From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 6 The Golden Coffin with Copper Horns

Chapter 6 The Golden Coffin with Copper Horns
Fang Zhengqing walked out of the room and came to the courtyard. Jia Le was fetching water, and when he saw Fang Zhengqing, Jia Le greeted him: "Brother Fang, good morning!"


Fang Zhengqing climbed to the roof, ready to stand on a high place to watch, but there were too many trees around, it was useless.

Jia Le: "Brother Fang, what are you looking at?"


After a while, suddenly a flock of crows flew from the top of a nearby tree, and the crows let out a startled cry, which sounded a little creepy.

At the same time, there was a sound of pushing carts shouting from the distant path.Hearing the sound, everyone looked towards the path outside the door.

I saw a Taoist priest in the lead wearing an apricot red Taoist robe, a Taoist crown on his head, and a mahogany sword on his back. He was probably in his early thirties, with a long and thin face and narrow eyes.Next to it, there are two soldiers wearing blue Yong characters holding two large flags and walking in front.

There are three more people dressed as Mongolians in the back, wearing weapons around their waists, and surrounded them.A child wearing a red python robe from the Qing Dynasty sat on a sedan chair and was carried forward by four soldiers.And beside the child, there was a man with a soft complexion and a white handkerchief in one hand following closely.

Among this group of people, four Taoist priests and four soldiers were gritting their teeth and pushing a golden coffin forward.


Among the crowd, the Taoist priest in the apricot red Taoist robe saw the four eyes and shouted loudly.

"Junior Brother Qianhe!" Seeing Qianhe with four eyes, he was also a little happy in his heart.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing here?" The sissy at the back saw Qianhe not stopping, and immediately waved to this side.

Qianhe turned his head and said, "Guan Wu, I'll borrow some glutinous rice from my brother."

"Glutinous rice?" Wu Shilang was full of doubts.

At this time, the child sitting on the sedan chair said, "Wu Shilang, let's stop here and rest for a while."

"Yes, Brother Eleven!" Hearing this, Wu Shilang nodded obediently, waving a handkerchief to stop everyone.

"Jia Le went to get glutinous rice!"

"Yes, Master!"

After Jia Le left, Daoist Qianhe noticed Fang Zhengqing and asked, "Brother, is this your new apprentice?"

"No, I'm just a passer-by!" Looking at Qianhe, Fang Zhengqing said.

"Young talent!" Daoist Qianhe praised Fang Zhengqing, feeling Fang Zhengqing's blood.

"The Taoist master is the master of the Tao!" Fang Zhengqing can also say beautiful words!

At this time, the four eyes walked to the side of the golden coffin, and asked: "The copper-horned and golden coffin is wrapped with an ink fountain net. Could it be that there is something inside?"

Chizuru nodded and admitted, "Yes, it's a zombie."

"Then why didn't you burn him?"

Qianhe sighed and said: "This zombie belongs to the frontier royal family and cannot be burned. We must transport it to Beijing as soon as possible and wait for the emperor to send it down."

"Master, why is there still a royal family? Isn't the Republic of China established?" Jingjing asked.

Master Yixiu: "Ah, the master is an outsider, so I don't understand this!"

Simu: "If you don't know, you don't know, there are so many reasons!"

"You know what you said!"

"The President once signed the "Preferential Treatment Conditions for the Qing Dynasty" with the Qing Dynasty. It is because of this treaty that the members of the Qing Dynasty can continue to live in the Forbidden City. Institutions such as the House of Internal Affairs, the Clan House, and the Punishment Department. The Manchu and Qing royal families can still be called lonely and widowed. The Taoist said proudly.

"Ah...then the Qing Dynasty still exists and hasn't perished yet?" Jingjing asked in surprise, and Yixiu pulled her apprentice and whispered: "Stop talking!"

"Well, it can be regarded as a country within a country." The four eyes looked at Master Yixiu proudly, which means that I know everything you don't know, I am amazing.

"What are you talking about, I don't want to live anymore!" the sissy Wu Shilang reprimanded Lan Hua, pointing at Simu and Jingjing.

"You really have the guts to talk about government affairs and slander my Qing Dynasty. Come on, take them down for me!"

Master Yixiu: "Now you know why I don't know!" He said and stared at the four eyes, and the four eyes naturally stared back not to be outdone.

Fang Zhengqing didn't expect that Taoist Master Simu dared to talk about the pain points of the Qing Dynasty by guarding the people of the Qing Dynasty. Isn't this pointing at Yixiu and scolding the monk!But Fang Zhengqing didn't expect that people from the Qing Dynasty would be so arrogant and didn't know how to restrain themselves. You must know that this is not their Forbidden City.

