gourmet chef

Chapter 41 Show off!Supreme Package (2)

Chapter 41 Show off!Supreme Package ([-])

Bai Xiaobai was very impressed with Zhu Yufei.

She said in the morning that she would come to taste Supreme Beef Noodles at noon, but Bai Xiaobai just thought she was just saying it casually, but she actually came.

"Boss, you launched the supreme set meal?" Zhu Yufei noticed the new customer notice posted on the glass kitchen.

"Yes, it was just released. Would you like a copy?" Bai Xiaobai asked, putting down his work.

Zhu Yufei noticed.

The supreme set meal includes a bowl of supreme beef noodles, a plate of 5ML supreme chili sauce, and a supreme tea egg, priced at 500 yuan a piece.

This is 15 yuan cheaper than a single order of three.

It seems that it is still a good deal to order a set meal.

"Boss, come for a supreme set meal, and the supreme chili sauce should be slightly spicy." Zhu Yufei didn't hesitate, after scanning the customer notice, she directly asked for the set meal.

Because of the excellent performance during the probationary period, the company announced that she will become a full-time employee of the company tomorrow.

After all the hard work, Zhu Yufei plans to use this supreme set meal to reward her hard work during the probationary period.

"Okay, please sit down, wait a moment." Bai Xiaobai greeted Zhu Yufei and was just about to go back to the kitchen.

"Boss, hello, another set meal." Lisa put down the bowl and gently sucked the tea egg sauce remaining on her index finger.

Lisa already has a big appetite, but she hasn't eaten with her open belly for more than a month just to keep her figure slim.

Now for this delicacy, all those who want to lose weight are put aside first, and she still wants to eat another supreme set meal.

"I'm sorry, each person can only buy one supreme set meal per day." Bai Xiaobai directly broke Lisa's illusion.

"Oh, NO..." After Lisa was rejected, she drew the end of the voice, and her blue eyes were full of reluctance and confusion. "Boss, why don't you make money if you have money?"

After all, Lisa is a foreigner. Even though her Chinese is good, like most foreigners, her fourth pronunciation is weak.

The last sentence Lisa wanted to say was 'boss, why don't you make money. '

What Bai Xiaobai heard was.

'Boss, why do you have money to touch up your makeup. '

I still wear makeup for feelings...

The back of Bai Xiaobai's head was covered with black lines.

However, as far as my "love tiger oil" gutter is concerned, I am not qualified to laugh at fifty steps.

Bai Xiaobai collected himself, and said seriously, "I'm sorry. This is the rule, and I still want to eat the supreme set meal, so I can only come back tomorrow."

Even if it is a foreign friend, Bai Xiaobai will not give the green light, as always, he refuses.

Seeing the boss's resolute attitude, Lisa is inconvenient to insist.

Anyway, I will stay in Jianghai City for several days due to business relationship, and I will come to eat again if I have a chance.

Lisa left Xiaobai Restaurant with a trolley case.

When she walked out the door, she picked up the general-purpose mobile phone she bought in Huaxia, opened the skype software, and sent an instant message to someone.

'Lily, I ate a wondeful set meal , its amazing' (Lily, I ate a wonderful set meal today, it was amazing.)
Lisa received a phone call shortly after sending the instant message.

"Lisa, I just got off the plane and I'm still in the Imperial Capital. I saw your skype message just now. Did you have a set meal outside? Didn't Haochuang Hotel in Tianteng arrange your meal?" the person on the phone The voice on the other end asked in a suspicious tone.

"The arrangement is arranged, but I just like to eat out. I am tired of the Chinese food in the hotel. By the way, Lily, let me tell you that the beef noodle set at the store just now is delicious, but a little expensive .” Lisa couldn’t pronounce the prefix “Supreme” in front of the set meal, so she simply said it was a beef noodle set meal.

"Beef noodle set?" The other end of the phone was full of curiosity, "A bit expensive? How much is it?"

"A serving of 500 yuan, I just finished eating."

"500 yuan...one copy?...." On the other end of the phone, Li Lili's voice went up several steps in vain.

She was really shocked.

