From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 55 Meet Nintendo

Chapter 55 Meet Nintendo
Fang Zhengqing and Annie silently looked at Ahao who was dropped in mid-air, and a group of people carrying walking corpses in the distance.

Annie: "Master, do you want to kill them all!"

"Just kill this little Taoist priest, forget about those."

Ah Hao, who was knocked out, was sucked out of blood by Fang Zhengqing and Annie before he woke up. Now Fang Zhengqing is not very useful for blood of Ah Hao's level.

Ahao's body was directly thrown into the pit by Fang Zhengqing. Fang Zhengqing looked at Annie and said, "Go, let's go to a place to have a look!"

Annie followed Fang Zhengqing to a place that used to be a Yizhuang, but it has been demolished now.

From the looks of it, it should have just been demolished, and he hastily took over the Yizhuang. He planned to drive corpses around to make a living, so that he could get money quickly, so he sold the land lease of the Yizhuang.

Fang Zhengqing wanted to secretly see if Lin Jiu had left Jiuquan Town and returned to Renjia Town, but now it seems that he is not. In the short term, Renjia Town is still very safe.

Fang Zhengqing suddenly thought of the ancient tomb in Renjia Town, and couldn't help but want to go see it again.


But said that the group of corpse thieves went all the way and entered a small village.

"Boss, we brought you what you asked for!"

The leader of the body thief was "Xiao San", a wretched-looking guy. He entered the village with his companions and found a house with a bearded foreigner who knew the route very well.

When he saw the situation outside the house, he immediately asked someone to carry the Nintendo into the laboratory and put it on a laboratory table.

Taking a bag of money and handing it to Xiaosan, the foreign scientist looked at the Nintendo on the experiment table, and after careful inspection, he was very satisfied.

Xiao San was also very satisfied, looked up the dictionary and said a few words of three grams of oil, then looked at the laboratory curiously, when he saw the knife and fork, he suddenly realized: "So you want to eat zombie meat and let us steal it!"

The foreigner immediately shook his head with "no no no": "It's not for eating, but for anatomy. I'm studying anthropology and I'm from China. If my research is successful, this year's Nobel Peace Prize must belong to me." Lah, hahaha"

Looking at the laughing foreigners, although the three of them didn't understand, they could only pretend to understand and nodded, then turned around and started gambling against each other with the money they just earned.

After the foreigner finished laughing, he ignored the three of them, took out two bottles of chemical potion, one black and one yellow, and injected it into Nintendo's body by means of an intravenous drip.

"Boss, what did you call it?" Xiaosan asked after winning all the money from two partners.

The scientist took out a syringe, walked closer, and explained: "These are some chemical hormones that can promote the metabolism of the human body. Come and hold it down for me. I will take some of its brain juice for testing. If it moves in a while , please don’t be afraid, because that’s a natural reaction of the nerves.” He said, holding a syringe, piercing Nintendo’s head, and taking out a syringe of white brain juice.

With a flick of Nintendo's body, Xiaosan and the others were startled, while the scientist laughed out loud, as if mocking the three of them.

After the foreign devil scientist laughed at the three of them, he tore off the paper symbol on Nintendo's head.

Under the talisman paper was a pair of blue eyes and a pale face.Suddenly, the livid eyes moved, and his arms wrapped around the foreign devil's neck!

Amidst the screams, the foreign devil scientist died at the mouth of Nintendo.

"He's dead!"

"Cheating a corpse..."

The three of Xiaosan panicked and ran towards the door one after another. In a hurry, Xiaosan grabbed the clothes of the two in front, pushed them to Nintendo behind, and then ran away yelling.

One person was unlucky, and was directly caught by Nintendo, which gave the other a chance to survive temporarily.

Another person ran out and hid under the basket, but was killed by Nintendo because he walked around indiscriminately.

Moreover, the hormone injected into Nintendo's body just now reacts with his body all the time, and his strength is also changing every moment.

Nintendo, who had finished killing people, left this place, and soon came here alone, and it was Lin Jiu.

Qiusheng also went to Ruyi Town, met his master Lin Jiu, and told Lin Jiu about Ma Madi's sale of Yizhuang.

Lin Jiu didn't expect that after staying in Jiuquan Town for a while, Na Madi actually sold Yizhuang.

The Yizhuang and the church were left by him and Ma Madi's master. Ma Madi sold it like this and he came to find Ma Madi.

But I didn't want to, when I came here, I heard Nintendo's cry, which Lin Jiu was familiar with, the cry of zombies.

Fearing that the zombies would hurt people, Lin Jiu followed the voice and rushed over, but looking at the corpse on the ground, Lin Jiu sighed, "Hey, it's still too late!"


Fang Zhengqing came to the gate of the ancient tomb again. At this time, his strength was much stronger than last time, but even so, he did not push the gate of the tomb open, as if the gate was cast by someone.

A lot of time was wasted here, the sky was bright again, but Fang Zhengqing and Annie didn't have to find a place to hide from the sun in the gloomy cave.

But Fang Zhengqing, who had his eyes closed, quickly opened them again. Not only him, but Annie also opened their eyes, because they heard footsteps.

Fang Zhengqing took a sniff, and found that the person who came was not a human, but a zombie. He could smell the smell of corpse.

Nintendo turned into a zombie, walked aimlessly, and came to Fang Zhengqing's place. He also smelled the smell of Fang Zhengqing's corpse, so he walked in along the cave.

Fang Zhengqing looked at Nintendo and recognized that it was the stolen walking corpse, but now this walking corpse looks a bit strange.

The corpse aura seems to be slowly getting stronger. Not to mention, if he comes in now, he must know that the sky is bright and white outside.

"What are you two hiding here? I'll take you out to suck blood?" Nintendo was also familiar, watching Fang Zhengqing and Annie in corpse language.

Fang Zhengqing directly asked the question in his heart: "Aren't you afraid of the sun outside?"

Nintendo looked behind him, shook his head, and said, "Don't be afraid!"

After hearing this sentence, Fang Zhengqing looked at Nintendo, not like looking at an ordinary zombie.

Being afraid of the sun and not being able to fly has always been Fang Zhengqing's heart disease. Now that he has a chance, as long as he swallows Nintendo's corpse, maybe he can take away his ability to not be afraid of the sun.

Fang Zhengqing wanted to do it immediately, but Nintendo's words canceled his plan.

"It seems that I was beaten by that person to become like this!"

Upon hearing this, Fang Zhengqing asked, "What is it, where is it?"

"I don't know what it is, but I can lead you there in the dark!"

Fang Zhengqing thought for a while, let's wait until dark to get the things to see. If he kills this Nintendo, the ability to not be afraid of the sun is not his, but the item in his mouth, then the gain outweighs the loss, and everything will be seen later. Talk about something!
(End of this chapter)

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