Chapter 255

Zhang Yuanyuan, who has spent three years in this world, never imagined that one day she would hear the words she thought she would never hear again.

She turned her head to look over, and saw a familiar face—the same face as it was more than ten years ago.

"Zhang Qing!"

Zhang Yuanyuan wanted to hug her in surprise, but took a step back hesitantly, "You, why are you here?"

This is another world, how did my younger brother come here?
Have you found a passage to this world?

So what happened to Intruders from Another World?Is the earth still fighting against other worlds?How is the family?

For a moment, countless questions flooded Zhang Yuanyuan's mind, making her a little dizzy, and she swayed her body wobbly.

Zhang Qing quickly stepped forward to support her, and laughed: "Of course I came here to find you."

"You have been away for decades, but I have been looking for it for a long time."

Zhang Yuanyuan's heart trembled, and she looked at Zhang Qing, her happy face gradually turned cold, and she began to back away: "I have only been here for three years, how come decades!"

"You are not Zhang Qing, who are you?"

After speaking, Zhang Yuanyuan's tone became tougher, and tears began to roll in her eyes.

Among her family members, she likes her brother the most, and she has the best relationship with him in the past, but then he suddenly left and disappeared for more than ten years until there was no news of the invasion of the foreign world. Hold on to the hope that he's still alive.

It was only at this moment that she began to believe that her younger brother might have died long ago, and the one in front of her was just an illusion transformed by some divine princess to intentionally humiliate herself.

Zhang Qing couldn't laugh or cry, he said helplessly to Zhang Yuanyuan: "Sister, do you think you don't need any other time to travel around the world?"

"You have spent nearly 30 years in the void of the outer layer before wandering into this world. Although compared to you, it is just a moment."

"It's like sleeping. You won't feel it after a few hours of deep sleep."

Zhang Qing spread his hands, causing Zhang Yuanyuan in front of him to hesitate: "What you said is true?"

"It's more real than real gold." He chuckled, "There's no such thing as a lie."

Finally, Zhang Yuanyuan was willing to believe all of this, no matter how Zhang Qing found herself, she hugged him vigorously and cried softly.

Zhang Qing patted her on the back and comforted her softly.

The two of them are here to talk about many things over the years, but the others around them can't stand it any longer.

After all, such a large training ground needs to be cleaned. If one person quits, other people will have to do her work. How can she be willing to do things for nothing.

So soon someone wanted to go forward to remind Zhang Yuanyuan, that is, Ning Yeling of this world.

But very soon, Wan Niantong's eyes came over, and the huge oppressive force caused several people to recede involuntarily, and immediately knew that she was a goddess.

They are noble and can't be provoked, so one by one happily went to do Zhang Yuanyuan's work.

Zhang Qing was careful not to talk about his cousin-in-law, although he didn't have a good impression of this cousin-in-law.

From the beginning, he didn't like him very much, and often had bad words for him because of the ruined face of his cousin.

But on weekdays, the husband and wife are considered affectionate, which he can barely accept.

This time, since both the mother and daughter were able to escape and the cousin's husband died, it can also be seen that the situation at that time should be that he let the two go first after the break, which led to this situation.

"It's time for Rongrong to leave get out of class, and she will definitely be shocked later."

After talking about kung fu for a while, Zhang Yuanyuan sighed, still a little sad for her daughter.

Since killing a Shen Ji outside the school, people have been threatening their mother and daughter. As a mother working as a handyman in the school, there is no need to worry about safety, but the daughter will soon leave the school, and it is impossible to stay like her .

As a god girl, this is unavoidable.

For them now, it is best to spend the last time as happily as possible. As for the crisis Rongrong is facing, Zhang Yuanyuan is not willing to tell Zhang Qing, so as not to drag him into this terrible whirlpool.

Zhang Yuanyuan is very clear about how terrifying the strength of Shenji is. Compared with the earth, everyone here has absolute strength. In her eyes, ten Zhang Qings are not the opponent of a Shenji. In the vortex, just let him die.

Just because Zhang Yuanyuan didn't say anything, it doesn't mean that other people didn't say anything either.

Although Wan Niantong, a Shen Ji, is on the side, this is the Shen Ji School, and there are many people like this. As a member of the school, they themselves have a special status.

Then someone yelled from the other side angrily: "What are you two talking about there, Ning Xiaoshuang will die outside in a few days, are you still so happy?"

Although they couldn't understand what Zhang Qing and Zhang Yuanyuan said, seeing Zhang Yuanyuan's long-lost smile made many people feel uncomfortable.

They were also instigated by some people outside. Although they couldn't do Zhang Yuanyuan's hands or feet, they could do things faster than anyone else to make things difficult for her.

Moreover, he used methods within the rules to torture her in a different way.

Hearing this person's words, Zhang Qing's face suddenly darkened.

Before he could say anything, Wan Niantong stared at him, and the man spit out a mouthful of blood with a puff, lay down on the ground, and cried out in pain.

After all, he is a handyman in the school, a little lesson is all right, killing people is too troublesome.

But even so, it caused the people around to scream, and they ran out in a panic in an instant, and the shouts kept ringing outside.

"Oh, this is going to be troublesome."

Looking at the scene in front of her, Zhang Yuanyuan couldn't help but sighed, "This Shen Ji has done such a thing, the school will definitely punish her."

"Don't worry, the other party provoked first, and it's not my fault."

The corner of Wan Niantong's mouth twitched into a smile: "I also studied here, and I know the rules here very well."

Once you know the rules, you can know how to act within the rules, and you can see side-ball behavior everywhere.

But even so, there should be something.

Almost in less than 3 minutes after the group of people rushed out, a whistle sounded, and in less than a moment, a group of law enforcement teams led by two god girls rushed in with guns from the Demon Realm Technology, and directly attacked them. Wan Niantong in the center.

"Wan Niantong? Why did you go back to school?" One of the girls seemed to be an acquaintance of Wan Niantong. She frowned and looked at Wan Niantong, and then looked at Zhang Qing who was protected by her not far away. , showing an extremely shocked expression.

" actually found the promised person!"

"Ha, Wan Niantong, who was defiant back then, has degenerated to this point?"

From this sentence, it can be seen that the relationship between Shen Ji and Wan Niantong is not much better.

(End of this chapter)

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