gourmet chef

Chapter 67 Dragon Boat Festival Special Chapter (1)

Chapter 67 Dragon Boat Festival Special ([-])

Say important things three times
(The Dragon Boat Festival special chapter is not the main text, and it will not affect the main text if you don’t read it. Readers can choose to read or skip it)
(The Dragon Boat Festival special chapter is not the main text, and it will not affect the main text if you don’t read it. Readers can choose to read or skip it)
(The Dragon Boat Festival special chapter is not the main text, and it will not affect the main text if you don’t read it. Readers can choose to read or skip it)
(It can be regarded as a prequel, Bai Xiaobai's daily life ~ no system)

The Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar is one of the four traditional festivals of the Han nationality. It is said that it is a festival for the Han people to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

Early in the morning.

The harsh sunlight shines into the bedroom through the screened window.

Bai Xiaobai was lying on the bed in the bedroom on the second floor, still in an eclectic sleeping position.

Folks say that when the Duanyang Festival begins, the weather will officially start to turn hot.

This statement is really quite reliable.

Just yesterday, Bai Xiaobai felt quite cool, but he didn't expect it to be so sweltering early in the morning just one day later.

After tossing and turning twice on the bed, Bai Xiaobai finally couldn't bear the sweltering heat.

Squinting, he got up and put on a clean light blue T-shirt.

After brushing his teeth, washing his face, and solving his personal hygiene problems, Bai Xiaobai went downstairs.

Xiao Hei held the dog bowl in his mouth, flashed 24k titanium alloy dog ​​eyes to show off his cuteness, and sat on the stairs wagging his tail begging for dog food.

Put on a posture that if you don't feed me, I won't let you go downstairs.

After taking out the dog food and feeding Xiao Hei, Bai Xiaobai also started his own breakfast.

A piece of caterpillar bread plus a pack of Mongolian calf pure milk is almost his standard breakfast.

After breakfast, Bai Xiaobai opened the shutter door of the store.

Chaotianmen Street is much deserted than before.

Not only are most of the shops closed, but even the streets are deserted.

This situation was also expected by Bai Xiaobai.

The Dragon Boat Festival is a legal holiday in China, and most people in Jianghai City who can go back to their hometowns for the festival have gone home, or they have gone on a trip.

So he didn't plan to open today.

It's a rare holiday, and it's time to relax and pack a table of sumptuous lunch to replenish your body.

After closing the store, Bai Xiaobai went directly to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

The nearest vegetable market on Chaotianmen Street is only two or 300 meters away from Xiaobai Restaurant, which is not too far away.

Because it is a holiday, there are a lot of people buying vegetables in the vegetable market.

All of a sudden, there was a turmoil of people and all kinds of yelling.

"Little handsome guy, do you want to bring a fresh grass carp?"

"Brother, buy some green onions. They were just picked in the field this morning. They are fresh. Let's buy some for the Dragon Boat Festival and make steamed buns."


Bai Xiaobai looked left and right, and walked leisurely through the wet street of the vegetable market.

Little Hei Pi Dian Pi Dian followed behind him, not changing his foodie nature, he smelled the fish stall for a while, then stopped to stare at the good pork ribs with tea-black eyeballs, he was about to bleed down.

"Zongye, fresh Zongye, six yuan a catty, two yuan and fifty a handful. If you buy it, you will get a rice stalk for binding rice dumplings..." an aunt yelled loudly.

The aunt is very good at doing business. If she buys zongzi leaves, she will give away rice stalks bound with zongzi.

Because of the high quality and low price, many people gathered around her Zongye stall, and many people scrambled to buy one by one.

Auntie's zong leaves are indeed very fresh, very green and not withered at all.

Bai Xiaobai was about to buy zong leaves when the phone in his pocket rang.

Caller ID: Uncle

"Nephew, you were in the shop at noon, let's have lunch together." The deep voice of my uncle Bai Yuanshan came from the other end of the phone.

"Uncle, I'm in the store all day today, you can come over anytime."

"Well, I'll be there at about 10:30."

"Uncle. Then I'll wait for you in the store." Just as Bai Xiaobai was about to hang up the phone, the uncle on the other end of the phone asked again, "I brought watermelon, live teal, live grass carp, and pork ribs. You don't want to buy any of these. , and I have ready-made zongzi here, so don’t make them, I’ll bring you some later, you just need to buy some vegetables.”

