gourmet chef

Chapter 12 Tea Egg Whirlwind (Please recommend tickets)

Chapter 12 Tea Egg Whirlwind (Please recommend tickets)
Two big golden eggs popped out of Bai Xiaobai's mind immediately.

Double yolk eggs?Smashing golden eggs?
Could this be the last hidden reward of the Supreme Tea Egg?
Bai Xiaobai remembered that the system had said that the Supreme Tea Egg had three hidden rewards.

Ice cracks and red eggs have appeared, and the last hidden reward is left, is it the double yolk egg in front of you?

Bai Xiaobai looked puzzled, ran into the kitchen and asked the system, "What's the situation with double-yolk eggs and smashed golden eggs?"

The system now says: Layer hens raised in Changbai Mountain have a certain chance of laying multiple yolk eggs, among which the chance of double yolk eggs is [-]%, the chance of three yolk eggs is [-] in ten thousand, and the chance of four yolk eggs is [-] in [-] billion.According to the number of yolks in the eggs with many yolks, the system will produce a corresponding number of golden eggs, and the host will get the rewards by smashing the golden eggs.

Bai Xiaobai understood immediately after reading the system's current words.

The last hidden reward is more yolk eggs.

After eggs with many yolks appear, a corresponding number of golden eggs will appear according to the number of yolks.

For example, now that a double-yolk egg appears, two golden eggs appear in the system that can be smashed.

In fact, the probability of double yolk eggs is not bad, [-]% is not low, and Bai Xiaobai has encountered it many times in the past few years since he opened the restaurant.But the three-yolk egg directly soared to one in ten thousand, which is on the same level as the occurrence of ice cracks. The four-yolk egg is even more exaggerated, one in ten billion. What kind of concept is this? It is dozens of times more difficult than winning the first prize in the lottery , Bai Xiaobai didn't dare to expect to appear at all.

Experts say that nine-yolk eggs are theoretically possible, but as of now, the most recorded eggs in the world are four-yolk eggs.

Bai Xiaobai knows that the appearance of multi-yolk eggs is related to gene mutations, but it cannot be generalized that it is harmful to the human body.

For example, if chickens are raised with a large amount of hormones, the yellow eggs they produce are indeed harmful to the human body, but if they are raised naturally, the self-mutated eggs with many yellows are actually no different from ordinary eggs.

At best, the chicks cannot be hatched.

Looking at the two golden eggs that appeared in his mind, Bai Xiaobai couldn't wait, pursed his lips and asked the system, "Can you smash both golden eggs?"

The system electronic sound sounds.

[For a double-yolk egg, the host can only choose to smash one golden egg, for a three-yolk egg, the host can choose to smash two golden eggs, and by analogy, for a four-yolk egg, the host can choose to smash three golden eggs. 】

After Bai Xiaobai heard the system's electronic tone, he wanted to curse again.

Damn, God pit, why there is a golden egg left that cannot be smashed.

Bai Xiaobai's biggest feeling at the moment is that when eating, he can only choose one of his favorite braised pork and sweet and sour pork ribs, not both.

Ha ha……

Strongly despise the system ah!
[The host is not allowed to refute, please choose to smash the golden egg. 】

You can only choose one of the two golden eggs, and you can't hug left and right. Although Bai Xiaobai is unwilling, he can only give up.

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Xiaobai finally chose to smash the golden egg on the right.

After gently tapping the finger towards the right side of the mind, the golden egg on the right side slowly cracked open.

While the golden egg on the right was cracked, the golden egg on the left disappeared.

After the golden egg on the right was completely smashed open, a few golden characters flew out of it.

'Congratulations to the host, you have received a small gift pack of tea eggs. '

"Tea egg small gift bag?" Bai Xiaobai didn't know what the small gift bag was.

The golden text of the system turned into a gift bag and slowly landed in his hand.

It really was a small gift bag, even smaller than a ring box.

Bai Xiaobai unwrapped the outer packaging of the gift bag.

I thought it was a little golden egg or a red envelope or something.

Facts have proved that Bai Xiaobai really thought too much, there were only three small bear-shaped biscuits in the gift package the size of a ring box.

The system electronic sound sounds.

