Chapter 383

The time is Konoha calendar, 45 years, late summer.

Not long after the third Ninja World War ended, Konoha Village caused quite a few disturbances one after another.

First, Uzumaki Kanzuki, the contemporary patriarch of the Uzumaki family, who is also the head of Anbe, and who has the title of Konoha Natural Disaster, broke into the Nanga Shrine of Uchiha's family, causing a lot of commotion.

Afterwards, it was Uzumaki Kanyue who also completed the replacement of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and created the legend that one body accommodates two tailed beasts. The fierce reputation spread like a flu in various countries in the ninja world.

Afterwards, this restless natural disaster finally got married to a woman from the Uchiha family, and it was not in the way of marriage, but in an ordinary way of marriage, which shocked the eyes of countless people.


After getting married, the troublemaker Konoha Tianka finally settled down, and the headache of Fourth Hokage improved a lot.

In the ninja world, many people also quietly let out a sigh of relief.

The Second World War and the Third World War broke out successively, and the time interval was very short. Almost the entire ninja world was drawn into the flames of war. After two consecutive world-scale wars, this land finally had a chance to breathe.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has been 60 years of Konoha Calendar.

For 15 years of peace, Muye Village was full of peace and tranquility.

Ninja School.

"... Naruto Naruto... Naruto..."

On the podium, the veins on Iruka's forehead were bulging, and the corners of his mouth twitched, obviously extremely angry.

"This guy... is skipping class again!" Iruka cast his eyes on the boy with short red hair sitting in the middle of the first row, "Xiuyuan, do you know where that idiot Naruto went?"

"Eh? Why are you asking me again! I'm not that idiot's nanny."

The boy named Xiuyuan rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you cousins? Who do you ask if you don't ask?"

Iruka stared, and said confidently.

"Huh? That's what you said... What a fart." Uzumaki Hideo smacked her lips, "There is no rule that cousins ​​have to play together, right? Besides, Mr. Iruka, even if that idiot comes to class, he can't Or lie down on the table and sleep, if you don't come, I can save you some chalk!"

Iruka was twitched by this crooked mouth.

But the fact is that, and now that the class is already in session, it is impossible to leave the students in the classroom and go to find Naruto specifically. It seems that we can only visit home after school, and we can't delay any longer. We are about to graduate If this continues, Naruto's attendance rate will not be enough.

after class.

"Hey, Xiuyuan, Mr. Iruka didn't call the roll today, did he?"

The blond-haired and blue-eyed boy jumped out suddenly, lying on Xiuyuan's table.

"...It's roll call, it must be roll call? How many times have you skipped class this month? How could Iruka-sensei not roll call? Speaking of which, Naruto, where have you been fooling around?"

"Ah! It's terrible." The blond boy didn't listen to Xiuyuan's question at all, with cold sweat streaming down his face, and he kept muttering, "It's over, it's over, it's definitely over this time, last time Mr. Iruka I said, if he misses class again, he will go to visit home!!! I will be broken by my mother!!!"

The miserable screams echoed in the classroom, but most of the people turned their eyes away after taking a look.

"Wow! Then you are really screwed this time, Aunt Jiuxinna...haha." Xiuyuan immediately showed sympathy.

"Naruto, you are so noisy!"

Probably because he couldn't bear Naruto's wailing and wailing, the cold sword-like voice pierced from behind.

Near the window, the black-haired boy in the second row was looking over with dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction written all over his iceberg-like cold face.

"Huh? Sasuke, do you want to fight?"

Naruto's wailing stopped instantly, and he squinted at the past, looking at him provocatively.

"Idiots are idiots, don't you have anything else in your mind except fighting? Hmph! Really a real idiot."

Uchiha Sasuke curled his lips in disdain.

"Sasuke, you bastard! Let's go, let's go outside and fight alone."

"Go as you say, who do you think you are? Idiot?"

The two of them met again.

"Ah! Here it comes again."

"How many times is this this month? Don't you bother?"

"It's not good at all, water and fire are incompatible! It's a pity that both of them are so handsome, if they can be together...hehehe!!!"

There was a burst of noisy whispers in the classroom. Although there were some strange remarks mixed in, it was mostly lamentation.

Xiuyuan's eyebrows were twitched, and her heart was heavy like a weight. What kind of hard work is he doing? Why does Mao always ask him to clean up such crap...
"Naruto, please calm down, isn't it enough to fight every day? It's about to be the training session, and you can fight whatever you want on the training ground. In short, don't make trouble for me in the classroom." Xiuyuan's right hand was rigid. Grabbing Naruto's collar, he pressed him against the table.

If he lets go, this guy will definitely rush up to meet Sasuke.

"Also, Sasuke, I know Naruto is an idiot, just ignore him."

"...Hmph, whatever, as long as he doesn't make noise."

Sasuke and Xiuyuan looked at each other for two seconds, snorted coldly, and looked away from the window.

"Ah! It's really troublesome..."

With a heavy sigh, Xiuyuan felt physically and mentally exhausted. He was almost bored to wipe his ass for these two people every day, but he couldn't ignore it. His father told him to be friendly with these two people in school. Get along, after all, are relatives.

"Mr. Xiuyuan is so handsome!"

"Yeah, and it feels very reliable!"

The girls screamed and looked over affectionately like a nympho.

"It's really popular, Xiuyuan." The boy with pineapple hair smiled lazily.

"Don't make fun of me, Shikamaru. If possible, I don't want to care about this kind of thing at all... It's so monotonous and boring. I really don't know where these two idiots are at odds."

"Haha, thank you for your hard work."

Nara Shikamaru smiled knowingly, he also hated trouble, so he could naturally understand Hideo's helplessness.

"Shikamaru, Xiuyuan, it's almost time to go to the training ground. If you go late, you will be fined to stand. Teacher Huiye has always been merciless." Holding a large bag of potato chips, eating non-stop, the body A boy as round as a ball came over, and he alone completely filled the corridor for three people to pass through.

Xiuyuan blinked, looked at the blocked exit, and twitched the corner of her mouth.

"Well, Choji, you and Shikamaru go first, and Naruto and I will come later."

"Oh...then you should pay attention to the time, if you are late, Teacher Huiye will not show any mercy."

Shikamaru gave Xiuyuan a sympathetic look, and left the classroom with Choji one after the other.

(End of this chapter)

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