Chapter 635

The mixed-headed beast ate no less than ten creatures of the same level, and its own world has also been greatly developed, but now they all made wedding dresses for Fang Zhengqing, and Fang Zhengqing successfully advanced to the stepping dragon.

Myriad Realms is Zombie's ultimate assistance system (the function of traveling through myriad realms is enabled):

Host: Fang Zhengqing.

Race: Zombie (mutated).

Equal rank: Stepping on the dragon.

Supernatural powers: Holy Pole Heaven and Earth.

Constitution: 20%.

Advanced condition: bite.

Looking at the attribute version, Fang Zhengqing looked at Annie and asked, "Do you know Chew?"

"Che, I know, it's a special kind of beast in the chaos. His body looks like a black hole, but he is a living body. There is nothing that cannot be swallowed!" Speaking of which, Annie looked at Fang Zhengqing, I think this is very similar to Fang Zhengqing.

She also knew that Fang Zhengqing could not only swallow living beings, but also magic weapons.

"How's the strength?"

Annie: "I haven't seen it, but as far as I know, even the nascent phagocytosis has the creation realm, that is, the realm of the dragon dragon! But this race is rare, and I have traveled for so many years and have never encountered it in chaos. "

After hearing this, Fang Zhengqing understood that his characteristic of being able to eat anything might have something to do with eating.

Fang Zhengqing took the world in Annie's hands and asked, "If you eat him, your world will be gone, will it affect your strength?"

"Naturally, it will be affected, but if I reorganize my world, it will take a lot of time, so I might as well build a new one!"

Fang Zhengqing listened, and pointed a finger, and Fang Zhengqing moved a place inside to his own world, and then opened his mouth to swallow the world.

Seeing the Chaos Beast today made Fang Zhengqing aware of the insecurity in chaos, so it is urgent to improve his strength.

A primitive world, plus the world in which Annie was beaten and overlapped, were swallowed together. Annie said that it is very possible for her to directly break through to Feitian, which is naturally impossible.

However, if the physique is directly improved to [-]%, it is very sure.

Once the world entered the stomach, the whole world, including the creatures inside, were digested by Fang Zhengqing.A force stronger than the one that devoured the hybrid beast just now rushed to Fang Zhengqing's limbs and bones.

This energy directly increased Fang Zhengqing's physique to [-]%, and there should not be too much energy left.

Fang Zhengqing controlled all this energy to flow into his own world, making Shengji Tiandi stronger.


The entire earth, except for the country of Jingjin Forest, was moved into the Holy World by Fang Zhengqing.

Wang Zhenzhen and the others were waiting for Fang Zhengqing to come back, but they suddenly felt refreshed.

Especially for some cultivators, they have a way to practice, but when faced with the almost nonexistent aura, they have nothing but cheats and cannot practice.

But now they discovered that the spiritual energy of the world has suddenly grown in a blowout, the vegetation has grown at a speed visible to the naked eye, the size of the animals has also increased, and the spirituality in the eyes has also become stronger.

Ma Xiaoling: "I feel that cultivation has become so easy now, every breath I take, my strength is getting stronger."

Lei'er opened her eyes and looked around. He had stayed in Fang Zhengqing's world, and even though the world had changed drastically at this time, he still felt familiar.

Lei'er: "Our world has changed, it is no longer the original world, this should be the master's world!"

The starry sky has changed, there are many living planets, and the sun in the sky is not fiery red, but dark yellow.

Fang Yingying stayed in this world, and the countless essences of this world were going to be drilled into her body.

Fang Zhengqing is the master of this world, and Fang Yingying, as Fang Zhengqing's only blood, is naturally favored by Detian.

Fang Zhengqing's appearance prevented Fang Yingying's strength from growing, and she felt that growing too fast was not necessarily a good thing.

But after showing up, Fang Zhengqing appeared in the chaos again before greeting everyone, because he still had important things to do at this time.

The strength increased to [-]%, and Fang Zhengqing's figure became more powerful and majestic.At this time, Annie also turned into Feitian, with white hair, golden wings, and a pair of purple eyes.

Fang Zhengqing felt that Anne was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, and he felt the message of courtship.

In the past, Fang Zhengqing just hugged Annie's neck and bit it, purely to satisfy Annie's perverted hobby and his own desire for blood!
But now, in the chaos, they staged the animal world, without tricks on Ma Xiaoling's various poses in the dream, only the purest wildness.

Halfway through, Annie suddenly turned into a human form, but with purple eyes and fangs. She turned her head to look at Fang Zhengqing, and asked Fang Zhengqing to bite her neck.

Immediately, Fang Zhengqing knew that Annie was still the same Annie as before.

So he also changed into a human form and bit his neck, but unfortunately, it failed, because Fang Zhengqing's fangs couldn't bite the opponent at all.

Fang Zhengqing: "..."

Looking at Annie, Fang Zhengqing was stunned, his teeth were a little sore.

A year later, Fang Zhengqing returned to Wang Zhenzhen and her daughter.

Studies have shown that the mating time of beasts is longer than that of humans. As a legendary beast, it has been used for a year and is being cleaned up.

However, Fang Zhengqing's physique has changed from 90.00% to [-]%. It's not because of excessive indulgence, but because Fang Zhengqing couldn't bite Annie, Annie directly bit Fang Zhengqing, and the loss of blood caused Fang Zhengqing's physique to decline.

However, perhaps because Annie had sucked Fang Zhengqing's blood, or because she had gained some kind of satisfaction, she suddenly chose to retreat, and she showed signs of a breakthrough.

However, like Fang Zhengqing, she will not break through when she talks about a breakthrough. She needs to create the world in her body first, and then make a breakthrough. It will take about an era.

When Fang Zhengqing landed on the earth, the cultivation civilization on the earth was restored again, and monsters began to run rampant.

Perhaps because of the open concept, the earth is not like the original civilization, where cultivators and monsters are incompatible.

There are even some people who just like to marry monsters, and some even deliberately train their cute pets to become monsters.

All of a sudden, the fox race became a demon at a much faster speed than other races.

The most prestigious sect is the Tianlong Sect, and the founder of the sect is Ma Xiaoling.

Appeared beside Wang Zhenzhen, at this time Wang Zhenzhen was holding her daughter Yingying.

Seeing Fang Zhengqing, Wang Zhenzhen was overjoyed, and then sniffed Fang Zhengqing's body. She smelled the smell only in courtship.

But Wang Zhenzhen didn't care, after all, the girl knew Fang Zhengqing earlier than him, and she was so strong, if the other party didn't want to, Fang Zhengqing would have nothing to do.If the other party is willing, Fang Zhengqing is not willing, and Fang Zhengqing has no choice.

Fang Zhengqing took over her sleeping daughter, looked at Wang Zhenzhen and said, "Take some time, I'll catch some creatures for you to increase your strength."

Wang Zhenzhen: "No need, as long as you are strong enough!"

Fang Zhengqing: "Silly girl, this world is more dangerous than we imagined. As long as creatures in chaos notice us, most of them will want to devour this world and us. Moreover, I found that J's body shape is actually more attractive." I!"

Wang Zhenzhen: "..."

 I originally wanted to start writing, but the writing was not enough, so I decided to finish it today and open a new book in the middle of next month!

  Also, I found that I am not suitable for writing with a heroine.

  The next novel, I hope old readers will not read it with their brains, I am afraid I will be influenced by you!

(End of this chapter)

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