Chapter 89
After Shi Jian lifted the white cloth and looked at Shi Shaojian's body, except for the pale face, the body was still completely preserved, and there were no missing arms or legs.

Although he was angry in his heart, he said with a high-spirited look on the surface: "This apprentice of mine deserves to be blamed. Now that my body and soul have been recovered, what else can I say!"

"Wow, Uncle Shi really understands righteousness. It's great that you can think like this!" Qiu Sheng quickly flattered him.

"Then master, let's go!" Wen Cai said hastily.

Shi Jian lowered his head and took another look at Shi Shaojian's body. When he saw the tooth hole in his neck, his expression changed...

This is not bitten by a dog, obviously the blood was sucked dry by the zombies, I said why the face is so pale, the blood has been sucked dry, can it not be white!

"Lin Fengjiao, this is what you told me about being bitten by a dog!!!" Shi Jian raised his head and asked angrily.

Lin Jiu didn't understand, so he glanced at the two apprentices, and Wen Cai said in a low voice: "At that time, I obviously saw a group of dogs surrounding him, but for some reason, Qiusheng and I went there again and found two Tooth cavity, there is no trace of wild dogs gnawing at all."

Lin Jiuyi listened to his heart and said: It’s broken, I was bitten by a dog, as long as it was not too severe, at most it would be missing an arm and a leg, but I was bitten by a zombie and sucked up the blood. Become a zombie.

Lin Jiu ran over and saw that Shi Shaojian's neck had two cavities, but looking at the talisman clothes on Shi Shaojian's body, Lin Jiu showed suspicion again.

"Brother, something is wrong with this matter?" Lin Jiu put down the white cloth and said.

Shi Jian couldn't help feeling angry when he heard it, and said, "Why, wasn't Shaojian bitten by a zombie? Could it be that I'm wrong?"

Hehe, I didn't see it at first glance, so you're too embarrassed to say it.This is Lin Jiu's heart, of course he would not say so.

"Brother misunderstood, my nephew was naturally bitten by a zombie, but I don't understand why the runes on Shaojian didn't respond?"

When Shi Jian heard it, he was right. Even if he was bitten by a zombie, and the rune couldn't deter the zombie, he should have responded. It couldn't just be dirty.

However, he couldn't think of any reason why the Fu Yi could not play any role.

Looking at Lin Jiu's face, he seemed to know something, so he asked, "What's your opinion, Junior Brother?"

"No idea, it's what happened to my nephew that reminded me of what happened in Renjia Town!"

"Why is it related to Renjia Town? Isn't Renjia Town the territory of Mamadi now?"

"It's like this, big brother. Some time ago, I was escorting the old man Ren from Renjia Town back to his hometown. On the way, he accidentally turned his corpse into a corpse. This zombie was injected with hormones. My Maoshan Taoist talisman paper, gossip mirror, and money The sword and the copper coins for suppressing corpses have no effect on him. Originally, I wanted to do something to attract thunder to get rid of him, but he escaped to nowhere." After speaking, Lin Jiu glanced at Shi Shaojian's body on the ground.

After listening to Lin Jiu's words, Shi Jian understood what Lin Jiu meant, and said, "You said that the zombie bit Shaojian!"

"That's right, besides him, I really don't know any other zombies that can ignore the talisman clothes and make the talisman clothes unresponsive!"

Shi Jian took a deep breath and said, "If that's the case, then you guys go, I'm going to cast a spell to cure Shao Jian! As for the zombie, he's not afraid of the talisman paper, but he doesn't know if he's afraid of my Thunder Fist!"

"Brother, can I help?"

"No need, you guys go away!"

"Then senior brother, farewell!"

"Farewell, uncle!"

The three masters and apprentices left Shi Jian's presence, Qiu Sheng glanced at the door and asked: "Master, Shi Shaojian has been sucked dry by zombies, can he still be treated?"

"No, he can't do it!" Lin Jiu said angrily.

"Then uncle, oh I see, the uncle wants to make that bastard into an inhuman existence!" Qiu Sheng suddenly realized.

"No evidence, no evidence, don't talk nonsense!" Lin Jiu was also very helpless, he himself would not allow this kind of thing to happen, but it was caused by his apprentice, so he couldn't stop it .

"Master, you are..." Wen Cai looked at Lin Jiu's angry eyes, and swallowed "this meaning" back alive.


After Lin Jiu and others left, Shi Jian quickly arranged the altar to save his son. He didn't have the ability, but he could refine his son Shi Shaojian into a ghoul.

As the name suggests, ghouls are a combination of zombies and ghosts. Shi Shaojian is now infected with corpse poison, and the transformation of corpses is a foregone conclusion.

What Shi Jian has to do now is to speed up the process of Shi Shaojian's corpse transformation, and then put Shi Shaojian's soul into the corpse, so that the two can merge without distinction.

However, it is impossible to inject Shi Shaojian's soul into the body before the corpse completely transforms into a corpse, because when the body transforms into a corpse, consciousness will be annihilated.

As Shi Jian continuously instilled Yin Qi from the distance of the formation into Shi Shaojian's body, Shi Shaojian's fingernails began to grow longer, and his canine teeth also began to grow violently.

Suddenly Shi Shaojian opened his eyes and was about to get up, but Shi Jian was faster, and a magic talisman was pasted on his forehead.

Shi Shaojian paused, but soon, his body softened. Under Shi Jian's shocked eyes, Shi Shaojian took off the talisman with one hand and rushed towards his father Shi Jian.

Shi Jian grabbed his son's mouth with one hand, and put his arm on his neck to prevent him from biting him.

"How could this happen?" Shi Jian was a little confused, why the talisman paper suddenly lost its effect, and he also found that the zombie his son turned into was not stiff at all, but soft to the touch.

The reason why Shi Shaojian is like this is also because it is Annie who bites him, the combination of Chinese and Western, and free switching are its characteristics.

Naturally, the paper talisman couldn't restrain Shi Shaojian who had turned into a vampire, but Shi Jian didn't understand these things.

Shi Shaojian's sharp claws grabbed at the top of Shi Jian's head, but was blocked by Shi Jian.

Shi Jian took out a handful of glutinous rice and stuffed it into Shi Shaojian's mouth, then Shi Shaojian swallowed half of it and spit out half, nothing happened!

Shi Shaojian struggled more and more intensely, Shi Jian pushed Shi Shaojian violently, and then pushed with both hands, two wooden sticks appeared out of thin air, pierced Shi Shaojian's arm, and nailed him to the wall.


Shi Shaojian let out a scream, and then he got rid of the wooden stick with his arms and flew towards Shi Jian.

Shi Jian didn't expect that Shi Shaojian would be able to get out of trouble, and in addition, Shi Shaojian flew towards him suddenly. In desperation, Shi Jian subconsciously used the Thunder Fist, and Shi Shaojian was crushed directly.

Looking at the minced meat all over the floor, and the soul bell beside him, Shi Jian's face is not the same...

(End of this chapter)

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