From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 61 Addicted to music and unable to extricate myself

Chapter 61 Addicted to music and unable to extricate myself

Although Fang Zhengqing told Annie not to kill people, but the order should be divided into one, two, three, and four. Obviously, the most important thing at the moment is to deal with Nintendo.

When Annie was about to reach out to Ren Zhuzhu's neck, the door was suddenly opened by an invisible force, and Nintendo flew in with an expression of intoxication and enjoyment.

"Ah..." The door suddenly opened, Ren Zhuzhu turned her head to look, and found a zombie flying in, which made her scream.

However, Nintendo didn't hurt anyone, instead, he put his ear close to Ren Zhuzhu's pocket watch, closed his eyes slightly, and kept nodding his head.

Annie saw the state of Nintendo, and Annie took back the hand that was stretched out. She could see that Nintendo turned into a zombie and liked to listen to the music played by the pocket watch.

Seeing the restless Ren Zhuzhu, Annie walked over, snatched the pocket watch, and said unquestionably to Ren Zhuzhu, "I'll lure him away, you go!"

Annie was afraid that something would happen again, so she took her pocket watch and walked outside, and Nintendo followed as she expected.

Ren Zhuzhu came back to her senses, looked at Annie who was going away, and thought: Sister Annie is so kind to me, I have to find someone to help Sister Annie.

What she didn't know was that her sister Anne almost killed her just now.

Ren Zhuzhu also has brains, knowing that ordinary people can't deal with zombies, she hurriedly ran towards the inn, she remembered her father said that the Taoist priest lived in the inn...

Annie walked very quickly, and when the music of the pocket watch stopped during the period, she rewound it, and Nintendo followed steadily.

Annie led Nintendo and walked towards where Fang Zhengqing was.Because the inn is in the south of Ren's mansion, and Fang Zhengqing's hiding place during the day is in the north, so Annie didn't meet Lin Jiu either.

After leaving Renjia Town, he ran into Fang Zhengqing as soon as he entered the grove.Fang Zhengqing looked at his own Annie, then at Nintendo who was clearly out of order and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

Annie shook her head: "I don't know, but this guy became like this when he listened to this music! By the way, master, this Nintendo can actually fly!"

Hearing Annie's words, Fang Zhengqing's eyes widened. He didn't expect that Nintendo would have the ability to not be afraid of the sun and fly into the sky that he begged so hard for.

Fang Zhengqing touched Nintendo's body, and his body was as tough as jumping stiff.It really makes the zombies jealous. Although the body is hard, it has the ability to not be afraid of the sun, plus the flying sky, it has no real ability, and the Taoist priests come to deliver food.

Because of the music playing, Nintendo didn't pay any attention to Fang Zhengqing's actions.

Naturally, Fang Zhengqing would not be stupid enough to have a fair duel with Nintendo, so taking advantage of Nintendo's loss of consciousness, Fang Zhengqing directly bit Nintendo's neck and devoured the source of his corpse aura.

Even though the source of corpse energy was swallowed, Nintendo did not resist, and was still addicted to music.Fang Zhengqing devoured Nintendo's corpse aura and found that Nintendo's corpse aura was very weird, different from what he devoured other zombies before, and also similar to vampires (I want to say that there are all talented people among book friends, so I thought of using this word to replace the one that is not good) Let’s write the character, this character reads gui, and I won’t write soul in the future, understand?) The blood energy is different, and it is also different from the zombie that combines Chinese and Western, it is another kind of deteriorating corpse.

Moreover, the source of Nintendo's corpse energy was not easy to absorb, it was very sticky, which gave Fang Zhengqing a feeling of choking on his throat.

Fang Zhengqing was still devouring the corpse of Nintendo, when suddenly the music of the pocket watch stopped, Annie reacted and quickly rewound it, but the pocket watch was broken when she rewound it...

Ren Zhuzhu left Ren's mansion and ran straight to the inn. After running less than 500 meters, she ran into Lin Jiu, A Fang and Ma Madi.

Ren Zhuzhu looked numbly and asked, "Are you the Taoist priest?"

Looking at Ren Zhuzhu hesitantly, he recognized her as the eldest lady of the Ren family, and said, "I am!"

"Come and save someone with me?"

He glanced at Lin Jiu numbly, he knew himself, that Nintendo is so powerful, he has no ability to save people, and he has to rely on Lin Jiu.

Lin Jiu took the words: "Save who?"

"Sister Anne!"

"Sister Annie, Annie?" Annie and Lin Jiu naturally knew each other, and he also knew that Annie's elder brother still opened a coffee shop in Ruyi Town where he is now.

But he didn't understand what Annie was doing in Renjia Town instead of going to Ruyi Town.

Ren Zhuzhu: "That's right, it's Sister Annie, Annie lured the zombie away!"

Ma Madi: "Who is Annie, so capable that she can lure zombies away?"

Lin Jiu: "Just an ordinary woman!" After speaking, she looked at Ren Zhuzhu and asked, "What's going on?"

Ren Zhuzhu quickly explained what had happened, and then said: "Master Dao, can you save someone first? I remembered that there is something wrong with the pocket watch. You can't wind it too fast, or it will break! "

Lin Jiu: "Let's go!", so a group of people chased north.


As soon as the music stopped, Nintendo came back to his senses, feeling someone biting him, and turned his head to find that it was Fang Zhengqing, an acquaintance.

But familiarity is familiarity, Nintendo will not let acquaintances bully, and immediately began to resist.

Raising his fist, he punched Fang Zhengqing's head. Fang Zhengqing didn't care about Nintendo's attack at first, but after hitting him, Fang Zhengqing knew how terrifying Nintendo's growth rate was.

Nintendo's strength is not weak anymore, it's just weaker than Fang Zhengqing.Seeing this, Fang Zhengqing didn't let go, let's get beaten, Fang Zheng can heal himself.

But Fang Zhengqing didn't expect that when Nintendo's head shook, it turned 180 degrees.

Seeing that Fang Zhengqing didn't let go, Nintendo also followed Fang Zhengqing's example and began to bite... zombies.

Fang Zhengqing looked at Nintendo, and didn't dare to bet on who swallowed it faster, he or Nintendo. Fang Zhengqing let go of his mouth, and then kicked out directly, kicking Nintendo on the back.

Nintendo staggered, it could be said to have taken two steps back, or it could have been said to have taken two steps forward.

Nintendo grabbed his head with both hands, then twisted it back to normal, jumped over his body, looked at Fang Zhengqing and asked, "Why did you bite me?"

Fang Zhengqing looked at Nintendo with a blank expression on his face. Of course, as a zombie, it was difficult for him to express any emotion.

"Become stronger!" But Fang Zhengqing still replied to Nintendo.

Nintendo might not be able to understand Fang Zhengqing's words, and there was a trace of doubt in his fierce eyes.

Fang Zhengqing didn't say anything, waved his hands, and a piece of wood next to him flew directly towards Nintendo.

As for where the wood came from, it is not surprising that there is a broken log in the forest.

But it was Nintendo's reaction that made Fang Zhengqing slightly stunned. Seeing Nintendo wave his hand, the log changed direction in mid-air and flew to the side before it could fly.

Fang Zhengqing really didn't expect that Nintendo would actually be able to move objects!

 Nintendo added a new chapter, begging for a recommendation ticket!
  The next chapter should clarify seven points

(End of this chapter)

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