gourmet chef

Chapter 85 The Straw of the Lotus Leaf Stem

Chapter 85 The Straw of the Lotus Leaf Stem

The weather was too hot, Lan Weihao drank a few sips of mineral water.

In summer, the mineral water in the bottle is also warm, not quenching thirst at all.

If only I could have an ice cold drink right now.

Lan Weihao thought to himself, at the same time, Bai Xiaobai had already cooked the food, walked out of the kitchen, and placed it in front of Lan Weihao.

"Mr. Lan, use it slowly." After Bai Xiaobai put down the food, he recommended by the way, "Today, the store launched a drink called secret sour plum soup. Mr. Lan, would you like a cup?"

This customer is also a man who is not short of money, and the task of drinking a cup is so urgent, of course Bai Xiaobai will not let go of any opportunity to promote new products.

"Sour plum soup? Boss Bai, did you make it yourself?" Lan Weihao was thirsty now, and when he heard the drink was launched, he also became interested.

"Yes, it is purely handmade with raw materials, not blended with sour plum powder." Bai Xiaobai continued to play the handmade card.

"How much is a cup?" Lan Weihao asked.

"The secret sour plum soup is divided into large and small cups. The small cup is 300ML, 120 yuan, and the large cup is 550ML, 200 yuan. Would you like a cup?" Bai Xiaobai briefly introduced.

The products in this store are definitely not cheap, 5ML chili sauce can be sold for 66 yuan, so Lan Weihao is already mentally prepared, but he was still shocked when he heard that a drink cost hundreds of yuan a glass.

Seeing Lan Weihao's embarrassment, Bai Xiaobai knew that this business would most likely not be possible.

That's right, a cup of drink costs more than 100 yuan. If you think about it differently and don't know the inside story of the top raw ingredients, you will definitely think that the boss has a hole in his head.

If you don't buy it, don't buy it. Bai Xiaobai never thought of begging customers to buy it.

But to his surprise, things turned around.

"Boss Bai, here's a small cup of secret sour plum soup." Lan Weihao said suddenly.

Lan Weihao is not a fool with a lot of money. The reason why he bought a drink that costs more than 100 yuan a cup is because of his trust in this store.

Customers are sometimes a little brain-dead, especially when it comes to food. Once they recognize the food of a store, they will subconsciously trust the store. Once the store launches new products, they will not be able to resist trying it.As a senior foodie, Lan Weihao is no exception.

"Okay, Boss Lan, wait a minute." Bai Xiaobai was calm on the surface, but in fact, his happy eyebrows almost didn't fly away.

The first cup of a drink task was sold.

Back in the glass kitchen, Bai Xiaobai filled the glass with 300ML of secret sour plum soup from the large ice bucket equipment with a small wine.

Just as he was about to take it out, the electronic system sounded.

[Ding Dong—Host, please don't forget the straw. 】

"What straw?" Bai Xiaobai asked in confusion.

[Each cup of secret sour plum soup is paired with a piece of ice heart lotus leaf stem straw. The straw system is ready, and it is on the countertop of the cabinet. Please check it for the host. 】

Bai Xiaobai looked back, and there was really a thin, emerald green lotus leaf stalk on the countertop.

There was a lotus leaf the size of a copper coin on the head of the stalk. Bai Xiaobai took a closer look and found that the middle of the lotus leaf had already been connected with the stalk, similar to the blue tube cup that is a key step in secret making.

"Is this thing a straw?" Bai Xiaobai was a little depressed. He drank it before, why didn't the system prepare straws for him.

Bai Xiaobai didn't think about anything, took a lotus leaf stalk and put it in a glass as a straw, and then put the secret sour plum soup on Lan Weihao's table.

"Your secret sour plum soup is ready, please use it slowly."

Lan Weihao was eating Supreme Beef Noodles with his head down. He was a little puzzled when he saw the lotus leaf stalks on the secret sour plum soup.

"Boss Bai, what's the situation with the green one?"

"The lotus leaf stalk is a special feature of this store, and it is used as a straw." Bai Xiaobai himself was also puzzled, and a casual word about this store's feature was vaguely confused.

The lotus leaf stalks are used as straws, and it is unlikely to be found in beverage stores across the country, let alone the drinks provided in restaurants.Of course, Bai Xiaobai is convinced that the system must have its deep meaning in doing so.

