode where one person could control thousands of troops.

There are still 30 days before the unified exam. Zhang Qing needs to inform the empire that he has become a knight before then, so that he can fill in the name of this college when he applies for the exam.

The quickest and most convenient way is to go to the Knights Guild for professional verification.

(End of this chapter)

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