gourmet chef

Chapter 37 New Regulations

Chapter 37 New Regulations

Beaten by the system as always.

Bai Xiaobai was a little speechless, he obviously got the props, but now he can't use them.

Ha ha
But anyway, it is now Dabai level, and the next level is Xiaotong, it shouldn't be too long.

The item thousand yuan card is quite big, almost twice the size of a normal bank card.

Bai Xiaobai was about to put the thousand-yuan card in his pocket, only to realize that the pockets of the shorts he was wearing were too shallow, and it would easily fall out if he forced it in.

"System, it's inconvenient for me to put the thousand-yuan card in my pocket, and it's easy to lose it. Can you provide a storage space, which is similar to Doraemon's pocket, which can hold unlimited props."

Bai Xiaobai is telling the truth, he has a small flaw.Small things are easy to lose, often don't even know where to put your own keys.

Besides, this is just the first item. If you get new items in the future, it is impossible to carry them all in your pocket, and that would be too inconvenient.

The cool electronic sound of the system sounds
[The level of the host is too low, and it is currently impossible to have props for storage space.Please work hard to upgrade to Xiaotong. After reaching the Xiaotong level, the host will get a mysterious storage space prop provided by the system. 】

As soon as Bai Xiaobai heard about the props with storage space, he immediately got excited, "A certain mysterious storage space prop, what is it?"

[The host level is low, it is impossible to know!Please try to upgrade! 】

The system is shutting down again.

These days, Bai Xiaobai has been invulnerable to all kinds of poisons trapped by the system, so his mood has not fluctuated too much.

Sure enough, upgrading is king.

Bai Xiaobai opened the plastic bag, took out the 10 bear biscuits with 1 point of experience recharge obtained by completing side missions, took out one and put it in his mouth.

Bai Xiaobai got this kind of biscuit before after the tea egg smashed the double yolk egg.

Still a familiar taste.

It has a crunchy texture, light sweetness, and a strong apple aroma. It doesn't stick to your teeth at all, and the more you chew, the more delicious it is. It's really good.

After eating a bear biscuit, Bai Xiaobai could feel that the gold card experience column of the data immediately increased by 1 point of experience.

"System, this bear biscuit tastes good, what is it made of? Can you unlock it to make this kind of biscuit in the future?" Bai Xiaobai thought, this kind of bear biscuit is usually eaten as a snack, it is neither sweet nor greasy. The cookies are strong on the outside.

The system now reads: Bear 1 point experience recharge biscuit is the exclusive food for host upgrade and cannot be made!Can only be obtained through rewards.

Bai Xiaobai was both happy and helpless when he saw the words from the system.

The happy thing is the exclusive food, which means that it is equivalent to a special offering, and others can't eat it if they want it.Unfortunately, it can only be obtained through rewards, and I cannot make it myself.

Since you can't make it, save a few bear biscuits and eat them tomorrow.

Bai Xiaobai put the remaining bear biscuits back into the plastic bag, tied the seal, and sealed it.

At this time, the system's cool electronic tone sounded again.

[Upgrade exclusive food cannot be stored, otherwise after 10 minutes, even if you eat it, you will not be able to increase your experience!The host is cautious]

Bai Xiaobai "..."

The cool electronic sound continues to sound
[After the host level reaches Xiaotong, you will get a host-specific food refrigerator provided by the system.At that time, you can use the host's exclusive gourmet refrigerator to store various upgraded exclusive foods for a long time. 】

The host's exclusive food refrigerator!

Various upgraded exclusive food!

When Bai Xiaobai heard the words of the system, he was filled with anticipation.

In this way, Bear's 1 point experience recharge biscuit is just one of the exclusive foods for upgrading!There will be a variety of upgraded exclusive food in the future.

It seems that Xiaotong's level is an important watershed for level jumping.

When you reach Xiaotong, you can not only use props, but also get props in a mysterious storage space, and you can also get the host's exclusive food refrigerator.

Each of these three items is very attractive.

Must upgrade to Xiaotong ASAP.

Since the bear biscuits cannot be kept now, Bai Xiaobai simply devoured the remaining biscuits in one go.

Another 9 points have been added to the experience column.

After eating the bear biscuits, Bai Xiaobai clicked on the golden data card that he hadn't checked for a long time.

Name: Bai Xiaobai
Goal: To become a top gourmet chef who has learned both Chinese and Western cuisines.

