Chapter 8
Fang Zhengqing's speed was very fast, and soon he came under a tree not far from the Taoist leader Qianhe, and saw the busy Qing court group.

The black steward commanded eccentrically in the camp: "Hurry up, what are you doing, you haven't eaten, please be quick. You guys quickly set up the tent. If the little prince catches a cold, I'll ask you."

The golden coffin was guarded in the southeast and northwest, Fang Zhengqing was very fast, and soon he came to a tree not far from Qianhe Road Chief, and saw the busy Qing court group.

The black steward commanded eccentrically in the camp: "Hurry up, what are you doing, you haven't eaten, please be quick. You guys quickly set up the tent. If the little prince catches a cold, I'll ask you."

The golden coffin was guarded in the southeast and northwest, and Babur was randomly placed on the ground. They found that the rain had wet the ink on the thick net, and they quickly reported to Taoist Qianhe: "Master, it's not good, the ink fountain line has started to melt!"

"What?!" Daoist Qianhe hurriedly came to the golden coffin, touched the ink fountain thread wrapped around the golden coffin with his hand, and found that the ink had been diluted, and his complexion couldn't help but change.But looking at the tent that had been set up, his face became a little better.

Fang Zhengqing, who was about to come out directly, stopped when he saw the movement of Priest Qianhe. He had already guessed Priest Qianhe's plan.

Sure enough, Daoist Qianhe walked quickly to Wu Guanshi's side: "Wu Guanshi, the ink fountain line has begun to melt, let Shoucai go in first."

" way." Wu Guanshi directly refused without even thinking about it. No matter how noble the prince is, he is just a dead person, but the little prince is different. He is a living person, or he will be his backer in the Forbidden City in the future, whichever is more important? The emphasis on nature is clear.

"Wait...I'm afraid..."

"It's okay later, but not now!" Wu Shilang interrupted the speech of the priest without waiting for the priest Qianhe to finish.

Although Daoist Qianhe was angry, there was nothing he could do. Several of his apprentices looked at Wu Shilang and thought in unison, why Fang Zhengqing didn't kill him during the day?How angry!

Finally, when Elder Brother 71 entered the tent, the officers and soldiers carrying the sedan chair freed their hands, and Daoist Qianhe hurriedly commanded: "Hurry up, push the tent! Two more people!"

His four apprentices pulled in front, and four officers and soldiers pushed the coffin with difficulty, and the coffin moved slowly.

The golden coffin was already heavy, and it was difficult to push it on ordinary land. What's more, it was raining now, and the wheels of the cart were deeply sunk in the muddy ground, making it even more difficult for them to push.

Priest Qianhe was anxious, but there was nothing he could do.Suddenly, a gust of wind blew the felt off the coffin.Fortunately, the rain stopped at this time.

"Well, the rain has stopped?" Daoist Qianhe was also stunned suddenly. Just now he wanted to pick up the blanket and cover it again. Although the blanket is not effective in blocking the rain, talking is better than nothing.

But no one expected that the rain would fall as soon as it was said, and it would stop as soon as it was said to stop. I couldn't help feeling that the weather in the mountains and forests was really weird and changeable.

Seeing that the ink fountain net hadn't melted completely, Daoist Qianhe was also thankful that he had soaked the ink line enough, otherwise it would be troublesome if it melted completely.

Just in case, let's quickly replenish the Chunyang Fa Mo on, so as not to cause any accidents.

But at this moment, a thunderbolt streaked across the sky, striking the golden coffin straightly.

Crackling and flickering, the four officers and soldiers pushing the coffin turned into coke and died on the spot, while the four apprentices of Taoist Master Qianhe did not directly touch the golden coffin because they were pulling the rope, plus they were fast and dodged in time, so they saved their lives .

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Wu Shilang in the tent was also taken aback by the thunderous sound. He exposed his head, looked up, and saw the golden coffin making a "creaking" sound, as if something was rubbing against the inside of the coffin, and then the coffin lid was shattered. Slowly pushing it up, the ink fountain line on the coffin was aroused, emitting a blood-red golden light.

"Ah... I was scared to death." Wu Shilang let out a strange cry, then shrank his head in.

As the zombies in the coffin exerted their strength, the ink fountain thread was actually torn a little, and the gap in the coffin lid was getting wider and wider, and the zombies inside were about to run out.

