There is a fairy world in my house

Chapter 210 What's wrong with giving yourself a cheat? (Happy New Year)

Chapter 210 What's wrong with giving yourself a little cheat? (Happy New Year)
At this time, the assembly of the Yudan Festival has reached its climax.

All the people who can come from the surrounding area have already arrived in Yongning Town, and various activities are also in full swing, and the front of Wanli's shop is even more crowded, and everyone counts money and is extremely happy.

It's just that at this moment, an unremarkable figure is hiding in a teahouse not far away, looking at the scene in front of him and anxiously waiting for the next thing.

The matter didn't make him wait for long. Following a violent explosion, more than a dozen huge vines drilled out of the ground in an instant, doing extremely terrifying damage to the surroundings.

Under the slapping of bang bang bang, hundreds of people were patted into meat paste, and plasma and wreckage were scattered all over the surrounding area.

Lin Meng was not too scared, because he knew very well that this teahouse was very safe, because the range of those vines could only reach the perimeter of the teahouse.

"The bloodless queen who was born with a martial soul is just a poor girl who was trafficked."

Lin Meng looked straight at the surrounding environment, and memories of this time kept popping up in his mind.

The Bloodthirsty Demon Vine, the natural martial spirit of the Bloodless Queen, is an extremely crazy and terrifying thing. Unlike other martial spirits that need to be activated the day after tomorrow, the Bloodthirsty Demon Vine has been born in the Bloodless Queen's body from the very beginning. However, due to being too young to use it, the bloodthirsty magic vine has been sleeping.

But even so, the abnormality that appeared on her body was enough to shock the world.

Her parents sold her, and a few ugly-looking walkers—similar to street performers—bought her and trained her like a monkey, until Yongning Town couldn't bear the whipping and insults again, and went crazy Awakened the bloodthirsty magic vine in the body, and destroyed most of Yongning Town.

After the disaster, Yongning Town was rebuilt, and the Bloodless Queen who killed the walker also fell into a coma in the town, and was finally picked up by Wan Li to take care of her.

Thus, the lackey who was most loyal to Wanli in the future was born in this way. With her extraordinary strength, she suppressed most of the enemies in the world.

Such a super golden thigh is not very difficult to obtain. In Lin Meng's view, as long as he can take it away after she is unconscious, the bloodless queen will be loyal to him in the future.

"Let's fight, let's fight, let's fight like this."

Lin Meng's eyes were shining brightly, watching the commotion at the scene, waiting for the final leak.

When the Bloodthirsty Demon Vine gradually weakened and finally disappeared suddenly, the Yongning Town in front of him was devastated.

Countless residents were mourning, and Wanjia, as the organizer, suffered heavy losses. I don't know how many capable people died in this disaster.

Since the bloodthirsty magic vine has the name of a demon, it is naturally impossible to have any tender and kind feelings. Moreover, the bloodless queen has been suffering from abuse, and her psychology is extremely twisted. She wants to destroy everything in the world. How is it possible? It will stop the Bloodthirsty Demon Vine.

So after she broke out of the bloodthirsty magic vine recklessly, she couldn't even control it herself, and fell unconscious to the side early, waiting for others to pick up the corpse.

What surprised Lin Meng was that he rushed to the scene of the disaster and searched here for a long time, but he couldn't find the Bloodless Queen.

"No, logically speaking, it should be around here." Lin Meng was extremely disturbed. All he knew was also vivid rumors from some people in the future. How could he be an ordinary warrior in the specific situation? Know.

After searching again for a long time, there was no trace, which made Lin Meng collapsed: "Could it be that my time has been wasted in the past few years?"

He sat on the rock calmly. Although he was very upset after losing twice in a row, as a reborn person, he still had a bit of tolerance.

Since the top Martial Soul is missing, and the Bloodless Queen is nowhere to be seen, there is no point in staying in Yongning Town for him.

Fortunately, the past few years have not been in vain, at least I have a not-so-weak friendship with the future "Evergreen", and I should be able to use this friendship to do another thing in the future, and it is not nothing to gain.

Lin Meng stood up and quickly walked out of the town, ignoring everything in Yongning Town.

Standing in the shop, Zhang Qing watched his departure, knowing that he had probably temporarily given up on gaining benefits from Wan Li's side.

As for whether the other party wants to go to other places to get opportunities... Sorry, I need to explain again, all the opportunities are in Zhang Qing's storage ring.

If he does not go to a certain place, the chance of a certain place cannot be born.

Glancing at the surrounding environment again, Zhang Qing curled his lips, and didn't stay here any longer, and walked out slowly.

After a while, the originally complete house collapsed suddenly, as if it was destroyed by the twisted giant magic vine like the surrounding houses.

Yongning Town, as a novice village, has ended what can be given to Wanli, and the next one will have to go to the next one.

Zhang Qing wiped his face, and a new identity soon appeared.

On the other side, among the remaining ruins of the Wan family, Wan Li looked at the ugly girl lying on the ground, and was quite concerned about her identity.

Because the martial soul in his body was roaring, as if there was something in the other party that attracted him.

Suddenly, a bunch of green leaves bloomed on the girl's forehead, and a strand of tiny vines stretched out, swinging and hanging down, as if they were surrendering to him.

Wan Li frowned. He felt that the vines on the girl's forehead looked familiar, as if they were quite similar to the thing that destroyed most of Yongning Town.

But he didn't go into it, but simply took her and left the place he had long wanted to leave.

Along the way, Wan Li walked ahead, and the girl behind her followed her every step of the way, looking at him with unimaginable admiration, and enshrining him as the supreme king and master.

In a distant place, Zhang Qing was smiling.

He felt a little pity, but it's a pity that Lin Meng didn't find this girl.

Otherwise, if he really found out and tried to subdue this girl in vain, he would end up with a dead end.

Because the girl is no longer a girl, and the bloodthirsty magic vine in her body has replaced her will. The girl now is more like a bloodthirsty monster in human skin.

Such is the consequence of awakening the Bloodthirsty Demon Vine without enough endurance.

It's a joke to use some small favors to restrain a monster, even Zhang Qing is incapable of doing this.

But Miles can do it.

Because the martial spirit on his body is Qinglong.

Qinglong is the absolute ruler of the wood attribute martial soul, and he rules everything as a "god" in the martial soul.

This is the absolute power that Daoist Changqin has always held in his hands. After all, the whole world is the private world of Daoist Changqin. What's wrong with giving yourself a little trick?
 It's too late to come back, there will be two shifts today... If there are not many relatives coming tomorrow, we will continue with the third shift.

(End of this chapter)

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