gourmet chef

Chapter 5 Double Rewards

Chapter 5 Ten Times Reward

Early the next morning, when Bai Xiaobai was still discussing the football team with the goddess of his dreams, the evil alarm clock rang again.

This alarm clock disturbed Bai Xiaobai's sweet dreams countless times, and I don't know how many times it was photographed, so the surface seems to have no cracks, but the internal parts have actually had problems.

Otherwise, how could the alarm turn from a sweet girlish sound to a vicissitudes of a mother-in-law.

"The early bird gets the worm... the early bird gets the worm..."

The four-good young man Bai Xiaobai has always stayed in bed, and he slapped the alarm clock hard as always.

The first thing other people do when they wake up is to open their eyes, but it's not for Bai Xiaobai.

As if in a state of sleepwalking, he pulled back the quilt, squinted his sleepy eyes, didn't even wear shoes, went to the bathroom barefoot, took a glass of water, squeezed toothpaste and brushed his teeth directly.

During this period, his eyes were always closed.

Just halfway through brushing the teeth, the system rang with a cool sound.

[Ding Dong, good morning host, a new day, a new start, please do your best]

Bai Xiaobai was shocked by the cold voice and opened his eyes suddenly.

Until he fell asleep yesterday, he couldn't believe that he really had the blessing of the food system.I'm afraid it's a long dream within a dream, as long as I wake up, there will be nothing.

It's really not a dream, there really is a gourmet system.

Bai Xiaobai smiled slightly at the slightly mature face in the bathroom mirror.

Looking at the facial features of the little brother in the mirror alone, they are not particularly outstanding, but when the facial features are combined together, they are very handsome.

With the help of the top gourmet system, coupled with his own wit and wit.Flying to the top, the moment to reach the pinnacle of life is just around the corner.

After brushing his big white teeth, Bai Xiaobai hurriedly wiped his face, then rushed to the kitchen on the first floor to start making Supreme Tea Eggs.

Yesterday was too impulsive and inexperienced. He made more than [-] supreme tea eggs in one go, but most of them fell into his stomach.Not to mention wasting money in vain, my stomach is about to explode.

So today I didn't dare to make too many at once, Bai Xiaobai only made five Supreme Tea Eggs.

In the second production, Bai Xiaobai's technique is more skillful, and the Supreme Tea Egg made is more fragrant than yesterday.

"There are still four tea eggs to complete the goal. Today's goal is to sell three supreme tea eggs." Bai Xiaobai muttered to himself, and brought the pot with eggs to the door as usual.

Just as he put down the electric cooker, the phone in his pocket rang.

Bai Xiaobai took out his phone and looked at it.

Phone caller ID 'Uncle'

After Bai Xiaobai connected, "Hello, Uncle."

A manly voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Stinky boy, you were in the store at noon. I'll take a friend to your store for lunch and cook more delicious food. Today's guests are very important, so don't make any fools."

"Okay." After Bai Xiaobai habitually agreed, he suddenly remembered something, "Hey, uncle, wait... no..."


The other end of the phone has hastily hung up.

After Bai Xiaobai hung up the phone, he immediately started playing tricks with the system, "The system, it's my brother-in-law who wants to come to the restaurant for dinner. I didn't invite him on his own initiative. This is not cheating."

He remembered that there was a strange rule in the novice task that 'you must not take the initiative to invite friends into the store to increase sales', otherwise it would be considered cheating, and the previous sales volume would be reset to zero.

Since it's my uncle who wants to come to eat, it's not considered Bai Xiaobai's invitation.

Sure enough, there was no electronic sound in the system for a long time, and Bai Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief, that means cheating is not counted by default.

The person who called just now was Bai Xiaobai's uncle Bai Yuanshan.

Bai Yuanshan is in the antique business, and this business has been open for three years without opening for three years.

Uncle's friends are naturally mostly business people who have something to do with antiques.Bai Xiaobai has seen some of them before.

These antique businessmen are not short of money. Usually because they are used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, they would occasionally want to eat some simple food.

Almost every month, Bai Yuanshan would bring these antique business friends to Bai Xiaobai's store for a toothbrush festival.

It would have been easier if it had been changed before. Bai Xiaobai showed his skills a little, and he could cook some home-cooked dishes such as braised pork ribs, dry-roasted shrimp, steamed crystal dumplings, and new mushroom cabbage. But now that there is a system, the kitchen It cannot be used for other dishes.

Bai Xiaobai called his uncle again, the voice prompt was out of service area!

Can't even send text messages.

Bai Xiaobai tried to shake and poke his uncle's penguin and Weixin again, but there was still no response.

Won't fight again?
No matter, since I can't get in touch with my brother-in-law, I might as well treat him with Supreme Tea Eggs at noon.

Anyway, this thing looks shabby, but it tastes really delicious.

In fact, Bai Xiaobai already had a small calculation in his heart. If there were too many people brought by his uncle at noon, he might be able to complete the novice task ahead of schedule today.


Near noon, it was scorching hot outside. After eating and drinking, Xiao Hei was so hot that he stuck out his long red tongue and lay down under the air conditioner in the store, blowing against the air conditioner with his open belly.

Twelve o'clock sharp.

A black car was on time, and it slowly stopped under the big pagoda tree not far from the entrance of Baixiaobai's shop.

Through the glass window of the shop, Bai Xiaobai glanced out.

Only two people got out of the black car, one was my uncle Bai Yuanshan, and the other was a white-haired old man wearing black sunglasses.

Why are there only two people?

What's the matter?

Bai Xiaobai was a little depressed.

I thought my uncle would invite a group of friends to the restaurant for dinner like before.

I didn't expect to bring only one guest today.

It seems that the abacus of completing the novice task today is not going to work.