A few soldiers were about to attack, Qianhe hurriedly came to the little elder brother and pleaded: "Eleven elder brother, my senior brother and the others also said unintentionally, please forgive them!"

Brother Eleven just glanced at Qianhe indifferently, then ignored him, glanced at the three people behind him, and then one of the three people came out with a double axe, and the other two stayed where they were, protecting Xiao Ah Brother is still staring at Chizuru.

Brother Eleven has been educated since he was a child, that there is no room for loss of face in front of the Qing Dynasty, and anyone who dares to offend will be killed without mercy!To the outside world, just pretend not to see or hear, if the other party is still not satisfied, lose money and cede the land!

Daoist Qianhe, seeing that his face was one black and one white, he wanted to say something, but the two behind the little elder brother stared at him closely.

The three of Battelle are masters supported by the Qing court and have also been on the battlefield. For Taoist priests and warlocks and the like, they look down on them from the bottom of their hearts.

Simu and Yixiu looked at Battelle who was approaching, with wry smiles on their faces, they were not bickering.

Four Eyes: "Monk, are you good at fighting?"

Yixiu: "That depends on who to fight, how about I deal with those soldiers, and leave the rest to you, and you use magic to deal with him!"

Four Eyes: "Hehe, this person is full of evil spirits, and idle spells can't help him at all!"

"Jingjing, you, Jiale and Fang boy should leave first!"

Jingjing: "Master, no, I'll help you!"

Fang Zhengqing looked at Battelle who was coming, and knew that he was a master. This kind of person was just like himself. He might not be good at dealing with ghosts, but he was definitely one-on-one when dealing with people.

Fang Zhengqing looked at the coffin, then at Battelle, with a plan in mind, and decided to make a move.

"Leave it to me, Master Daoist, I can't subdue demons and eliminate demons, I can't lose to anyone if I fight fiercely!"

After listening to Fang Zhengqing's words, the four eyes recalled that Fang Zhengqing was fighting the fox demon in the woods, but he simply borrowed a magic weapon and was able to beat the fox demon without using any spells. Suddenly, he felt confident again.

Simu: "Monk, don't worry, Fang boy is not bad at martial arts!"

Master Yixiu looked at Fang Zhengqing who was walking slowly, with suspicion on his face. Although he could see that Fang Zhengqing had good vitality and a certain degree of martial arts, he really didn't know how high he was.

Battelle is also a warrior. When he saw Fang Zhengqing walking out, with his left foot stretched out, standing in a standard three-body posture, his figure looked like a dragon diving, and he knew he had met a master.

So he stretched out his hand to signal the four soldiers to retreat, because they were serving food when they went up, and if they died, only the three of them would go up to push the coffin in the future.


Battelle shouted loudly, then jumped into the air, and the two sharp axes struck down from the air from top to bottom.

This move was powerful and heavy, and Fang Zhengqing's flesh and blood did not dare to fight recklessly, so he turned to the left side directly, and the sharp ax in Battelle's left hand fell into the air and slashed towards the ground. A foot-long pit.

Then Battelle turned the sharp ax in his right hand and slashed at Fang Zhengqing's waist. If this move was successful, Fang Zhengqing would be cut in the waist.

However, Fang Zhengqing has been practicing boxing for many years, and it is not for nothing that he has a lot of strength. Before Battelle's sharp ax came over, Fang Zhengqing directly grabbed the handle of the ax with his left hand, and then Battelle's ax stopped.

Looking at the cracks on the ground with four eyes, he said, "What a lot of strength!"

Yixiu chuckled, watching Battelle's blushing face compete with Fang Zhengqing, but Fang Zhengqing said with a relaxed expression, "It's very big, but I met someone stronger than him."

Fang Zhengqing: "It's a pity, your strength is too weak!"

Battelle had a hard time, he was born with a lot of strength, otherwise he wouldn't know how to use a double axe as a weapon, but he didn't expect that when he met Fang Zhengqing, his strength was not enough at all.

"Let go!"

With all his strength, Fang Zhengqing grabbed the ax in Battelle's right hand, then swung the ax and slashed at his chest.

Battelle resisted the pain in his right hand, and held the ax across his chest with his left hand to resist!



Fang Zhengqing's forceful move was naturally not something Battelle could resist. The sharp ax hit the ax in Battelle's left hand, and there was a buzzing sound. Then Battelle's left hand went numb, and the ax came out of his hand and flew towards his chest. , if it weren't for the breastplate on his chest, he might have lost his life of course.