[Congratulations to the host, get three bears with 1 experience recharge biscuit]

What are you doing?
Bear 1 experience recharge biscuit?
Whether the system is so cute or not, only a little experience is needed.

System reminder: After the host eats three biscuits with 1 point of experience recharge, the experience will increase by 3 points.

After all, the probability of double yolk eggs is 3%, so Bai Xiaobai never thought about any big rewards, 3 points of experience is [-] points of experience.

It's better to have a reward than nothing, and Bai Xiaobai doesn't dislike it either.

The biscuits in the shape of bears are creamy yellow, only the size of a thumb, and the bears on them are carved lifelike. Eating this thing can increase experience.

Bai Xiaobai was dubious, and stuffed three biscuits into his mouth at the same time.

Not to mention, the biscuits taste really good. Although they are not sweet, the more you chew, the more delicious they become.

With a hint of apple flavor.

After eating the biscuits, Bai Xiaobai could feel that the experience column on the data gold card had increased by 3 points of experience.

After Bai Xiaobai finished eating the bear experience top-up biscuit, the electronic system sounded again.

[For the first time, the host collected all three hidden rewards of the supreme tea egg, ice crack, red heart egg, and multi-yellow egg. The data gold card added a column of 'title'.Congratulations to the host for winning the title of [Tea Egg Master].Please wear your title. 】

After the electronic sound of the system finished, an oval medal appeared on Bai Xiaobai's hand.

The system said before that after the three hidden rewards, there will be a mysterious reward, which turns out to be the title.

[Tea Egg Master] This title sounds quite powerful.

Master is really not something that just anyone can call. It generally refers to scholars, experts, artists, chess players, etc. who have profound attainments and enjoy a high reputation.Example: Chess Grandmaster.

Bai Xiaobai raised his eyebrows happily and asked, "System, what are the benefits of wearing the title [Tea Egg Master]?"

System reminder: After wearing [Tea Egg Master], within 24 hours from now, every time the host sells a tea egg, an additional experience point will be gained.

"Only 1 point of experience reward..." Bai Xiaobai said very depressed, what kind of master is this?The master of street stalls...

Forget it, the same sentence, as long as it is a reward, no matter how big or small, it is better than nothing, Bai Xiaobai doesn't mind accepting it all at all.

Besides, 1 point of experience seems to be very little, but if you think about it carefully, if the sales are good, the experience will also increase with the number.

Bai Xiaobai wore the title of the medal on his chest, the medal flashed twice, and then disappeared.

[[Tea Egg Master] After wearing the title, the 24-hour countdown begins. 】

An alarm clock immediately popped up in Bai Xiaobai's mind.

Within 24 hours from now, every time you sell a tea egg, you will get an extra 1 point of experience.

After Bai Xiaobai fiddled with the system's rewards in the kitchen.

There was a sweet voice from outside the kitchen.

"is the boss around?"

Zhu Yufei was a little depressed outside. Since the little boss sneaked into the kitchen mysteriously just now, he hasn't come out for a long time. What kind of plane is he doing?

After Bai Xiaobai heard the call from the beautiful woman outside, he collected himself and walked out of the kitchen.

"Boss, here are the tea eggs again..." Zhu Yufei hesitated, "Two more."

These tea eggs are so delicious, I originally wanted to say three, but Zhu Yufei finally said it was two.

She is now an intern in the company, her salary has not been paid this month, and she is relatively financially struggling.

"I'm sorry, beauty, the shop is limited to one per person per day." Bai Xiaobai ruthlessly rejected Zhu Yufei's request.

"Huh?" Zhu Yufei was stunned.

For her, this regulation was a bigger blow than the 50 yuan for a tea egg just now.

There are still restaurants in this world that don't make money, but they limit their sales?
"Can't you be more flexible? Handsome guy." Zhu Yufei acted like a baby, her sweet voice was very natural without any affectation, no man could resist such a delicate voice.

Especially when he changed his name to 'Handsome Guy' at the end, Bai Xiaobai's heart almost melted.

In violation of the system's regulations, all the tea eggs sold before were cleared and accumulated again.

Then Bai Xiaobai's hard work today was in vain.

