The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 356 In Progress

Chapter 356 In Progress
The atmosphere in the tent froze for a moment, and the heavy weight oppressed the heart, making it almost impossible to breathe.

Listen to the needle-like silence.

The Xiguashan puffer ghost still had the same ferocious and gloomy face, and there was no change in Loquat Shizang's sharp sword-like eyes.

"It means literally."

He replied very calmly.

"Master Four Generations is not the real Mizukage..." Pipa Shizang repeated it, his eyes were cold, "Are you saying that Master Suicang is not qualified to be Mizukage?"

"······" Xiguashan puffer ghost twitched his mouth this time, and a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes, "That's not what I mean, what I want to say is that today's four generations of adults are not the Master Lost Cang we knew back then gone."

"Is it a counterfeit?"

Lingo Yuyuli muttered.

"That's right, that's what I mean. I suspect that the fourth generation of adults has been swapped, or is controlled by someone... In short, the current Mizukage-sama is definitely not normal." Xiguashan puffer ghost broke into pieces , Knead it open, and it's clear.

"You say the current Mizukage-sama is a fake?"

Loquat Shizang's tone couldn't conceal the horror, nor the shame and indignation.

At this moment, he kept muttering in his heart, what the hell is the fat man talking about, but he had a strong feeling that the puffer ghost was not joking, and he even agreed with the puffer ghost's conjecture deep in his heart.

He is not one of those middle and lower ninjas. As one of the seven ninja swordsmen, he has a lot of contact with Goju.

Suddenly, the disposition of the loser who had just succeeded to the throne changed drastically, and his behavior style was completely unchanged from the past. There were not many people who were suspicious, but after some people who dared to question and speak out were dealt with, there were naturally not many people left

"Is there any evidence? Can you prove that Mizukage-sama... is a fake?"

"How could it be possible? If there was, this fat man would have gone out of his way a long time ago. Since he consulted with us secretly, he must not be sure." Lin Yuyuli said lightly, the genius girl is indeed a genius girl, not just for cultivation He is a genius in the world, and he is also very good at thinking about people's hearts.

It's just that I don't bother to think about these things on weekdays.

She doesn't like to think about these too complicated things, and a simpler fight is more to her liking.

"That's right, I have no evidence. Everything is just my inference. It may be true or it may be wrong." Xiguashan puffer ghost didn't care about Yu Yuli's name for him, and admitted that he had no evidence.

Loquat Shizang fell silent, and withdrew his hand that was tightly holding the beheading sword.

"Fatty, you didn't come here to ask us to help you find evidence, did you?"

Lin Haoyu Yuli ignored the somewhat confused Loquat Ten Zang and asked.

"Well... that's right, after all, the subject of the investigation is Mizukage-dono, so it's really difficult to be alone..."

"So you came to us? Puffer ghost senior, you are not afraid of us... Maybe I will stand on the opposite side of you? After all, it is suspected that Mizukage was dropped by someone... This kind of thing is simply appalling !!"

Loquat Shizang sorted out his chaotic and complicated mood, and looked at the puffer ghost with equally complicated eyes.

"Since I dared to ask you to come here, I must have made thorough preparations." The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost showed a ferocious smile, and the shark muscles beside him squirmed a few times, making a rustling sound. "How is it? Are there any questions? If not, I'll take it as if you agreed to join the gang!"

Loquat Shizang closed his eyes, took a few breaths of silence, and said in a concentrated voice, "I will investigate, but don't try to instruct me."

"It's good to be free, and different perspectives may reveal problems that I haven't discovered." Xiguashan puffer ghost said generously.

Lin Yuyu frowned, and nodded reluctantly, "If you have time."

This perfunctory answer did not dissatisfy Xiguashan Puffer Ghost or Loquat Juzang. They are very familiar with Lin Yuyuli's temperament, and he is a fighting madman. It is rare to be able to say such words.

"I hope my inference is wrong..."

While speaking, the shark muscle moved again, and it was unprecedentedly strong. The white bandage was broken every inch, and the slender spikes stood upside down.

"come yet?"

Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost stretched out his hand to hold the shark muscle, and said, "Let's go, Konoha's guest is here again."

Lin Yuyuli had already picked up the double-knife Leiya, and her face was full of excitement. The previous depression was like a hallucination.

There is war burning in the southern seas.

In the north, the country of grass is also caught in the most intense battle.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!!"

The clay puppet and the four tails fought each other head-on, and the two sides punched each other, and every impact caused a huge roar!

Standing on top of the clay puppet, Guanyue looked at the ferocious and ferocious four tails, the corners of the mouth curled up in a cold arc, this kind of idiot with a lot of strength and no brains is the easiest to deal with.


Siwei was hit by the flexible fist of the clay puppet and took several steps back. He twitched his tail violently, and opened his mouth to release a series of huge magma bombs, heading straight for the clay puppet.

"Water escape, water formation wall."

Guanyue made a seal with his hands, and there were clear blue waves rippling under his feet, which turned into terrifying waves roaring thousands of feet in the blink of an eye, and the waves splashed in mid-air, directly meeting the flying magma ball with incomparably fierce momentum.

Chakra flowed out without hesitation, frantically increasing the power of the water waves.

The big waves collided with the magma ball, and the cold and heat were excited. A huge amount of water vapor rushed into the sky like a white dragon, and the sky continued for days, which was extremely magnificent.

The flying momentum of the magma ball was suppressed, and the magma ball was engulfed by higher and higher water waves, deprived of its heat, and turned into a black stone ball and fell down.

"Boom! Boom"

The clay puppet shook its shoulders, punched out its fists like lightning, and threw the two cooled magma balls as if they were leather balls, flying towards the four tails in front.

Four tails obviously did not expect this attack.

Immediately, he was hit by two black stone balls, suffered a heavy blow on his shoulder, and staggered backwards. If he hadn't supported his four tails behind him, he would almost have fallen to the ground.

"Earth escape, earth stone dragon."

Having seized the upper hand, naturally there will be no chance for Siwei to adjust and counterattack. With a light slap, the clay puppet shakes its head and spits out a gray-brown long dragon with amazing momentum, which is purely composed of sand. To the four-tailed head.

Four Tails roared furiously, spewing out green flames, trying to burn the taupe long dragon.

However, just being blown by the scorching airflow formed by the eruption of the green flame, the long dragon fell apart and turned into a large amount of sand and soil, some of which fell down, and some were reversed by the airflow. inside the eyes.


The eyes lost their light in an instant, Siwei worked hard to secrete tears to wash away the sand in the eyes, and when he opened his eyes, the huge fist of the clay puppet appeared in front of his eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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