Bai Yuanshan took a big step towards Bai Xiaobai's restaurant.

Walking to the door of the store, Bai Yuanshan stopped.

its not right!
Why has the big nephew's store changed?

Because Bai Yuanshan would come to Baixiaobai's shop to open a small stove almost every month, so he was very familiar with the decoration of this shop.

But it's only been a month since I saw her, and the decoration of the store has changed drastically. Not only the wallpaper, dining tables and chairs have been changed, but even the kitchen has been relocated to the middle.

If he hadn't seen Bai Xiaobai waving at him in the store, Bai Yuanshan would have seriously suspected that he had gone to the wrong place.

Gathering his mind a little, Bai Yuanshan slowly entered the shop.

"Nephew, this is the archaeologist Professor Lin." Bai Yuanshan introduced the white-haired old man beside him to Bai Xiaobai as soon as he entered the store.

"Professor Lin, hello." Bai Xiaobai greeted politely.

Bai Yuanshan turned to Professor Lin and said, "Professor Lin, this is my eldest nephew Bai Xiaobai. He is a good cook. This is his restaurant."

The silver-haired Professor Lin looked very gentle, nodded slightly, smiled politely, and said nothing.

After Bai Yuanshan called Professor Lin into the shop and sat down, he said to Bai Xiaobai, "Nephew, quickly bring out the good food, and a few bottles of cold beer. The professor and I have something to talk about."

"Uncle, there is no more beer in my store." Bai Xiaobai responded.

Of course, there is beer in Bai Xiaobai's store, but the pit ratio system does not allow it to be sold.It is said that the well-made draft beer will be unlocked in the future.

It is expected that the alcoholic uncle will definitely drink beer when he sees it. Since the system cannot sell it now, Bai Xiaobai simply emptied all the wine in the refrigerator.

There is a saying that goes well, what is out of sight is pure.

Sure enough, the alcoholic Bai Yuanshan felt his throat itch when he heard that there was no beer, and complained, "Nephew, what's wrong with you, why is there no beer in this summer?"

"Uncle, it's not that the business is very good. It just happened to be sold out, so I didn't come to replenish it urgently." Bai Xiaobai's lying skills are not perfect, he just twisted his hands without blinking his eyelids.

"Forget it, let's serve the food directly." Bai Yuanshan complained in his heart, but he is so hungry now, he can have good food without wine.

"Okay. Uncle, wait a moment."

Because the sun outside was too strong, Bai Xiaobai brought the pot containing the Supreme Tea Eggs into the kitchen to escape the heat.

Three steps and two steps in parallel, Bai Xiaobai rushed to the kitchen, took two bowls, scooped up two Supreme Tea Eggs with a colander, packed each bowl and took it out.

Bai Yuanshan was chatting with Professor Lin when he suddenly smelled a strong fragrance. He thought it was a good dish, but when he took a closer look, there was only a white porcelain bowl in front of him. There was nothing in the bowl except a tea egg .

Warri oh...

Bai Yuanshan was dumbfounded immediately, how could he invite someone to eat tea eggs at noon?This eldest nephew usually looks like a very clever person, why is he so careless at a critical moment?There will be no less money from him.

"Eldest nephew, what good dishes did you cook, bring them out together." Bai Yuanshan glanced at the kitchen.

"Uncle, there are no more. There are only tea eggs in the shop. It costs 50 yuan each. They are delicious."

Bai Xiaobai's words are really a bit of a joke, but it's better to be straightforward than to cover up, and he has full confidence in the Supreme Tea Egg.

After hearing Bai Xiaobai's words, Bai Yuanshan, who was starving with hunger, froze instantly.

Although he didn't say anything, Bai Yuanshan was already cursing Zhucao secretly in his heart.

It's not easy for your uncle to come all the way to your store. He originally wanted to help you increase your turnover, but I didn't expect that you, a brat, didn't learn anything else. Asking prices all over the sky, selling an egg for 50 yuan, this is blackmailing your uncle, brat...

Normally, Bai Yuanshan would have said these inner monologues directly, but now that Professor Lin was sitting beside him, it seemed embarrassing to say them.

Bai Yuanshan didn't treat Professor Lin to dinner this time for nothing. He had a difficult task of identifying antiques and asked him for help.

Because things are difficult, Bai Yuanshan has always been reluctant to speak. This time, he finally found time to ask Professor Lin out. He originally wanted to treat him to a good meal, but he found an opportunity to bring it up at the right time. Unexpectedly, this stupid nephew will do it all. smashed.

Seeing Bai Yuanshan's embarrassed face, the gentle Professor Lin immediately smoothed things over, "It's okay, I like tea eggs too."

Professor Lin asked himself that he was obsessed with the study of antiques, and he had already had no desires, and he had no special preference for food, so even if he served tea eggs, he could accept it.

Besides, the tea eggs in front of me are very fragrant, and the surface has shown a very attractive maroon color due to the soaking of tea and sauce.

Professor Lin picked up the tea eggs, looked at them carefully, and began to carefully peel off the shells of the eggs.

The snow-white white of the shelled egg is covered with tan cracks.

But this tea egg is different from the tea egg that Bai Xiaobai ate before.

The brown cracks on the surface of the egg white are very clear, without any burrs, just like the unique ice cracks of ancient porcelain. The lobes are stacked, uniform in size, and full of layers.

Professor Lin, who has always been gentle and quiet, couldn't help clapping his hands when he saw this picture, "The ice cracks on the surface of the egg white are so beautiful, it's like a work of art, it's great."

Almost at the same time that Professor Lin applauded, a systematic voice appeared in Bai Xiaobai's mind.

[Congratulations to the host, for cooking an Ice Cracked Supreme Tea Egg, after completing the novice task, the system reward will be increased to ten times]

(End of this chapter)

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