Sex: Male
Age: 22
Nationality: Han (Earth Humans)
Props: thousand yuan card
Title: [Tea Egg Master]

Trick: None
Experience: 171 points

Physical fitness: lock
Master dishes: Supreme Tea Eggs (D), Supreme Beef Noodles (C)

Supreme Chili Sauce (serve)
Culinary talent: ?
Current system level: Dabai

Remarks: empty
The "Thousand Yuan Card" has been added to the props column, and the master dishes have been updated accordingly.

As for the experience column, although after adding 10 points of experience, the experience has reached 171 points, but the system level is still clear.

Bai Xiaobai asked the system before how much experience is required to reach Xiaotong level, but the high-cold system did not respond.

However, dripping water will eventually wear away rocks, and Bai Xiaobai is not in a hurry, it is only a matter of time before he upgrades to Xiaotong.

"By the way, system, what new tasks are there next?" Realizing that there are many benefits after being promoted to Xiaotong level, Bai Xiaobai took the initiative to ask new tasks for the first time.

Now that the side missions have been completed, there must be new missions.

Sure enough, the electronic sound of the system soon echoed in my mind coldly.

[Host, please accept the bullish mission. 】

The cool electronic sound is over.

System current word:

Bullish mission: Accumulatively sell 200 supreme packages.

System Regulations
1. The supreme set meal includes a bowl of supreme beef noodles, a plate of 5ML supreme chili sauce, and a supreme tea egg.The price of each supreme package is 500 yuan, and the host level is low, and the price cannot be tampered with.

2. One customer can only consume one supreme set meal in the store a day, and the set meal can only be consumed in the store, and no takeaway package service is allowed.The supreme package consumed by the host is not counted in the sold quantity.

3. During the bullish mission, the daily business hours are limited to 6 hours, and the host can freely arrange the business hours.However, it must not exceed 6 hours, otherwise the accumulated sales volume of the day will immediately become invalid.

4. Special supplementary note, the statistics of the business hours of a day are based on the opening and closing of the shutter of the host restaurant.Opening the shutter of the restaurant means opening for business, at which point the countdown begins, and correspondingly, closing the shutter of the restaurant means closing, and the countdown stops at this moment.

Reward for completing the bullish mission: launch new product qualification + 100 experience points.

The rules of the system, even the standard of business hours, are strictly regulated.There are hardly any loopholes to exploit.

After Bai Xiaobai carefully read a large section of the system, he briefly analyzed it.

This time the bullish mission rewards are really good.

Needless to say, the benefits of launching new products, the other 100 experience points are also quite attractive.

Maybe you can upgrade to Xiaotong immediately after completing the bullish mission.

But the excitement is the excitement, Bai Xiaobai is still deeply aware of the long way to go in this mission.

Not only did the quantity sold require a full 200 bowls, but the price of a supreme set meal reached 500 yuan.So this time the amount of the mission alone is 10 yuan.

Most importantly, there is a new regulation in this mission.

The daily operating hours are limited to 6 hours.

6 hours, which is less than half of my usual business hours.

Fortunately, the system does not stipulate the time point of death, so I can adjust it at any time according to the actual situation, and freely arrange the business hours.

After analyzing silently in his heart, Bai Xiaobai clicked to accept the bullish mission.

Almost instantly.

A countdown immediately popped up in my mind.

The countdown timer shows a 6-hour countdown to the opening hours of the day.

The countdown has begun.

The morning meal has already passed, in order to save the precious 6 hours of business today.

Bai Xiaobai immediately pulled down the rolling shutter door of the shop.

 In response to the questions that readers responded to, I will specifically answer them again.The protagonist has to pay for food. When he ate Supreme Tea Eggs for the first time, 50 yuan was deducted from the bank card by the KB system.I have described it. The KB system adopts super black technology means. In addition to the share of the protagonist’s bank card each time, after the protagonist consumes food, the KB system automatically deducts the fee from the protagonist’s bank card at the first time (including 19 Supreme Tea Egg) so I won't waste pen and ink describing the same thing over and over again.

  In addition, I would like to give a special explanation.

  The special glass in Xiaobai's restaurant is currently unable to isolate the aroma, and the aroma will float to Chaotianmen Street.But glass has sound insulation effect, and the sound insulation effect of black technology glass is very special, not two-way sound insulation, but one-way sound insulation.Specifically, the protagonist can hear what the customer says and shouts outside the glass in the kitchen, but on the contrary, the customers outside can neither see what the protagonist is doing in the kitchen (this point was explained in the previous chapter), but also I couldn’t hear a word the protagonist said in the glass kitchen (about the one-way sound insulation, the author will find a suitable opportunity in the following chapters, and point it out at the right time.)
(End of this chapter)

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