The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 373 Communication

Chapter 373 Communication
"By the way, Minato, don't rush to leave, I still have something to tell you."

Guanyue reached out to block the water gate that was about to return to the village.

"What's the matter? Must I say it now?"

Although Minato really wanted to go back to handle today's business, but seeing Guanyue's serious expression, he let go of his right hand that was on Guanyue's shoulder.

"Go ahead, I'm listening!"

"Ahem." Guanyue put her right fist on her lips, cleared her throat, and said, "Minato, you should already know that I became a five-tailed Jinchuriki!"


Watergate nodded.

"Then the fact that the previous Five-Tails Jinchuriki was imprisoned in Anbu Prison must not be hidden from you."

Minato didn't answer, and his intuition told him that what he was going to say next was very troublesome.

"I want to separate Kyuubi, and I want to free Kushina from the identity of Jinchuriki." Guanyue said in a deep voice.

Minato put his hand on his forehead, with a look of seeing a ghost.

"Wait, let me take it easy, what do you want to do? Strip the Nine Tails... Are you crazy?"

"Not crazy!"

Guanyue shook his head.

"I know this sounds crazy, but I'm sure I can separate Kyuubi without risking Jinchuriki's life."


The beach was devastated.

The tall and straight coconut trees turned into scorched wood, the fine white gravel was covered by soil and gravel, and the waves beat gently on the broken reef, feeling a little lonely.

The beautiful scenery before has become a fragment in memory.

"No wonder! No wonder you keep that Five-Tails Jinchuriki? Observation objects? At first I thought you were planning to dig out the secrets of Iwanin."

The scorched coconut tree trunk peeled off a layer of carbide on it, and Minato sat on it. After listening to Guanyue's explanation, he smiled wryly.

With his intelligence, he figured out the cause and effect in an instant, and even thought of more.

"By the way, you've been busy studying sealing techniques and medical ninjutsu for the past few years, isn't it all for preparations now?"

"Well! It's half and half. It's a lie to study the sealing technique and medical ninjutsu and say that you are working hard for it. It's just that you can use it by the way, so I went to learn it. I don't want to overwhelm myself with too many skills. Think about it." Guanyue sat on the ground, looking at the blue sea.

"That's all for gossip, Minato, can you tell me your opinion?"

The voice was a little ethereal in the sea breeze.

Minato sat on the tree trunk, wringing his fingers together, the smile on his face faded little by little, he lowered his head and thought for more than a dozen seconds before saying, "I don't know, I can't say I support you, or say I oppose... ..., Kushina's opinion is the most important, I support Kushina's choice... no matter what her choice is!"


The most important thing is Kushina's opinion.

Unlike Han, for Kushina, it is impossible and impossible for Guanyue to pull out Nine-Tails by force. As long as Kushina is unwilling, he has nothing to do.

Even if he dares to use tough methods, I believe Minato will never sit idly by.

"That's true! No matter how enthusiastic I am, I still need to see my elder sister's opinion..." Guan Yue rested her chin on her knees and let out a breath, feeling a little worried.

Kushina's opinion was exactly the part he was worried about, and it was also the part he couldn't control.

He didn't know what Kushina thought of his identity as Renzhuriki, and he had never dared to touch this topic.

Are you happy to get rid of Nine Tails?Or a flat rejection?Or maybe it takes time to think about it... I have already pondered over the possible reaction of Kushina in my mind, but I still haven't got a guess with great confidence.

Kushina is very strong, carefree, very scary when she loses her temper, but she does not lack the tenderness of a girl, how she will react is unpredictable.

"I can't think of it!!!"

Scratching his head with a headache, he simply turned to look at the water gate.

"Minato, how do you think my sister will react?"

"Ask me? Shouldn't you think about it by yourself..." Seeing the obvious depression of Guanyue, Minato couldn't help laughing softly, "You are still like this! Once you get involved with Kushina's Things, my brain feels like I can't think normally..."

"What can I do? My sister worked so hard to take care of me. I hope she can live her life safely and happily."

Guanyue closed her eyes, childhood memories reappeared in front of her eyes like a revolving lantern, and her mood was as erratic as if she was drunk. It turns out that so long has passed in a blink of an eye!

It has been more than 20 years since I came to this world.

"You! Really..." Minato sighed helplessly, "Kusina! If you don't give him a suitable reason, it is impossible to succeed, and this reason can only be obtained from Look for it yourself, she cares more about her younger brother than herself."

Guan Yue's eyes lit up immediately.

The fog in front of him melted like ice and snow under the scorching sun.

There was a vague idea in my heart.

"Why? Figured it out? If you figure it out, let's go! The sun is getting more and more poisonous."


Back in the village in the blink of an eye, Minato went back to the office surrounded by his subordinates, Guanyue was shirtless, jumped onto the roof with bare feet, and walked back slowly. Change of clothes and shoes.

I can only go back like this.

Fortunately, he doesn't care too much. If he speeds up a little, it will be difficult for ordinary villagers to see him. As for ninjas, there should be no guy who doesn't have eyes...
"Hey, Guanyue, what are you playing? Where are you running with your shirt off?"

The short-sighted guy appeared.

Otoyu stood in front of him, with an expression on his face as if he was watching a show.

"Hey, I heard that you went to compete with Minato. How was the result? Looking at you like this, did Minato win? Or did you lose?"

"Do you think I'll lose? Otoyu, why don't we just come and have a fight, just because we can't enjoy fighting Minato." Guanyue moved his wrists, and the joints made a crisp cracking sound.

"Tch! It's so boring."

Yi Yu curled his lips, his face remained motionless, but he moved two steps back.

Only ghosts want to compete with this monster. Although it is a kind of self-improvement to fight against the strong, the gap should be moderate.

If the disparity in strength is too great, it is purely asking for trouble.

"By the way... lend me your coat! It's so tight in the sun, and you won't be afraid of getting prickly heat. Let me help you share it!" Guanyue smiled brightly, and stretched out her hand to He took off the coat on Otoha's body.

"It smells a little sweaty, but forget it, bear with it for a while."

"Fuck! Don't give it back to me, you're a bastard..."

Yi Yu tugged at the thin short sleeves on his body, wanting to cry but not crying.

(End of this chapter)

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