Chapter 605 Ye?
This is also what Fang Zhengqing was waiting for. He used his own power to go back to the past, but it didn't work at all, so he wanted to take this opportunity to go back 60 years ago and take a look at another self.

Soon, there was a knock on the door, and Miaoshan Kazuo Yamamoto and Mirai Yamamoto walked in.

"It's you!" Seeing Kazuo Yamamoto, Kuang Tianyou immediately recognized his former enemy.

Kazuo Yamamoto: "Kuang Tianyou, I'm not here to fight you this time!"

"What are you doing here?" Ma Xiaoling asked, but she didn't panic. With Fang Zhengqing here, if Kazuo Yamamoto acted recklessly, he would die a miserable death.

Kazuo Yamamoto: "Come and change the past!"

"Change the past?" Kuang Tianyou asked doubtfully.

Miao Shan: "That's right, it is to change the past. I can cast a spell to let you go back to 60 years ago and change the history that was bitten by the generals. In this way, a tragedy can be avoided. Everything that happened in these 60 years will disappear. , all tragedies can disappear!"

After hearing this, Kuang Tianyou's heart was moved, and he said, "When can we start?"

Miao Shan: "At this very moment!"

"Mr. Fang, is it okay to borrow the place?"

Fang Zhengqing nodded and said, "No problem!"

With Fang Zhengqing's nod, Miao Shan waved his hand, and saw a change in the room, and a lotus lantern array appeared.

Miaoshan walked to the center of the lotus lantern array, pinched a formula with both hands, and the silver copybook behind her was also put down, and a symbol that looked like an eye appeared on her forehead.

"The time when Kuang Tianyou and Kazuo Yamamoto were bitten was 60:15 p.m. on July 5th [-] years ago. I will send you to [-]:[-] p.m. that day, which means you only have three hours. Remember, You can only change the fate of Kazuo Yamamoto and Kuang Tianyou, otherwise it will bring immeasurable chaos to future generations, all you can do is delay the general."

When Miaoshan said this, two threads from the two lotus lanterns wrapped around Kuang Tianyou, Ma Xiaoling and Kazuo Yamamoto.Miao Shan continued: "The Mercy Line will accurately bring you back to July [-]th, [-]. If the Mercy Line is cut off, you will be immediately involved in the black hole of space, and even you will disappear forever. In the unknown time and space, the three can do it for themselves!"

"Xiaoling, why are you going!" Wang Zhenzhen worried.

Ma Xiaoling: "It is the bounden duty of the Ma family to eliminate generals. I am going to go there to see if I can use this to eliminate generals!" After speaking, she glanced at Fang Zhengqing again, and she wanted to see if there was any relationship between the two.

"Everyone, let's start!" After Miao Shan finished speaking, she pointed at the wall, and the silver swastika mark behind her radiated a beam of light onto the wall, and the wall began to roll and emit blue light.

Seeing this, Kazuo Yamamoto and the others jumped in, Fang Zhengqing looked at it, and got in too.

"Zhengqing!" Seeing this, Wang Jiajia couldn't help shouting.

"Mum, don't worry, my brother said he would go and have a look!" Wang Zhenzhen explained.


Hongxi Village in [-]!
On the bank of the river behind the mountain in Hongxi Village, three figures suddenly appeared.

"Here is it?" Xiaoling asked a little puzzled seeing that the place where she appeared was on the shore.

"The back mountain of Hongxi Village, the general is in the cave ten miles upstream of Hongxi. After a while, another Kazuo Yamamoto will bring people to attack Hongxi Village!" Kuang Tianyou explained.

Kazuo Yamamoto: "Hmph, you guys stay here, I will come over when the time comes!"

"I'm going to look for my aunt first too. I remember she said that she's just outside Hongxi Village this day. I'm going to look for her! I'm leaving first!" After Ma Xiaoling finished speaking, she walked in another direction alone. gone.

Kuang Tianyou looked at it, and then walked towards the top of the mountain.

As soon as Kuang Tianyou left, Fang Zhengqing appeared at the same place. Seeing that he was really coming, Fang Zhengqing could sense a powerful aura not far away, not weaker than the Demon King, it should be a general.

Fang Zhengqing did not go to the back mountain, but looked in one direction and flew towards Renjia Town. At this time, the Japanese army had not been repulsed, which meant that he was still in the tomb near Renjia Town.

As soon as Fang Zhengqing moved away, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then he appeared in front of Wang Zhenzhen.

"Brother, are you back so soon?"

Looking at Wang Zhenzhen, Fang Zhengqing turned to look at the wall behind him. Someone prevented him from meeting Fang Zhengqing in this world.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Zhengqing suddenly realized that the timelines of the two worlds were a bit wrong.

The Zombie Daochang I experienced in my memory happened after the defeat of the Japanese army, but in this world, Mao Xiaofang died, and the Japanese army had just begun to invade, and Ma Dannuo was only chasing the generals alone during the war of resistance.

But if the two worlds have nothing to do with each other, why would someone stop him, and what is his reason for stopping himself?

"Brother, are you alright?" Seeing Fang Zhengqing's expression was wrong, Wang Zhenzhen asked aloud.

Fang Zhengqing shook his head: "I'm fine, I'm just thinking about something!"

So the E Yao is not the E Yao anymore, but why is the soul so similar, and the awakened memory is the same!

Wang Zhenzhen: "Brother, can you let me see how Ma Xiaoling is doing?"

Fang Zhengqing: "I'll try!"

Miao Shan: "Across time and space, if you don't go there, it's hard to see!"

Fang Zhengqing waved his hand, and a mirror image appeared in the air. Inside was Ma Xiaoling, who was "talking" with someone.

Miao Shan: "... Amitabha, Mr. Fang is as powerful as the heavens!"

"That person and Xiaoling smell so good, Mommy!" Wang Zhenzhen said looking at the other person in the mirror.

"That person should be Xiaoling's aunt! You forgot, she said that she is very similar to her aunt!"

In the Xuanguang mirror, Ma Dannuo pointed at Xiaoling with a mahogany sword in her hand and shouted: "Mountain spirit, you will die!"

"Auntie, I'm Xiaoling, come with me to deal with the generals?" Xiaoling looked at her aunt who looked exactly like her, and immediately stated her purpose for coming here!
"Auntie? Am I that old?" Ma Danna said angrily, "Of course I will destroy the general? But before I destroy the general, I must first destroy you!" Ma Danna obviously regarded Ma Xiaoling as a mountain spirit.

"Auntie, I'm Xiaoling, Xiaoling! Think about it carefully?" Xiaoling said anxiously.

"I don't care what you are, die!" After finishing speaking, Ma Danna stabbed Xiao Ling with a mahogany sword, but Xiao Ling dodged every time, but Xiao Ling couldn't fight back every time she dodged. Let Ma Xiaoling very depressed!
In the end, nature still failed to change history.Because when Ma Dannuo fought with Kuang Tianyou and Kazuo Yamamoto, they didn't give them a chance at all, and missed the best opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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