Even so, Battelle spit out a mouthful of blood, flew upside down, and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the other two Mongolians were also taken aback. Battelle was the most skilled in martial arts among the three of them, but he didn't support Fang Zhengqing's move.

Several soldiers were also taken aback when they saw this, but they still pointed their spears at Fang Zhengqing and protected Battelle on the ground behind.

If it weren't for the trembling of their legs, Fang Zhengqing really admired the bravery of these soldiers.

Fang Zhengqing took a step forward, and these people took a step back.

"A declining dynasty doesn't know how to restrain itself. I really don't know what you are so arrogant!"

Hearing Fang Zhengqing's words, that waiter Wu was so frightened that he hid next to Brother Eleven, without the power he had just now.

Brother Eleven's face darkened when he saw Babur, who was seriously injured on the ground and couldn't get up. He naturally knew Babur's ability. Can't last a few moves.

As for those soldiers, Brother Eleven also knows that it is okay to frighten ordinary people. If they really fight, they will definitely run faster than him.

As for Qianhe and the others, Brother Eleven didn't count him as one of his own at all.

Wu Shilang suddenly left Qianhe aside, suddenly had an idea, and said: "Qianhe, if you are not up yet, aren't you afraid that the emperor will punish you for your crime?"

"*##&%" Qianhe cursed Wu Shilang secretly. Although he was very happy to see Fang Zhengqing hurt Battelle, he still expected to have a relationship with the Qing court.

So he came out and said, "Brother Fang, why don't you forget it?" Then he looked at Brother Eleven and said, "Brother, what do you think?"

Brother Eleven just wanted to nod, but Fang Zhengqing shook his head: "Forget it, that's not okay, they were the ones who wanted to do it just now, and they ignored your plea for mercy!"

Daoist Qianhe: "Brother Fang, after all, they are also members of the Dynasty?"

"What is there to be afraid of in a dying dynasty? Besides, it is not less than a thousand miles away from the capital, and there are many revolutionary party troops nearby. What if we kill them?" Fang Zhengqing sneered, he really looked down on these people .

And he was also very puzzled, how did they safely transport the golden coffin from the frontier, you know, such a big golden coffin, although it is not pure gold, can still extract a lot of gold, it is impossible that no one will not be tempted.

Seeing that Fang Zhengqing didn't want to let the little brother and the others go, Qianhe looked at Simu as if asking for help.

Simu didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but couldn't stand Qianhe's gaze, walked over and said, "Boy Fang, forget it, don't look at the face of the monk and look at the face of the Buddha, and the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse, if it is really annoying The Qing court chased him down, and you will never have a good life in the future!"

Yixiu: "Forget it, let them go, if you really want to kill them, you will be in big trouble in the future!"

Fang Zhengqing looked at Simu and Yixiu, and thought about it carefully. If he really killed everyone regardless, he might not be successful.

In addition, although I know that I will go to the opposite side of Simu, Yixiu and others in the future, after all, I have not yet, and I am still staying in their house. It is really a murderous move, and Fang Zhengqing can't do it with his current mentality.

So he said: "For the sake of Taoist priest and master, I can let them go, but the person in charge get out and apologize to me!"

When Wu Shilang heard Fang Zhengqing let go, he was not so scared anymore, and when he heard Fang Zhengqing asked them to apologize, he couldn't help but arrogantly ordered: "Hey, don't go too far!"


A sharp ax flew by, and directly chopped off his hat, and Wu Shilang squatted on the ground in fright.

"There are even more extreme ones, do you want to try?"

No one stopped Fang Zhengqing this time, after all, they didn't think Fang Zhengqing's request was too much.

The little elder brother glanced at Wu Shilang, who immediately understood the meaning, got up and walked over, saying, "I'm sorry!"

"A eunuch like you is the head of these people?" Fang Zhengqing said, looking at the little elder brother!

The little elder brother understood what Fang Zhengqing meant, and he was asking him to apologize in person, but if he didn't apologize, and didn't say what would happen to Fang Zhengqing, he would feel disgusted just to admit that Wu Shilang was his boss.

The little elder brother stood up and said stiffly, "I'm sorry!"

"Good boy, if you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There's nothing good about it!" Fang Zhengqing ignored the kid's tone, because he decided to follow them after a while. A wishful one, the infected zombies in this coffin can be seen visually, this alone is enough to make Fang Zhengqing's heart flutter.

(End of this chapter)

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