"Get out the rope."

Daoist Qianhe at the side quickly ordered, and then jumped on top of the coffin, pressing down heavily on the coffin lid again.

At this time, the disciple of Taoist Master Qianhe brought a thick rope over, and the master and apprentice worked together to tie up the coffin heavily.

However, not long after it was tied up, a huge force came from inside the coffin, the rope was torn off directly, the coffin lid was lifted off, and even Daoist Qianhe who was standing on the coffin lid was knocked down and thrown from the sky. The golden coffin lid was pressed to his leg, and he couldn't help but let out a scream.


The disciple next to him hurried over to rescue Daoist Qianhe.


At this time, a deep and hoarse roar came from the golden coffin, and then, a pair of feet touched the side of the coffin, and the royal zombie wearing a python robe and official uniform stood up straight from the golden coffin.

Fang Zhengqing was stunned when the thunder struck the coffin, but now he came back to his senses when he heard the roar of the zombie.

Fang Zhengqing was stunned not because of the lightning, but because the lightning made the zombie inside evolve.

Just now, the voice of the system came back to his mind: "The system has detected a new corpse poison. This corpse poison is a zombie with national destiny. Being able to see things can reduce the damage of thunder to oneself to a certain extent, and the resistance to some Taoism is also greatly increased."

Thinking of the introduction of the system, Fang Zhengqing looked at the royal zombie, and found that he was even more attractive than Jingjing, he was really the best in the world... the best!

Fang Zhengqing has already made up his mind to get some nails or teeth from this zombie so that he can be infected with corpse poison and become a zombie in the future.

But he didn't go out, he wanted Daoist Qianhe to try the zombie's skills first.

On the other side, the mutated royal zombie is far more powerful than ordinary zombies, and its bloodthirsty desire made it attack directly.

The closest disciple of Taoist Master Qianhe, Beiyi, was caught off guard by the royal zombies, and was then pulled into the golden coffin to suck blood.

"Xiao Bei!"

Seeing this, Daoist Qianhe yelled, and then led three disciples to go to rescue him, but just as he approached, the golden coffin shook and knocked down the chariot, then rolled over and fell to the ground.

When the master and apprentice worked together to move the golden coffin, the royal zombies had sucked up Xiaobei's blood and sent the golden coffin flying.


Seeing this, Taoist Master Qianhe held back his sadness and let out a loud shout. The three apprentices had also cooperated for many years, and immediately took off the rope wrapped around their bodies. While shaking the bell at one end, they threw the rope at the zombie. Wrap the zombies!
Daoist Qianhe took the opportunity to pull out the peach-wood sword, bit his fingertips, dao blood was smeared on the peach-wood sword, and the peach-wood sword suddenly glowed.Stepping forward quickly, Daoist Qianhe pierced the royal zombie's abdomen with a sword.

The royal zombie howled in pain, and grabbed Daoist Qianhe's hands, and the royal zombie bit his neck.

Fortunately, Daoist Qianhe was not slow to react and had experience in dealing with zombies. He used his foot to hold the royal zombie's chin, but his strength was far inferior to the royal zombie, and he was knocked down to the ground.

Daoist Qianhe was scratched by the royal zombies, and both arms were bleeding.In order to prevent the corpse poison from entering the body, Taoist Qianhe hurriedly applied glutinous rice to the wound to temporarily suppress the corpse poison.

When Daoist Qianhe pulled out the poison, the three apprentices of Daoist Qianhe were naturally no match. Although the two Mongols also helped, the royal zombies won in the end.

Several people were thrown to death by the royal zombies, some were stabbed to death, and some were bitten to death.

Under the tree, Fang Zhengqing watched the royal zombies killing all directions, and knew that he was not afraid of the royal zombies in terms of strength and skill, but he was not good at defense, after all, the zombies were almost indestructible.

Looking at the vixen in the bamboo cage who was frightened by the viciousness of the zombies, Fang Zhengqing planned to retreat first.

However, what happened next made Fang Zhengqing overjoyed.

The royal zombie wanted to hurt Eleven Elder Brother, but Daoist Qianhe hurt his eyes with glutinous rice from behind.

That waiter Wu ran towards Fang Zhengqing with Brother Eleven in his arms, still shouting, "Help me..."