It stands to reason that in the past few years, in order to protect the rights and interests of consumers, the hacking organization has cracked down on countless unscrupulous restaurants in Jianghai City.

However, most of these unconscionable black restaurants use the notorious waste oil and extremely inferior foot-smelly salt, otherwise they will cheat consumers at the most three or four times the price.

For example, although the Supreme Tea Eggs in Xiaobai Restaurant last time were a scam, the price was only 50 yuan, not more than one hundred, and the taste of the tea eggs was so good that there was nothing to say.

Unexpectedly, there is now a 500 yuan beef noodle set meal!
This price is simply out of the sky.

Rao is that Li Lili, as the deputy head of the black attack organization, has dispatched countless black attack operations, but so far he has never encountered such a shop that is outrageously pitted.

Ha ha……

If you don't die, you won't die!
Originally on a business trip for several days, Li Lili just got off the plane and was as tired as a dog.After hearing this message from Lisa's mouth, she immediately revived with full blood.

"Lisa, I'm going back to the headquarters of Tianteng Group tomorrow. You first write down the address of the restaurant where you eat. Since it's so delicious, I'll go eat with you tomorrow."

Li Lili said so, but in fact she was a drunkard who didn't care about drinking.

The essential purpose is to go to the restaurant where Lisa eats tomorrow to see what's going on. If the name is not worthy of the name, it really deceives the masses of people who eat melons, and the 'black attack' should be launched as soon as possible.

"Okay, Lily, see you tomorrow." After Lisa hung up the phone, she randomly found a passer-by and asked for the address of this street.

Passer-by A saw that foreigners needed help, and Du Gudao was enthusiastic, and immediately told her that the Huaxia street was called Chaotianmen Street.

But Lisa really can't remember the proper nouns of the streets.

Seeing this, passer-by A simply wrote down the Chinese name of the street on a note and handed it to Lisa.

"Thank you, thank you!" Lisa thanked the passerby again and again, pinching the note with the street address on it, carefully put it in her pocket, and silently noted down the location of Xiaobai Restaurant on the street, then carried the trolley case I took a taxi and drove to Haochuang Hotel where I was staying.

Bai Xiaobai carefully washed the sea bowls and white porcelain bowls used by Wei Hai and Lisa in the kitchen.

Zhu Yufei is eating the supreme set meal outside the store.

One bite of noodles, one bite of soup, one bite of beef and one bite of tea eggs.

Simply can not stop.

The beef noodles are springy and smooth, with just the right elasticity.

The beef bone broth is full-bodied, natural and delicious, without heavy greasy feeling, let alone strong MSG flavor.

Obviously there is no amplified material, the broth is extremely clear, but why is it so fragrant?

There is also beef slices that look very thin, but when you bite into it, gravy bursts out of it.

How is this done?
Even the generic chilli sauce that looks like the one you buy at the supermarket tastes like nothing else.

I don't know what kind of chili is used to make Supreme Chili Sauce, or what special production process is used, or what unique secret recipe, in short, the taste of Supreme Chili Sauce is really delicious.

There is a slight sweetness in the spiciness, and a light fruity aroma in the salty and delicious taste, constantly washing in the mouth.

Such a complex flavor and yet so delicious.

Even if you eat the supreme chili sauce directly with rice, it is more than enough without other dishes.

Every time Zhu Yufei took a bite of the set meal, a bubble of doubt popped up in her head.

She has eaten countless delicacies, plus she has a natural golden tongue, which is very keen, but she can roughly guess the ingredients and seasonings used in ordinary restaurants.

Supreme tea eggs, she can still guess that they are top-quality local eggs and top-quality Keemun black tea.

But now, she really can't taste what kind of ingredients are the Supreme Beef Noodles and Supreme Chili Sauce.

Zhu Yufei glanced suspiciously at the glass kitchen.

It's a pity that there is glass blocking her, so she can't see anything in the glass kitchen at all.

Bai Xiaobai was washing dishes in the kitchen, watching Zhu Yufei lower his head to eat the supreme set meal for a while, and then looked up suspiciously at the glass kitchen and wanted to laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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