"it is good."

Uncle Bai Yuanshan didn't have a family, so he would accompany Bai Xiaobai every year and festival.

He doesn't just eat and drink, he brings good ingredients every time he comes.

Bai Xiaobai only needs to be in charge of cooking.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Xiaobai wandered around the vegetable market again, and bought sea oysters, lean meat, fungus, cucumbers, water spinach, green peppers and so on.

After shopping for vegetables, Bai Xiaobai returned with a full load, holding plastic bags in his left and right hands, and Xiao Hei was naturally not idle either, with a plastic bag of green peppers in his mouth.

It was past ten o'clock when we returned to Xiaobai Restaurant.

As soon as Bai Xiaobai finished cleaning the ingredients, he saw Bai Yuanshan walking into the store with a big bag and a smile on his face.

"Hold the grass, it's really fucking hot today." Bai Yuanshan put the big and small bags on the dining table, and then wiped his sweaty face.

"Uncle, ice towel." Bai Xiaobai handed the prepared ice towel to Bai Yuanshan.

"You're still thoughtful, boy." Bai Yuanshan smiled, took the ice towel, wiped his face, and immediately felt icy cold.

"Uncle, didn't you say that you are going to collect antiques in Hunan these two days? Why do you have time to come to my store for the holidays today?" Bai Xiaobai remembered that his uncle called him two days ago, saying that it was because of the acquisition of antiques These two days must go to Hunan.

"Tonight's car, there is still time to go back and prepare after lunch at noon." Bai Yuanshan put down the ice towel, grabbed a live teal from the bag, and said with a smile, "Nephew, this is a wild teal raised in a rural farm. I only bought it for 200 yuan."

"This duck is worth 200 yuan." Bai Xiaobai's vision for identifying ingredients is quite vicious. When he saw the native duck caught by his uncle, he knew the best ingredients.

This free-range teal that grew up eating rice has a smaller body, shorter feathers, and thinner webbed feet. Even the luster of the feathers is not as smooth as that of feed ducks. Although it is not as good as feed ducks in appearance, it tastes really good. It's a must.

This kind of earthy duck does not require too many fancy stewing methods. Just put two small slices of ginger, add a spoonful and a half of red yeast rice wine to stew in water, and finally add some sea salt when it comes out of the pan, it is quite delicious.

Bai Yuanshan killed the duck at the door with a knife, put it in a stainless steel face plate, poured hot water on the duck, and plucked the duck by himself.

In addition to buying live teal, my uncle also brought two black beauty watermelons, pork ribs, and a live grass carp.

The ingredients are complete, Bai Xiaobai is busy in the kitchen, washing and cooking.

Bai Yuanshan stripped off the duck's feathers, took out the viscera and washed it, then chopped the duck's meat into small pieces on a wooden pier.

"Nephew, I'll leave the rest to you." Bai Yuanshan is an illiterate cook, it's okay to ask him to wash and cook, but he really wants to start cooking.

Bai Xiaobai has already experienced his scorched salted potato shreds and fried half-raw vegetables.

Bai Xiaobai will never forget the taste of salt in his mouth.

"Uncle, you rest, and leave the rest to me."

King Spirit Mine Lang...

Bai Xiaobai is cooking food in the kitchen.

Bai Yuanshan worked outside the kitchen. He put together two small dining tables to form a single table, and then wiped the dining table carefully.

After wiping the dining table, a book on the table caught Bai Yuanshan's attention.

The book has a yellowed and wrinkled cover and doesn't even have a title.

Bai Yuanshan has been in the antique business for several years. Based on his professional habits, he is interested in ancient things.

He flipped through the ancient book and heard it, and knew it was an ancient book from the Qing Dynasty.

Bai Yuanshan went to primary school, so he basically knows common characters, but this book is written in traditional Chinese characters, half classical Chinese, and he doesn't understand it very well, but the few words he knows have aroused his interest
~Wang Xiaoyu's mysterious jade spoon...

 Reward list, lady loves to eat meow? 388 book coins, fleeting pinellia, 300 book coins, thank you for your support!At 03:30 in the afternoon, there will be a special chapter on the Dragon Boat Festival ([-]), I wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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