277 Birth
Star explorer, a specious professional, although it does not appear in the form of a professional in the high-dimensional world, its own abilities have not changed in any way.

This is a special professional who is strictly controlled by Fire Cloud Palace.

Fuyuan, this is the only attribute that a star explorer needs, because in the boundless void, it is really not something ordinary people can do if they want to find a world where they can survive.

This thing can't be considered lucky, what you want is what you get.

To put it simply, it is a good opportunity, but to put it more complicated, it is to choose a relatively good possibility among countless fates.

As for the star explorers, they have to choose a path that allows them to survive from the countless near-mortal futures. The higher the fate, the easier it is to survive.

But even with a 100% blessing, it is not completely 100% safe.

However, the 100% blessing should have a great chance of sending him into the world he needs most at the moment.

When Zhang Qing opened his eyes again and the original memories flowed into his mind, he had already been born in a world.

It feels very bad to be a baby again, but because Zhang Qing has experienced too many reincarnations—although most of them are just the memories brought back by experiencing the avatar, he can still change his mentality smoothly.

One of the inherent skills of the star explorer allows him to sneak into a world completely hidden. He no longer needs to have any transactions with the world, and he will not be noticed by the heavens in the world, just like a real native, lurking in the local area in the world.

But in this way, it will be difficult to trigger his blessing effect, and the reincarnation will be completely random. If you are unlucky, it will be difficult to start in hell, and you will have to die after a few days.

But when he wakes up after birth, then Fu Yuan will naturally play a role again quickly and start to guide his destiny to a better future.

It was difficult for Zhang Qing to open his eyes. He could feel that his body was extremely weak, and it was difficult to turn over.

Should have been born a few days ago.

However, he held his breath and calmed down for a moment, and a ray of breath surged out from his heart, slowly but continuously moving through his body, strengthening his body step by step.

Hao Ran was upright and was brought over by him.

As a star explorer, Zhang Qing can carry his own multiple skills and talents through reincarnation.

Good luck and innate talent are of course essential, otherwise he would have no point in strengthening it.

Followed by the Seal of Life and the Seal of Heaven, the two big Baji Seals are his most powerful means at present, and it is impossible to give up.

In the end, he brought the awe-inspiring righteousness, this innate spirit.

But after all, he was reincarnated, and this ray of righteousness was just a little seed, hidden in his distracted soul, and only after reincarnation began to slowly flow out to strengthen his body.

Afterwards, he lay quietly on the spot, covered with a warm quilt, feeling sleepy again, did not do anything, and fell into a deep sleep again.

When he woke up again, Zhang Qing felt a sudden aura of someone else around him.

After opening his eyes, he suddenly saw a young girl who was looking at him curiously. Seeing that he opened his eyes, he suddenly yelled in a high-pitched voice.

Soon, another man and a woman poked their heads out from not far away, smiling and talking around him.

It's a pity that he lost the reason of the emperor, he couldn't understand what these people were talking about.

But presumably it should be some kind of nonsense like opening your eyes, children are very interesting.

After looking at the three people, Zhang Qing closed his eyes again, and began to summarize the information in his heart.

The three people he saw were all normal human beings, without any special limbs or beyond recognition, which made Zhang Qing very happy, at least he was still a human being instead of turning into a monster.

Secondly, this should be the home of his reincarnation. He is lying in a cradle, and the quilt on his body does not look worn out. Obviously, the life of this family is not difficult.

Not to mention being rich and expensive, at least the basic necessities of life can satisfy oneself.

This made Zhang Qing heave a sigh of relief, at least there will be no tragedy caused by starvation.

The first young girl who saw him wake up might be his sister in this body, or it might be a child of a relative or a friend who came to visit. In short, this can be put aside and there is no need to worry.

No matter how much information there is, it will be difficult to estimate it. After all, many things are uncertain. This is an unknown place far away from his original world. It is not surprising that there are things that violate his original concept.

He is still too young now, and he feels groggy just by moving his mind a little.

Zhang Qing didn't dare to continue, and closed his eyes again, relying on deep sleep to recover himself.

After waking up many times later, Zhang Qing also began to actively participate in this family.

His ears began to continuously receive the words of his reincarnated parents, constantly guessing and comparing the content of what they said, and then through self-study, he mastered some basic usage of words.

Although it's a guess, but it's basically the same, and I can understand what they say in many cases.

That immature girl is indeed his older sister. She is more than 4 years old this year and is about to go to kindergarten with other children, but obviously this young lady is not very willing. Rolling around on the ground and crying loudly.

Then when he is free, he likes to lie on his bedside, touch his cheek lightly with his tiny fingers, and make a soft laugh.

I often stay for a day, and I don’t want to leave anyway.

This point, Zhang Qing is very clear.

This is because what this young lady likes is the awe-inspiring righteousness in his body. This innate aura can make people feel like a spring breeze and feel refreshed.

However, adults always don't care about such small changes. Only those young and pure-minded children can feel this the most, and like to be around.

This is of course a good thing for the parents. After all, before Zhang Qing was born, even little girls were very noisy. Now they are so quiet, of course they are secretly relieved.

"If you don't go to kindergarten, my brother won't play with you in the future!"

Although she didn't want to go to the kindergarten, but when her parents threatened her that she would not be allowed to approach her younger brother, the little sister finally went to the kindergarten crying with her small schoolbag on her back.

That day, Zhang Qing was lying on the bed, watching her turn her head three times, and left the house slowly.

It was in such an environment that Zhang Qing ushered in his hundred days.

A holiday that is very familiar to him is coming.

Catch the week!

(End of this chapter)

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