gourmet chef

Chapter 460 Hot construction site

Chapter 460 Hot construction site

These women were far away from Bai Xiaobai's booth, and Bai Xiaobai couldn't hear what they were talking about, but he saw them pointing there.

Bai Xiaobai knew that they must have said bad things behind their backs.

Bai Xiaobai didn't want to know what they said.

Now he keeps his eyes on the crowd nearby, hoping that some migrant workers will patronize his booth and complete the side mission as soon as possible.

The sun was getting higher and higher, and the migrant workers left after lunch.

The hawkers selling fast food boxes outside the construction site have also gradually finished their work, and most of them have made a lot of money.

Only Bai Xiaobai had zero income, and he didn't sell a single fast food box.

Simply appalling.

"It's normal at first." Gao Chao comforted Bai Xiaobai.

"It doesn't matter." Bai Xiaobai said, "Let's eat first too."

It was almost twelve noon.

Bai Xiaobai was already hungry.

The three of them each served rice, each took a plate, and filled their favorite dishes.

Bai Xiaobai is served with braised pork belly, stir-fried pork intestines, fried vegetarian yam slices, and stir-fried cauliflower with rice.

The bright red braised pork belly melts in the mouth, and the crispy aroma of the meat immediately melts between the lips and teeth. Salty, fresh, and fragrant, with a colorful storm of deliciousness, sweeping the entire mouth.

Stir-fried pig small intestines are soft and chewy, and the more you chew, the more fragrant they become, without any fishy smell of meat.

The yam is sliced ​​very thin, smooth and soft, and every bite is exceptionally refreshing, moderately salty, and without adding chili, you can taste the freshest and tenderest taste of the ingredients themselves.


When Bai Xiaobai was having lunch, he found that the stir-fry he cooked was really delicious.

All the common ingredients bought outside are used, but Bai Xiaobai thinks that he can cook such delicious food. If he changed it before, Bai Xiaobai thought that he would never be able to do it.

Gao Chao and Li Qin were also shocked.

At first glance, these small stir-fries are not particularly different except that the taste is better than the fast food in ordinary restaurants.

But how can the taste be so surprisingly good.

For example, the most common stir-fried cabbage that Gao Chao eats in his mouth now.

The main ingredients are cabbage, not even garlic and chili, but the taste is very refreshing and delicate, especially delicious.

The tenderness and crispness of the cabbage itself is fully stimulated.

Many questions popped up in Gao Chao's mind.

He once suspected that Bai Xiaobai's kitchen was very mysterious, and seemed to hide some secrets, such as equipment that could make the food more delicious, or some special props.

But now it's completely slapped in the face.

Bai Xiaobai made these stir-fried dishes in front of him, and all the equipment was normal, so he relied on hard skills and real kung fu, not anything else.

When Li Qin was eating, she was also very surprised.

For example, this seemingly ordinary bowl of pearl white rice is really delicious.

Even though the pearl rice is relatively common, the taste and aroma of the steamed rice are absolutely superb.

Not only is the rice full of flavor, but also moderately soft and hard, and the viscosity is just right.

Even just eating this bowl of rice without any other dishes, Li Qin thinks she can eat it completely.

The three of Bai Xiaobai enjoyed their lunch time with relish.

A middle-aged strong man in his early forties came out of the construction site.

He was wearing a yellow half-worn safety helmet and grass-green overalls. His whole body was dirty, and his face was covered in stains. Although he was not as exaggerated as a coal miner, he was still ashamed.

As soon as the middle-aged migrant workers appeared, the few hawkers who remained outside shouted loudly.

One of the middle-aged women even used Shuchuan dialect in order to get close, "Brother, eat a fast food plug."

The middle-aged migrant workers are getting tired of the fast food boxes sold by the hawkers outside, so he plans to change his taste today.

From a distance, he saw a booth parked not far away, it was the booth of Xiaobai Restaurant.

The dishes seemed to be pretty good, so the middle-aged migrant workers walked in to take a closer look.

The dishes are indeed okay, with fish and meat, and slightly steaming.

He asked, "Boss, how do you sell your fast food?"

Bai Xiaobai put down his chopsticks and simply quoted the price of the fast food.

The middle-aged migrant worker could accept the price, and then asked, "Boss, do you put chili in your fast food?"

"There is no pepper, but the taste is absolutely fine." In order to be able to complete the side mission, Bai Xiaobai couldn't help but started to recommend it.

"There is no chili, so how can I eat it?" The middle-aged migrant worker hesitated, a little bit like leaving.

"You can try it for free before leaving." Bai Xiaobai tried his best to persuade him to stay.

Many fruit stall owners, in order to attract customers, will let customers try a little for free, in order to break through the psychological defense of customers.

But free samples at fast food restaurants, never.

In fact, if he were the former Bai Xiaobai, he would definitely not drop his identity to do this.

But now it is a stall after all, not a store, and sometimes you have a good figure, and you should put it down when you should.

A man can bend and stretch, not to mention it's not a big deal.

In order to complete the side missions, he had to go all out.

The middle-aged migrant workers heard that they could try the food, thinking that it would be fine to have a bite, and if it really didn’t suit their appetite, they could just leave.

Bai Xiaobai asked, "Which one do you want to try?"

The middle-aged migrant worker said, "Then I'll try a piece of pork belly."

Bai Xiaobai picked up a piece of pork belly, put it on a small plate, and gave the middle-aged migrant worker a pair of disposable chopsticks.

Yu Chenghai picked up the chopsticks, picked up the pork belly in the small dish, put it in his mouth and tasted it.

Just one sip, just two seconds later.

A special smell of meat filled the lips and teeth.

This pork belly is fat and thin, not oily or greasy, soft and delicious, take a bite, the juice flows horizontally, and the taste of meat fills the whole mouth.

Yu Chenghai has eaten a lot of braised pork belly, but the pork belly in his mouth now is completely different from the pork belly in the fast food box lunches of those hawkers outside.

It is very fresh and tender, and does not have a heavy sauce taste or greasy taste, but it is delicious and unusual, making it unforgettable.

Yu Chenghai couldn't figure out how pork belly could be so refreshing and delicious.

In fact, when it comes to the choice of pork belly, Bai Xiaobai buys fresh premium pork belly pork from the market and thaws it after one night of refrigeration.

Although this kind of pork belly cannot be compared with the pork belly of 'Jiugong Dongpo Pork', it is more than enough for cooking home-cooked pork belly.

After overnight refrigerated pork belly, the meat will be firmer and the taste will be better.

In addition, when cooking pork belly, Bai Xiaobai did not add a drop of soy sauce, but fried it with white sugar to make the sugar color, and wrapped the sugar color with a small amount of garlic to remove the porky smell of pork belly.

Therefore, Yu Chenghai can feel the slight spicy garlic fragrance remaining on the tip of his tongue, which is very comfortable.

"Boss, your pork belly is so delicious, I'll eat it at your place." Yu Chenghai was very satisfied with the pork belly, and he immediately decided to consume it at this stall.

The first migrant worker customer for the side quest has finally been reached.

Bai Xiaobai said excitedly, "Okay, let's have a look at what to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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