Fang Zhengqing watched the injured royal zombie wrestle with Daoist Qianhe without any hesitation. He felt that it was time to make a move. After all, the royal zombie was now blind, so he could still escape by holding his breath.

Wu Shilang walked past Fang Zhengqing with Brother Eleven in his arms. He didn't know what Fang Zhengqing was going to do, but he knew that he had to ask for help from Daoist Qianhe's senior brother. After all, Daoist Qianhe was not the prince's opponent. , then his senior brother thinks it's okay.

Qianhe's right arm firmly pressed against the zombie's neck to prevent the other party from biting his own neck, but the zombie's strength was too great, and he was about to be unable to resist.

At this time, a mahogany sword was stuck in the mouth of the zombie. It can be seen just now that the mahogany sword can restrain the zombie to a certain extent.

And Fang Zhengqing's mahogany sword was left by a feng shui master, made of wood struck by a hundred years of lightning, it is not comparable to Qianhe's.

The mahogany sword was bitten by a zombie, and the zombie seemed to be biting a charcoal, with green gas coming out of its mouth and a foul smell.

The zombie yelled, and shook Taoist Master Qianhe away. Taoist Qianhe fell heavily to the ground and couldn't get up. Fang Zhengqing knew at a glance that Qianhe's internal organs had been thrown and shifted. My son can't move anymore.

However, Fang Zhengqing didn't expect Daoist Qianhe to help him. He glanced at the mahogany sword in his hand. The place where he was bitten by the zombie just now had turned into a pitch black color and lost the effect of warding off evil spirits.

The zombie's eyes were injured, so he couldn't see Fang Zhengqing, but he could feel Fang Zhengqing's position through his nose.

A jump rushed towards Fang Zhengqing, Fang Zhengqing flew straight up, and the zombie was kicked flying again, but Fang Zhengqing also staggered when he landed, and he didn't know if he didn't fight, the zombie's body was too hard, Fang Zhengqing felt a sore right foot The pain hit, as if I kicked on a piece of steel just now.

Ordinary attack, the zombie didn't feel anything, stood up straight from the ground, and jumped towards Fang Zhengqing again.

The zombie inserted both hands towards Fang Zhengqing. Looking at the black nails of the zombie, Fang Zhengqing dared not underestimate it. He had seen its power just now, and it would definitely leave ten blood holes on his body.

Fang Zhengqing ducked down to avoid the blow from the zombie, then kicked the zombie with a sweep of his legs, and then thrust the mahogany sword towards the zombie's throat.

The mahogany sword was inserted into the zombie's throat, and there was a puff of smoke and a bad smell, but it only pierced the zombie's skin, but failed to pierce his throat.


The zombie roared, and grabbed the peach wood sword with both hands, and then the peach wood sword made a "sizzling" sound like red iron meeting water, and then broke with a "click".

The mahogany sword was broken by the zombie. Fang Zhengqing didn't expect that, without the support of the mahogany sword, Fang Zhengqing couldn't help but threw himself forward, just in time to meet the hands of the zombie.

In a crisis, Fang Zhengqing turned sideways, landed in the gap between the zombie's arms, and landed on the zombie's body.

The zombie opened its mouth and was about to bite Fang Zhengqing, but Fang Zhengqing easily supported his jaw with his shoulders, and then moved his hands again, grabbed the zombie's wrist, crossed it, and locked the zombie's neck.

Fang Zhengqing half-ridden on top of a zombie. It can be said that this posture is tempting to dream about. In the wilderness, a young man in disheveled clothes is riding on another person. That person is still struggling, screaming... Tsk tsk!
However, if you know that these are two men, it may make the story more exciting, but if one of them is a zombie, it will make people shudder.

In terms of strength, Fang Zhengqing's strength is not weaker than the royal zombies, but it is not enough in terms of endurance.

Fang Zhengqing looked at the zombie under his crotch, and knew that if he persisted like this, his strength would become weaker and weaker in five or six minutes, and it would be dangerous by then.

Looking at the two knives three meters away, Fang Zhengqing let go of his hands, and immediately rolled towards them.


Fang Zhengqing picked up the two knives and looked at the opening on the sleeve. It was scratched by a zombie's fingernail just now when he let go. Fortunately, it didn't cut the skin.