Furthermore, there is no rule without rules, and there must be principles in opening a store, and everyone must be treated equally, otherwise the rules will not be maintained at all.

"Beauty, I'm sorry, this is the ancestor's rule that can't be changed. If you like to eat, you can come back tomorrow." Bai Xiaobai first made random excuses, and finally added a soliciting sentence, his tone was very sincere.

"Is that so?" Zhu Yufei was slightly disappointed. Although she was reluctant in every possible way, she couldn't keep pestering her any longer.

After paying the money, Zhu Yufei walked out of Bai Xiaobai's shop on high heels.

Zhu Yufei was walking on Chaotianmen Street, turning her head three times a step at a time, looking at the 'Little White Restaurant', feeling a strange feeling in her heart.

This small boss not only makes very delicious tea eggs, but also has principles and personality.

Must come again tomorrow.

After watching the beauty leave the store, Bai Xiaobai tidied up and cleaned the white porcelain bowls that the beauty had used.

A warm reminder from the system appeared in the mind: Qian Duoduo's mission is currently progressing at 4/100, and there are still 96 supreme tea egg missions left. The host continues to work hard.

While washing the dishes, Bai Xiaobai calculated with his fingers.

A total of four Supreme Tea Eggs were sold today. If the current progress continues, it will take about a month to complete the task of Qian Duoduo.

I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, little by little, and the water will eventually wear through the stone.Bai Xiaobai is very sure about this.

After Zhu Yufei left, the shop became quiet again, until it closed, and there were no new customers in Xiaobai Restaurant.

Bai Xiaobai usually doesn't have any entertainment at night. Over the years, because he has to get up early to open the shop, he has developed a good habit of going to bed early.

Lying on the bed, Bai Xiaobai calculated his income for today.

There are a total of 4 customers I took care of today. The net income that the system gave him was 40 yuan. In addition, Wei Hai ate a red heart egg, and the system rewarded him with 100 yuan in cash, so the total net income today is 140 yuan.

Although the current income is indeed not much, but this is just the beginning, everything is difficult at the beginning, and when the store's reputation becomes big, it will definitely make a lot of money.

Money is a good thing, and it always makes people happy physically and mentally.

Bai Xiaobai was thinking about money, and soon fell asleep.

He dreamed that he was sleeping in a pile of money, his eyes were dizzy when he looked at the money, and his hands were cramped when counting the money.


Zhu Yufei went back to renting a single room. After taking a shower, she picked up her mobile phone and sent a message in Moments.

"Today, the first day of internship was very tiring, but after get off work, I ate super delicious tea eggs at the 'Xiaobai Restaurant' on Chaotianmen Street next to the company. After eating, I immediately felt refreshed.The little boss is very personable and plans to go again tomorrow. '

As a senior foodie, Zhu Yufei is used to promoting it in her circle of friends as soon as she discovers delicious food.

Her propaganda is really not good enough.

As a top beauty, Zhu Yufei not only has a lot of sisters, but also there are many men who follow her WeChat Moments.

It didn't take long for her to post WeChat on the front foot, and many friends left messages one after another on the back foot.

"Beautiful Zhu, I haven't posted a Moments message for a while.It's delicious food, or tea eggs, which small white restaurant is it?So much charm? '

'Yu Fei, are tea eggs really that delicious?Which one? I'm in Jianghai City right now.Please take it. '

'I didn't see you after get off work today, so I went to eat delicious food, so I didn't take me with me, woo woo. '

"Beauty, ask for a date! I treat you to eat."


Among the many messages in the circle of friends, some were interns who joined the company in the same batch as Zhu Yufei.

A few of them have already private messaged Zhu Yufei, asking to take them with them tomorrow.

Zhu Yufei's circle of friends is very lively.

At the same time, on the local post bar, the post about the sky-high price of tea eggs has now been pushed to more than 1 floors.

It has become a well-deserved popular post.

Bai Xiaobai's Supreme Tea Egg has already started to spread on the Internet and word of mouth, and it is brewing and fermenting quietly in Jianghai City.

A whirlwind of tea eggs is about to blow...

(The author is thick-skinned and continues to ask for recommendations. Readers who have extra votes for recommendations should vote!)
(End of this chapter)

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