gourmet chef

Chapter 522 Qinghai-Tibet Gourmet Tour

Chapter 522 Qinghai-Tibet Gourmet Tour

After Gao Chao booked the air ticket, he said, "Bai Xiaobai, what are you still doing in a daze, get ready to pack your luggage, and catch the plane tomorrow."

It's getting late.

There were no customers in the store for the time being, so Bai Xiaobai closed the store, fed Xiao Hei and Rhubarb, then went up to the second floor with Gao Chao, and went back to their rooms to pack their suitcases.

Bai Xiaobai just lied to Gao Ming, and it was his first time entering Tibet.

So there is a lot of luggage to prepare.

LS in February is still quite cold, and the temperature difference between day and night is also large, so it goes without saying that you need to wear warm clothes.

Furthermore, because of the high altitude of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, many people have severe altitude sickness after entering Tibet for the first time.

Therefore, it is said that people who enter Tibet for the first time should eat some rhodiola rosea, so that the altitude sickness will not be so severe.

But Bai Xiaobai knew that Rhodiola had to be taken half a month to a month before entering Tibet, so that it would be effective.

Two or three days in advance, eating is the same as not eating.

So he is not going to buy rhodiola.

It's just that Bai Xiaobai is a little worried.

The best means of transportation for the first time to Tibet is actually the train. The train enters Tibet slowly, allowing the body to gradually adapt to the altitude sickness, which is less likely to be serious.

If you take a direct flight to LS, you will definitely have a serious reaction when you get off the plane.

Bai Xiaobai was thinking about Gao Fan.

A cool electronic voice sounded in his mind:
[Host, your special-grade rhodiola oral liquid for entering Tibet is ready, please check it. 】

Special grade rhodiola oral liquid?
It is produced by the system again.

【Special Grade Rhodiola Oral Liquid is a special drug produced by the system. This product uses the top plateau Rhodiola. After extraction and concentration, the active ingredients are extracted. After more than ten processes, the essence medicine is finally synthesized, which can completely relieve the plateau. Nausea and headache caused by the reaction, the effect is excellent. 】

After the electronic sound finished, Bai Xiaobai found a small brown glass bottle on his Simmons bed.

It contained more than half of the liquid in the glass bottle.

He uncapped the bottle and took a sip.

The smell is bitter, the aftertaste is sweet, and it tastes better than expected.

Bai Xiaobai drank it all in one gulp.

"By the way, the system, can you provide another bottle?"

[Host, drink one bottle to prevent altitude sickness, no need to take it repeatedly. 】

"It's not me taking it. My brother Gao Chao is also going to Qinghai-Tibet with me, so I want to ask you for another bottle and give it to him."

[Understood, the host please check it. 】

After the electronic sound finished, another bottle of rhodiola oral liquid appeared on Simmons' bed.

Bai Xiaobai took the bottle, walked out of the bedroom, and knocked on the door of the small room next door.

Gao Chao put down the laundry in his hands and opened the door.

"This is made from Rhodiola rosea. Drinking it can prevent altitude sickness." Bai Xiaobai said.

Gao Chao patted his chest and said with a smile, "No, I'm in such good health that I don't need to drink."

Bai Xiaobai chuckled and said, "Forget it."

Gao Chao said, "Don't tell me, I was just joking with you. You delivered it yourself, I have to drink it."

Gao Chao took the bottle in Bai Xiaobai's hand with a hippie smile, and drank it in one gulp.

"Bai Xiaobai, you made this? It's much better than the oral liquid bought outside." Gao Chao praised.

Bai Xiaobai said calmly, "Go to bed early after tidying up your things, good night."

After finishing speaking, Bai Xiaobai went to the bedroom to pack his luggage again.

It took nearly 10 minutes before and after, before he packed the suitcase.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Bai Xiaobai played with his mobile phone for a while, and posted a message on the WeChat official account that the business would be closed for the next few days.

As soon as the news of the closure came out, the message area was filled with sorrow.

"Boss Bai, we are selling dried shrimps, and we are temporarily closed for five days."

"For restaurants that are closed, I will take Xiaobai's restaurant. If there is a disagreement, the business will be closed. It's awesome."

"I was planning to go to his shop for lunch tomorrow, but it was ruined again."

"I can't eat the food of Xiaobai Restaurant for five days. This is the rhythm that will kill me."

"The labor and management are not afraid of anything, but they are afraid that Xiaobai Restaurant will be closed, because then I will have no place to eat. I have to eat instant noodles for five days."

"Boss Hang Bibai, draw a circle and curse him for not making any money in the past five days."

Bai Xiaobai suspended business for five days, which aroused the opinions of many old customers. Most of them felt that five days was too difficult.

Without the delicacies of Xiaobai Restaurant, I always feel empty.

"Fortunately, Xiaobai Restaurant will be open tomorrow morning, so we must have breakfast."

"Appointment in the morning."

"What time will Xiaobai's restaurant open tomorrow morning? Boss Bai didn't say clearly. I just have something to do tomorrow morning. I might not be able to go after seven o'clock. It will be around ten o'clock."

The discussion in the message area was quite heated.

Bai Xiaobai didn't know anything, he calmly fell asleep early.

Early the next morning.

Xiaobai Restaurant is open as usual.

There were a lot of customers at lunch time this morning, and they all knew that Bai Xiaobai was going on a trip and would suspend business for five days.

Those old customers naturally want to take the last bus, and then take the door open, and come again.

The business in the store in the morning is really booming.

At the entrance of the restaurant, there was a huge scene.

Gao Chao and Li Qin were busy in the hall outside, while Bai Xiaobai was cooking food in the glass kitchen.

Customers did not decrease but increased until eleven o'clock.

There are many customers outside the store.

Because he was about to board the plane at 12:30, Bai Xiaobai bowed to the customers who lined up behind him to express his apology.

The vast majority of customers can understand, but there are also a small number of customers who are not reconciled to the delicacies of Xiaobai Restaurant.

"Boss Bai, can't you let us line up for nothing like this?"

"Boss Bai, then you have to give us a discount next time to make up for our loss."

"Boss Bai had a nice trip, you had a good time."

"Boss Bai, where are you traveling? Why don't you go during the Chinese New Year? Do you want to go now?"

"Boss Bai, when you come back to business, remember to post a message on the WeChat official account."

Many old customers are reluctant to part with Bai Xiaobai.

They already had deep feelings for Xiaobai Restaurant and Bai Xiaobai.

This restaurant is not only cooking food, but also has a special feeling that is hard to let go.

This is beyond words.

After Bai Xiaobai and the customer bowed, he and Gao Chao went back to the second floor to get the suitcases, and then brought the little black rhubarb to a nearby pet store.

Everything was ready, Bai Xiaobai and Gao Chao took a taxi and went to Jianghai Yangning Airport to board the plane.

In the taxi, a cool electronic voice sounded in Bai Xiaobai's mind.

[Host, the five-day travel budget for your Qinghai-Tibet gourmet tour is 10500 yuan, including accommodation, eating, drinking, and entertainment. Please make reasonable arrangements on your own. 】

The cost of eating, drinking and having fun?
Bai Xiaobai was sweating watermelon.

In addition to the Qinghai-Tibet gourmet trip this time, the most important thing is to find the second mysterious kitchen utensils, which is the real thing.

(End of this chapter)

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