gourmet chef

Chapter 417

Chapter 417
When Xiao Chen heard it, he immediately realized, "So it's Boss Bai, no wonder he looked very familiar from the side view at first."

"Boss Bai is too awesome, he actually went to Japan to participate in the competition?" The male tourist not only admired.

"It's no wonder. Some of my local friends in Jianghai love Boss Bai very much. They have been waiting in front of Xiaobai Restaurant for the opening of the restaurant these days, but after waiting for two days, there is still no one. The boss didn't even give a notice of closure Write. Some people speculated that after the food festival, Boss Bai seemed to have offended a big shot, and the shop was ordered to rectify."

If Bai Xiaobai heard this rumor, he would probably spurt blood.

But he was also to blame for his lack of consideration.

Because of time constraints and being dazzled by his first overseas trip, Bai Xiaobai forgot to post the closure notice at the door, and even forgot to post the suspension of business on the WeChat official account.

Therefore, it is estimated that except for Gao Chao and Lan Weihao, the rest of the old customers do not know the whereabouts of Bai Xiaobai.

In the past two days, many people would habitually wait at Xiaobai Restaurant, but it was too late to wait for it to open.

So rumors about Bai Xiaobai spread everywhere.

The most exaggerated statement is that Boss Bai swept the four major awards in a row at the food festival, offended the big and powerful in the city, and the shop was also ordered to rectify...

Naturally, Bai Xiaobai didn't know anything about the conversation between the three Huaxia tourists in the crowd.

He is thinking about the creative problem of sashimi platter.

What exactly do you have to do to be creative? ? ?

The electronic sound of the system didn't mean to remind at all, it all depended on Bai Xiaobai himself.

In fact, countless inspirations came from Bai Xiaobai's mind.

But he is extremely demanding on cooking requirements.

Besides, there are high-level competitors like Sota Hattori.

If you want to go deep in this game, you have to be very creative.

While Bai Xiaobai was thinking, he glanced at Hattori Sota nearby.

He seems to have come up with an idea, and has already started cutting sashimi on the balloon.

As Sakura said, this person's sword skills are so smooth, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has reached the bottom of his peak.

He is indeed a genius. He cuts every piece of food perfectly, and cuts the knife with the right weight. It is not only a balloon that is inflated, but it has not burst at all.

Among all the contestants, this is simply an outstanding existence.

Onlookers, many Japanese girls and Japanese housewives were cheering Hattori Sota's name, and they kept "do it" (come on) and "do it" to encourage him.

Watching the time go by little by little.

Bai Xiaobai simply closed his eyes, settled down and continued to think about ideas.

The scene in front of him is like a little master, always calm and abnormal, and finally makes a move at the critical moment when the game is about to end.

And this shot is a blockbuster gesture.

Countless platter ideas flashed in Bai Xiaobai's mind.

A platter that is too Chinese-style will definitely not appeal to Japanese tasters, but if it is completely Japanese-style, Bai Xiaobai thinks it may not be better than Hattori.

Therefore, there must be a balance between the two.It is best to make a creative sashimi platter combining Chinese and Japanese.

Time passed bit by bit.

The five balloons of most people on the field were cut and burst, and they were directly eliminated.

Sakura has also cut and popped four balloons. Fortunately, her platter has completed eight or nine parts of the prototype.

And Sota Hattori is very stable, so far not a single balloon has been cut, and he has become the focus of the audience.

Of course he is not the only focus of the audience.

Bai Xiaobai is also the focus of the onlookers.

Because he closed his eyes, he was still thinking about ideas without distraction.

The onlookers basically believed that the reason why Bai Xiaobai hadn't done anything was that he had no skills, or he had given up or was timid, afraid of the sound of the balloon exploding.

All in all, very calm.

With only 10 minutes left, it is almost impossible to complete the entire sashimi platter.

Nara Shigemitsu also gave Bai Xiaobai a cold look, somewhat disdainful.

He already knew from the registration materials that Bai Xiaobai was from Huaxia.

Nara Shigemitsu is old and has extensive experience. He has met many Chinese chefs who speak loudly in his life.

These people boast that Chinese cuisine is unique and unique, and some radical Chinese chefs even boasted: Chinese cuisine is number one in Asia and number one in the world.

Shigemitsu Nara has always laughed at this remark. How can the creativity of Riben Cuisine's sashimi platter be comparable to that of a mere Chinese.

Just when Nara Shigemitsu decided that Bai Xiaobai had given up.

Countdown to the last minute.

As soon as Bai Xiaobai opened his eyes, he had already thought of an idea, and he picked up a thin sharp knife and turned it twice, as easily as turning a pen.

Put the salmon ingredients on the balloon, press it with your left hand, and hold the knife with your right hand.

Move your hands at will, cut with your knife...

stab, stab-

When cutting ingredients on the balloon, most of the contestants are very careful, for fear of cutting the balloon too hard and exploding it.

But Bai Xiaobai did the opposite.

He cut the knife very fast, it is simply amazing.

However, the ingredients under the ingredients are as stable as Mount Tai, just like a real chopping board.

Of course, he didn't want to pretend to be X, and there was a reason for doing so.

He gained a lot from the systematic sashimi anatomy and cooking diagram yesterday.

According to the data, if you use inappropriate knives or sharp knives for sashimi, it is easy to damage the shape and fibrous tissue of the raw food when cutting, causing the fish lipids to burst, which will destroy the special properties of the raw material itself. flavor.

Of course, apart from knives, knife skills are also very important. The whole piece of sashimi must be cut smoothly with one knife, and it cannot be cut slowly with one knife. The reason is the same as above.

Therefore, Bai Xiaobai uses a quick knife to cut, and every cut is smooth and smooth, and it is done in one go.

Naturally, Bai Xiaobai must concentrate on cutting the knife like this, if he is a little sloppy, the balloon below will explode when it touches the blade.

Time passed bit by bit, and Hattori Sota and Sakura had already completed the work first.

The other contestants are eliminated, those who give up are given up.

There were only single-digit contestants left in the originally crowded competition field, which was like a big wave washing the sand.

The remaining contestants have also completed their works one after another.

Bai Xiaobai was the only one left.

After finishing the fish part, Bai Xiaobai placed the cut sashimi on a shallow round container with a perilla leaf backing.

Last 5 minutes left.

Bai Xiaobai officially started the decoration matching of the creative platter, and he used a trick:

"Supernatural carver - flower carving."

Shua Shua Shua.

Bai Xiaobai is like a kitchen god possessed, with five fingers in his left hand, he can flexibly rotate the big white radish, and he carves on it with a thin sharp knife in his right hand.

His cutting speed is extremely fast, it is simply dizzying, and he is a real ghost.

The white radish loses its outer skin and gradually becomes a sculpture prototype.

A total of three white radishes were carved successively.

The moment before the cut-off gong sounded, Bai Xiaobai finally stepped on the spot to complete his competition knife work.

(End of this chapter)

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