Looking at the royal zombie standing straight up, Fang Zhengqing attacked with two knives. He knew that two knives couldn't see through zombies, but he didn't want to kill zombies with two knives. He just wanted to get something, such as zombie teeth, or Nails or something.

Fang Zhengqing slashed at the zombie's arms with two knives, only torn the clothes, but he also used this to block the zombie's attack, and then took advantage of the opportunity to slash at the zombie's exposed teeth, and then there was a "bang". Seeing a huge gap in the knife, Fang Zhengqing looked helpless.


As a mutated zombie, he has a certain amount of intelligence. Fang Zhengqing's attack made him feel angry. With a low growl, he jumped two meters high and slammed into Fang Zhengqing.

Fang Zhengqing saw that the zombie had nowhere to take advantage of in the air, so he jumped and kicked the zombie off.

Then the two swords slashed to the teeth again, and the knife slashed to the zombie's nails.

"Ding dong... ding dong..."

The knife that cut at the teeth collapsed immediately, and there were three small gaps in the other one. Fang Zhengqing knew that he could not get things out with a knife.

Fang Zhengqing was about to leave, but when he saw the ax next to the coffin, he decided to try again.

This ax was the weapon of Babur, who was severely injured by Fang Zhengqing. He was injured and couldn't hold it, so he was put under the coffin cart. The cart fell apart and fell to the ground just now.

Fang Zhengqing threw away the knife and pulled away to grab the axe. The zombie was on the ground and grabbed Fang Zhengqing's calf with one claw.


The trouser legs were directly torn four times, and there was a faint scratch on the calf, but Fang Zhengqing, who was only thinking about holding an axe, didn't notice it.

Fang Zhengqing got the ax, and the zombie was about to get up at this time, its body was at a 45-degree angle to the ground, Fang Zhengqing held the big ax in his hand, and slashed at the zombie's mouth with all his strength, at this time Fang Zhengqing didn't consider any counter-shock force , whether it will be a hit or not.


With a buzzing sound, the zombie who hadn't gotten up flew out directly, and Fang Zhengqing also felt numbness in his hands and a sore throat.

Fortunately, he succeeded, and there was a white tooth on the ground, which was no different from the canines of wild animals.

Fang Zhengqing quickly dropped the axe, picked up the teeth and was about to slip away, but the zombie was even faster, he got up, and jumped straight into the depths of the woods.

Fang Zhengqing who picked up his teeth and bent over to run away was left behind.

This royal zombie has become fine, and knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Fang Zhengqing's last ax cut on his mouth not only broke one of his teeth, but also deformed half of his head, so The royal zombie was scared, and he ran away. He was going to suck blood, but a wave in the dark told him that the blood of a person in the distance would be a great benefit to him.

Fang Zhengqing looked at the fleeing royal zombies, so he was not in a hurry to run away. At this moment, a muffled groan caught his attention.

Daoist Qianhe woke up, but his condition was not very good, his eyes were black, as if he had stayed up all night for a long time, the two panda eyes, combined with his pale complexion, this honor was obviously telling others about his fate It won't be long.

"Brother Fang, Xiao Fang... brother!"

Hearing Qianhe calling himself, Fang Zhengqing walked over, looked at Qianhe and asked, "Daozhang, what's the matter?"

Qianhe: "My life is not long. If the poison of the corpse attacks the heart, I will definitely become a zombie. The same is true for my disciples. I hope you can smash our hearts with a mahogany sword to prevent us from turning into zombies and endangering all beings!"

Fang Zhengqing: "Well, Daoist, I promise you!"

"So, thank you!"

Daoist Qianhe was lying on the ground, just in time to see the wound on Fang Zhengqing's leg, and said, "Also, if your leg is injured by a zombie, you must use glutinous rice to remove the poison, or use zombie teeth to grind it into powder to fight the poison, otherwise you will Turned into... Zombies..."

After finishing speaking, Priest Qianhe lost his breath. Fang Zhengqing had no friendship with Qianhe, so naturally he would not be sad when he died.

But Daoist Qianhe's words made him startled, he couldn't help but look, and he saw a wound, which was glowing black.

Moreover, Fang Zhengqing closed his eyes and found that his attribute board had changed.

(End of this chapter)

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