From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 555 Chaos Sword Qi?

Chapter 555 Chaos Sword Qi?


Two more chaotic sword qi were sent out, and Fang Zhengqing pointed out that two mountains appeared out of thin air and pressed towards the lamp.

Ran Deng didn't make any defenses, because he believed that any attack would be shattered by the chaotic sword energy emanating from Pangu Banner.

Sure enough, the two sword qi directly shattered Fang Zhengqing's whip.Fang Zhengqing didn't expect that whipping mountains and moving rocks could resist the chaotic sword energy from Pangu's banner.


There was a sound of dragon chant, followed by a flash of golden light on Fang Zhengqing's body, a golden dragon flew out, and its huge body rolled towards the two faded chaotic sword qi.


With a bang, the sword energy of chaos finally dissipated. Fang Zhengqing did not wait for the lamp to shake the banner of chaos again, and directly blew out a breath.

When the samadhi kamikaze came together, the sky became dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and the strange wind was blowing in front of us. I felt dizzy when I burned the lamp.

Then before he could react, a chaotic dark yellow light engulfed the Pangu banner in his hand.

The lamp suddenly felt bad, and hurriedly urged it to move, only to hear a click, the light was cut off, and then shrank back.

"You dare to snatch the holy man's magic weapon, you are so bold!" Ran Deng roared angrily, and then Pan Gu's banner waved, another chaotic sword energy was generated.

"Okay, Pangu Banner is worthy of being an innate treasure. Although your strength is mediocre, but with this treasure in hand, if you don't come up with some means, I really can't help you!" Seeing the chaotic sword energy coming, Fang Zhengqing praised Burning the lamp... the Pangu banner in his hand.

After praising, he spit out a sword aura, but when he saw the sword aura, not to mention the burning lamp, even the other spectators showed surprise.

Because the sword energy Fang Zhengqing exhaled was also chaotic sword energy. When the two chaotic sword energy collided, a black hole appeared in the void.

But soon, under the restoration of Tiandi itself, it quickly recovered.

" is it possible!" As the eldest disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, Nanji Xianweng naturally knows that only Pangu Banner can emit Chaos Sword Qi, but today he saw someone who can actually emit it with his mouth, so he has to say, If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Anji Xianweng would never have believed it.

Even if he saw it with his own eyes, the Antarctic fairy was still guessing whether Fang Zhengqing had another Pangu flag in his belly.

Ran Deng was also slightly stunned. He thought of many ways Fang Zhengqing could deal with Pan Gu Ban, but he never expected that Fang Zhengqing would use Chaos Sword Qi to deal with him.

Ran Deng, who doesn't believe in evil, doesn't believe that someone can emit chaotic sword energy without using the Pangu banner, so he shook the Pangu banner repeatedly, and three chaotic sword energy came out. Fang Zhengqing slashed three times with his right hand, and the same three chaotic sword energy came out.

Now, even if Ran Deng doesn't believe it, he can only admit it, but he doesn't believe that Fang Zhengqing can distribute it indefinitely, so he can only bet that holding the Pangu flag will last longer, but he can't help Fang Zhengqing's method in his heart.

After all, having this means is equivalent to having an innate treasure.

Fang Zhengqing seized the opportunity when Ran Deng was distracted. Fang Zhengqing went straight to the back of Ran Deng and cut off the right arm of Ran Deng holding the Pangu banner.


Ran Deng groaned in pain, and his arm was cut off directly.

Fang Zhengqing's chaotic energy was released, directly wrapping around Ran Deng's arm and the Pangu flag to take it away.

But at this moment, the Pangu Banner directly tore through the Primal Chaos Qi and flew in the direction of Kunlun.

Seeing this, Fang Zhengqing couldn't help snorting coldly in his heart, and secretly blamed Yuan Shi Tianzun for his lack of martial virtues. He had already agreed that the saint would not do anything, and he didn't mention the treasures given several times, but this time he directly called the treasures back.

But this Fang Zhengqing also expected it, so he directly stared at Ran Deng.

Ran Deng's arm was injured, and he wanted to give birth to an arm, but he never thought that there was a poisonous gas eroding him on his arm, and he had to dispel the poisonous gas before he could regenerate his limbs.

But how could Fang Zhengqing give him a chance? After digesting one of Ran Deng's arms, Fang Zhengqing became more powerful and charged directly on the Jiao Demon King.

Fang Tian slashed down with the force of his halberd, and Ran Deng had no magic weapon at this time, and he was injured, so he didn't dare to resist, so he could only dodge.

"Crack..." With a sound, the antlers of the sika deer were cut off by Fang Zhengqing.


It wasn't over yet, the Jiao Demon King opened his mouth wide, bit the sika deer's head directly, and then bit it off.

After biting off the sika deer's neck, the Flood Demon King grabbed Ran Deng's chest with his front claws, and Fang Zhengqing and Fang Tian's painted halberd also swept towards the top of its head.

"Teacher, save me!" Ran Deng shouted at the imminent disaster.

"The great catastrophe of conferring the gods, the sage must not do anything!" Fang Zhengqing also yelled out as soon as Ran Deng asked for help.

The person who originally wanted to make a move was stunned after hearing this, and then the lamp had already been blown up.

After the burning lamp was blown up, Fang Zhengqing sucked in his mouth, and his blood was directly sucked into his stomach.

But fortunately, this time is the great catastrophe of conferring gods, no matter how one dies, as long as one is in the catastrophe, some true spirit will be sent to the list of gods by heaven and earth.

Burning the lamp, thus avoiding the fate of complete death.

When Ran Deng died, many people didn't remember it. Ran Deng was one of the three thousand mortals in Zixiao Palace, and several saints called each other brothers.

But with such an existence, several catastrophes survived, but today they are on the list of gods.

After killing Ran Deng, Fang Zhengqing was not too happy. Even if he swallowed all the spirit treasures on his body, Ran Deng did not increase Fang Zhengqing's physical fitness by one percent, breaking through to 50.00%.

At the same time, Fang Zhengqing could feel a powerful force coming towards him, but the others didn't feel it, it was because this force was purely aimed at him.

Immortal music suddenly sounded in mid-air, and then a burst of sandalwood filled the surroundings, and then flower petals fell from the sky.

These petals are not real petals, but the illusion of energy. For some ascetics, it is not a small fortune for these petals to fall on their bodies.

A Nine-Dragon Agarwood chariot came speeding up from a distance, followed by two boys on the left and right, and an old Taoist man in white clothes and silver hair sat on it, holding the three precious jade Ruyi in his hand.

At the same time, a doggerel sounded suddenly. Hearing the doggerel, Fang Zhengqing curled his lips.

He knows how to play music and sprinkle flowers, but this doggerel is not something that has been passed down through the ages. If you think of him, you will lose points!
Although Yuanshi Tianzun came, Fang Zhengqing did not escape, because Tongtian also came.

Yuanshi Tianzun put pressure on Fang Zhengqing just now, trying to make Fang Zhengqing look ugly, but the pressure disappeared soon.

Tong Tian is the only one who has such means and is willing to help.

Since Tongtian was willing to make a move, and came again, naturally Fang Zhengqing would not be at a disadvantage, especially in the eyes of the leader of Tongtian, Fang Zhengqing still made a move for the interception.

(End of this chapter)

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