The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 377 The Flames of War in the Shrine

Chapter 377 The Flames of War in the Shrine
"Otome, stop."

The pine tree trembled, and Kushina rushed out like a squirrel, and cut off Otome who was on the way, with green pine needles hanging from her shoulders and cuffs.

They stopped in the middle of the road like this, staring at each other.


Otome didn't say a word, just looked at Kushina with extremely oppressive eyes.

"·········································································································································································································································································································? Li, the strength of the aura now makes her neck feel chilly.

However, for the sake of my brother's future happiness, I can't be cowardly at this time.

He clenched his fist and secretly cheered himself up.

"Otome, let's just wait here for a while! The shrine has Guanyue to worry about..."


The black shadow flickered, the pine tree swayed violently, Uchiha Maki stood not far behind Otome, and Otome followed closely.

"Don't run around, Otome, let Otoha deal with it at the shrine, you must not get involved, such a big commotion obviously has caused a big problem, if you pass by, I'm afraid it will make the situation even more rigid... "..."

Uchiha Maki chattered aloud, and suddenly realized the existence of Kushina, who was weak in breath, and suddenly got stuck.

With an outsider around, some things are hard to say, let alone this outsider is a member of the Uzumaki clan.

"Kushina, what are you doing here?"

Otoyu asked curiously regardless of his father's mood.

"Haha...well, I'm chatting with Otome, and that...hasn't talked much with that recently, and I feel a little lonely." Kushina smiled dryly.

"Oh~~! That's right!"

Otoha elongated his voice, responded with an unclear meaning, and then turned his head to look at Uchiha Maki.

"Father, I'll take a look at the shrine. How about you look at my sister here?"

"Well...well, I leave it to you, be careful, where are the elders of the Presbyterian Church, don't make up your own mind, just go with the flow, understand?"

Uchiha Mu grabbed his son and gave him a word of warning before letting him go.

Otoha left, but Kushina didn't stop her. The commission she got was to stop Otome alone. She didn't want Otome to see the miserable appearance of Nanga Shrine, and she didn't want to meet before the matter was completed. That might make the matter develop out of schedule. track.

"Let's go back!"

Otome said suddenly.



Both Kushina and Uchiha Mu were stunned, and they stretched out their little fingers to dig out their ears, suspecting that there might be a problem with their hearing.

Maybe it's better to go to the hospital to check...
"Jiushina... Sister, go drink tea at my place! Recently, I just found a few taels of this year's new tea from my father's study."

"Oh...okay, no problem..."

Kushina walked mechanically and followed Otome's footsteps. Her mind was in chaos, and she didn't understand why she became like this. When she came, she was thinking that if she couldn't do it, she would use force to stop Otome down.

Uchiha Maki stood there blankly, muttering non-stop, over and over again, it was 'my tea', 'I don't even want to drink' and so on.

"It's strange that I'm easy to talk to?"

Otome's voice startled Kushina, and shrank her neck. Is this mind reading?Does Sharingan still have such a terrifying ability?
"Since Guanyue said to leave it to him, there is no problem. He has promised me things and has never missed an appointment."


Kushina covered her mouth with a shocked expression on her face.

"I really didn't see that the two of you have such a tacit understanding."

"Isn't it because sister Kushina you see Minato-kun mostly in your eyes?" Otome's rhetorical question instantly made Kushina's face flush and she screamed.


Nanga Shrine.

"Clan Chief Uzumaki, don't forget the previous battle against Iwa Ninja. Our Uchiha clan helped us with all our strength. Are you indifferent to destroying our clan's shrine like this?"

An elder of the Uchiha family shouted.

"Ha! Help me with all my might? Are you stupid? I can take care of those rock ninjas by myself, and with a group of rookies who are useless, I am the nanny there!"

Guan Yue stepped on the half of the envoy statue, with a disapproving expression on his face.

Today he specially asked Kushina to help. The two siblings came to ask for marriage, but they haven't seen Uchiha Maki yet. Instead, they were stopped by the elders and came to Nanga Shrine. Conflict broke out.

Then it morphed into what it is now.

As the patriarch, Uchiha Fugaku is not at home today, but is working in the police force building, because there is no time to stop the stupid actions of the elders.

"Besides, it's just a shrine. It's just broken and rebuilt? Don't gossip with me about ancient times and history. We are ninjas. Compared with building, destruction is our forte." Guanyue Arguing forcefully, the older men of the Uchiha family trembled in anger.

"What are you doing in a daze? Do you want to see that even the main hall of the shrine is demolished?"

Seeing the shrinking look of the clansmen who came to support after hearing the sound, an elder cursed angrily, saying that the Uchiha family will always be such eggless cowards.

Being scolded by the elders was bloody, but there were still many people who walked slowly, dawdling back and forth, but did not dare to step forward.

Basically, this group of people have witnessed Guanyue's fierce power on the battlefield, and they were working under Guanyue's staff not long ago, but now they are suddenly asked to face Guanyue with swords and swords, not everyone can do it of.

"Art fire escape ho fireball."

Some people hesitated to move forward, but some people also charged forward. The sense of honor of the family overwhelmed the fear in their hearts, and brazenly launched an attack on Guanyue. A huge orange-red fireball with a diameter of more than six meters melted a gully on the ground and rushed towards it. .

"Uchiha's big fireball? It feels like I haven't seen this thing for a long time."

Guanyue stood on the afterimage of the envoy, facing the oncoming fireball, motionless.

The right hand slashed down like a knife, the palm knife wrapped with a sharp wind blade easily cut the fireball, and used the wind to guide the two split flames to the left and right sides.

Another clever dodge... Maybe it should be called a violent defense, using the wind escape technique to suppress the fire escape technique.

"It's a good fireball, but it's a pity that it's still a bit off the mark, boy, let me show you a demonstration, watch it."

Guanyue looked at the young man from the Uchiha family who made the shot with admiration, his hands unhurriedly formed seals, his lower abdomen suddenly swelled up, and then quickly sank inward.

A super-large fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters sprinted across the ground and hit the already torn apart Temizusha. Became a creation in memory.

"So strong!"

Feiliu's sparks passed by his ears, and a few hairs were curled up by burning. The young man who shot before stood frozen in place, not daring to move.

(End of this chapter)

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