Lan Weihao, who also didn't know the truth, heard Bai Xiaobai's words, but he didn't think of any deep meaning. His first reaction was that the store had run out of straws, so he used them to refill.

Lan Weihao was wondering, a few new customers entered the store at this time.

It was noon, there were many guests, and Bai Xiaobai was busy greeting other guests.

The new customers are basically old customers, they kept their promise after hearing about the launch of the secret sour plum soup in the morning, and they all knew the price in advance, so they ordered directly without asking questions.

"Boss, here's a small cup of the new secret sour plum soup." The uncle ordered as soon as he entered the store.

"Secret sour plum soup, big cup." The young man also directly asked for the new product.

"Boss Bai, a bowl of Supreme Beef Noodles."


The store is full of voices ordering food, some of them go straight to new products, and some still only eat other delicacies.

The store was full for a while.

"Okay, everyone wait a moment." Bai Xiaobai's brain quickly memorized, recorded the customer's order, and then got busy in the glass kitchen.

Lan Weihao was still puzzled while eating the glutinous rice chicken.

Boss Bai is really thrifty.The glutinous rice chicken wrapped in lotus leaves is sold, and even the stems of the lotus leaves are reluctant to throw away, so they are directly used as straws.

However, the color of the secret sour plum soup is very pure. The brown color of the top black tea also looks quite good, but I don't know how it tastes.

Lan Weihao ate Supreme Beef Noodles and Yipin Lotus Flavored Glutinous Rice Chicken. He was very thirsty, so he took a sip of the secret sour plum soup with the lotus leaf stalk in his mouth.


A large stream of sweet, sour and delicious, cold, the moment it is inhaled into the mouth.

Sweet and sour, cold, and fragrant tightly wrap every plane of the mouth, an indescribably cool and refreshing feeling arises spontaneously.


After belching three bubbles in a row, Lan Weihao shuddered and was dumbfounded.

So good.

When you drink it, you will feel sour, sweet, fragrant, icy, and refreshing. After drinking, it will have a sweet and sour taste that lingers on your lips and teeth. The most peculiar thing is that the entrance of this sour plum soup is very refreshing, without the heaviness of many ingredients.

One sip of cool water quenches thirst, and two mouthfuls are soul-stirring. Lan Weihao feels that his whole body and mind have been thoroughly washed, and all the dryness, heat and irritation are completely wiped away.

It is worthy of being made with real materials, and the secret sour plum soup made by hand is really extraordinary, and it is different from the ones sold in milk tea shops.

After taking a sip, Lan Weihao couldn't help asking people to take another sip, and a third sip, and finally he just picked up the cup to drink.

King Spirit Mine Lang...

After Bai Xiaobai was busy for a while, he appeared in the sight of customers again with delicious food.

Lan Weihao had already eaten all the delicacies, "Boss Bai, take the money."

"Just right." After receiving the money, Bai Xiaobai pointed to the lotus leaf stalks in Lan Weihao's empty cup, and said, "Mr. Lan, the lotus leaf stalks are also edible, so don't waste them."

When Bai Xiaobai was busy in the kitchen just now, the system warmly reminded that lotus leaves and stalks are also edible.

Bai Xiaobai thought that this piece of Bingxin lotus could be regarded as a fighter among exotic flowers. The lotus leaves and stems can be eaten, but the lotus root and lotus seeds cannot be eaten...

Lan Weihao originally thought that the stalks of the lotus leaves were purely used as straws, but he never thought they could be eaten.

After listening to Boss Bai's warm reminder, Lan Weihao picked up the stalk of the thin lotus leaf, not knowing what to do, and took a small mouthful tentatively.


After Lan Weihao took a bite, the stalk of the lotus leaf broke, and thin transparent threads appeared.

He swallowed it with the stalk of the lotus leaf, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

good to eat!

The crisp taste is like a cucumber, but there is a hint of sweetness in the filaments, which makes Lan Weihao seriously doubt whether the stems of the lotus leaves are synthesized by special chemical substances, or processed by some special means of.

Otherwise, how could the lotus leaf stalks have such a crisp taste.

It's amazing!

The wonderful crisp and refreshing taste of the lotus leaf stalks made Lan Weihao no longer think about it too much. He ate up the lotus leaf stalks like eating spicy noodles.

Bai Xiaobai didn't bother to look at Lan Weihao's surprised eyes, because another customer entered the store.

It's Li Lili, whom I haven't seen for a long time, and Lisa, the foreign luggage designer.

(End of this chapter)

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