There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 280 The Iron Giant

Chapter 280 The Iron Giant

On that day, Zhang Qing finally knew what happened to the so-called knight riding steel.

Afterwards, the silver-gray metal was taken away, but a few children who couldn't hold the metal did not show up in the class the next day, and it is said that they were transferred to a later class.

And someone like Zhang Qing, who can easily hold metal and has a very high interest in metal, has become a top student in the class and has received special care from several kindergarten teachers.

It is obvious that the silver-gray metal is the key.

From that piece of metal, Zhang Qing felt the rhythm of life. He even thought that there was a strange life in that piece of metal.

"No wonder it is called a knight. A knight who controls steel probably controls this kind of metal."

"Metals with life."

Zhang Qing can still think of this from time to time, but nothing has changed in the kindergarten, and the most routine education and games are going on.

Until half a year later, that group of people came again and took out the silver-gray metal again for each child to play with.

Time and time again, Zhang Qing could see that several children would be eliminated each time. Although some children were very smart, they also discovered something from it, pretending that they also liked this silver-gray metal, so as to avoid being transferred to other schools. class up.

But this is meaningless, this metal is very heavy compared to children, only those who are really special can not feel the weight of this metal, others want to pretend, but they can't even hold it , it can be seen at a glance that it is pretending.

"Is this comparing the degree of fit?" Zhang Qing has never seen children from Class [-] and Class [-] doing such behavior, so it can be concluded that this is to determine whether these low-qualified people are qualified to become knights.

The qualifications of the children in Class [-] and Class [-] are sufficient, so they don't need to be tested, while Zhang Qing and the others are not sure whether they can meet the standard because of their poor qualifications, so they need to be tested from time to time and constantly eliminated.

"This metal is indeed the key to becoming a knight." Zhang Qing couldn't help but feel moved. After he entered kindergarten, he kept looking for news about knights, but he couldn't find it at all.

It's not that the blockade is tight enough, but because he is too young to have the right opportunity to acquire the corresponding knowledge.

He also didn't want to expose his extraordinaryness at this time, so as not to cause any accidents.

Without opportunities, there is naturally no information.

But Zhang Qing is not in a hurry, he is already on the right path, and he will soon be able to see the unique scenery.

As the days in Kindergarten wore on, each test got longer and longer.

Zhang Qing once asked his young lady whether he had taken the test at that time, but unfortunately the young lady replied that she had never had such a thing as a test.

Either the young lady has no qualifications, or she has high qualifications, but Zhang Qing feels that the former is more likely based on the appearance of his parents.

Since the young lady went to school, she began to live in school and seldom came back. This made her very sad, because there was so little time to see her brother.

However, as she went to school more and more, she gradually got used to it. The boarding school allowed her to devote most of her energy to her studies, and it was difficult to disturb Zhang Qing's daily practice.

On the day when Zhang Qing Kindergarten was about to graduate, the kindergarten was going to take some people out.

Zhang Qing was lucky to be selected—or in other words, all the children who had the qualifications to become knights were selected.

When he knew about this, he guessed that it was very likely that he was going to meet the knight for real.

The facts are exactly as Zhang Qing thought.

As the children's means of transportation, the anti-gravity airship landed on an extremely vast prairie.

There is a slightly rudimentary gathering place here, and a very neatly trimmed concrete floor.

This gave Zhang Qing the feeling that it was an airport, but there were no planes or anything like that.

After getting off the airship, Zhang Qing followed several preschool teachers, his eyes scanned the front, and he could only see a tall and fit man straddling his hands behind his back, looking straight at everyone with a very serious expression.

"Is this supposed to be a knight?"

Zhang Qing frowned slightly. He didn't feel too much power from this man—although he was indeed much stronger than ordinary people, but it didn't reach the level of qualitative change.

If the average person is 1, the man in front of him is at most 5.

If the knight's strength does not lie in himself...

"Everyone, please take care."

After all the children got out of the airship and stood in front of them under the leadership of the preschool teachers, the man finally said, "You are the future of the empire, and you are the ones who may become knights in the future."

"Now, it will be up to me to show everyone the power of a knight."

The man's words carried a lot of emotion, and even the naughty kids nodded immediately, staring at the man in front of him.

Knight, for many children, is just a name that is constantly chanted by parents, but what is knight?Most of the kids here have never seen it.

But at this moment, when a knight really appeared, it still made these children excited.

The knight smiled and took a few steps back, raising his arms as if he were a cross.

At the moment when the children looked expectant, he softly called out: "Dress!"


With a slight sound, the knight who had only simple clothes on his body was immediately wrapped in a mass of metal, which quickly transformed into a dazzling silver armor on his body.

This set of armor has a high coverage rate, covering a large area of ​​the head, chest, hands, and legs, at least 70% of which are covered by steel armor.

"Hey, the Saint Cloth?" Seeing this scene, Zhang Qing suddenly thought of the cartoons he saw when he was a child. Could it be that the knight is similar to the Saint Seiya?

But soon, the knight told him the answer.

After moving around in armor form, the knight continued to shout softly: "Vehicle form!"

When he yelled out, a loud noise suddenly came from the side of the knight, scaring some children, and then burst into tears.

However, more children looked at the huge spaceship around the knight with glowing eyes.

Zhang Qing was shocked, because he saw the huge spaceship appearing around the knight in an instant, and it turned out to be the use of space!
Before Zhang Qing could react, the knight jumped into the sky above the spaceship and shouted loudly: "Giant form!"


The spaceship exploded, grabbed the knight and stuffed it into the body, and then roared to assemble. Almost in an instant, a huge steel giant rose from the ground and looked at the ground from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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