Chapter 545

When Bo Yikao died, Ji Chang was very sad when he heard it, but he didn't want to rebel, but he was deluded by someone who cared about him by taking advantage of his serious injury, and finally decided to rebel this year.

So under the suggestion of someone who cared, he invited Jiang Ziya to come out of the mountain.


A few months later, at the court, Bigan came out and said: "Your Majesty, Han Rong, the commander-in-chief of Sishuiguan, wrote a book, saying: "Ji Chang hired Jiang Shang as his prime minister, and his ambition is not small. In the hometown of Donglu, Nanbohou stationed troops in the land of three mountains; if there is any chaos in Xibojichang.' And I heard that the grand master expedition to the north, the victory or defeat is not yet clear, the real state is very difficult, when the monarchs and ministers hand over the province, I hope your majesty will judge , please decide."

After hearing this, Di Xin understood. He glanced at Fang Zhengqing and saw that Fang Zhengqing nodded slightly. Di Xin then said: "Xiqi doesn't want to serve the country, but wants to rebel. Chonghouhu, I order you to lead the army and arrest him." Ji Chang came to inquire about the crime, if anyone stops him, he will be killed!"

Chonghou Hu came out, knelt down and said, "The last general will be bright!"

"The national teacher has something to say!"

Fang Zhengqing: "There are many capable people in Xiqi, why don't you let Dharma protector Shen Gongbao accompany you!"

Shen Gongbao also came to Chaoge, but because of Fang Zhengqing, the national teacher was not accepted, but he was given a guardian.

When Shen Gongbao heard Fang Zhengqing's words, and saw Di Xin looking at him, he hurried out and said, "I would like to share your majesty's worries!"

At this time, he also wanted to compete with Jiang Ziya. When he was in Shimen, he had a bit of a problem with Jiang Ziya, and now it happened to be a chance.

In fact, this rebellion was not taken seriously by the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Ji Chang would be defeated.

But Fang Zhengqing also knows that Ji Chang is very likely to fail, and the biggest result is to dominate one side, but it will be very difficult to settle down, because the general trend of this world is to complete the catastrophe of conferring gods, replenish the positions of righteous gods of heaven and earth, and confer gods If the catastrophe cannot be completed, the rebellion will not be quelled.

After retiring from the court, Chonghou Hu immediately returned to the fief and led his troops to judge. Shen Gongbao didn't follow, but invited his friends to help.

Shen Gongbao rode a black panther to Jiulong Island in the West Sea. Seeing the surging waves and billowing smoke, he put his mount on the cliff and walked towards the cave.

Seeing a boy coming out, Shen Gongbao asked, "Is your master in the cave?"

Tong'er: "The tutor is playing chess inside."

Shen Gongbao: "You can report that Shen Gongbao is visiting."

After Shen Gongbao finished speaking, he saw four Taoists coming out of the cave together, and laughed loudly: "Junior brother, what gust of wind brought you here!"

Shen Gongbao's theology explained the two schools, so the Jiejiao people also called him junior brother, and in terms of relationship, it was better with the Jiejiao side.

When Shen Gongbao saw the four people coming out, he also smiled and said: "It's a long story!"

"Then I'll go in and talk about it slowly!"

The five entered the cave and sat down on futons.Then Shen Gongbao said: "My way is not in the mountains, so I went to Chaoge to benefit the people! Today's sage is also a generation of virtuous kings, who can govern the country well, and the big merchants are also rich and powerful! But there are always monsters making trouble , Bewitching the Quartet, causing the princes to rebel, the people are in dire straits, and now Xiqi is holding up a banner to rebel. I obey the order of His Majesty and the order of the deputy leader to put down the rebellion, but I am afraid that I will not be able to surrender because of my humble skills. help!"

The four of them also knew about the monster Shen Gongbao was talking about, and they were all under Yuxu's sect.

Shen Gongbao knew about the conflict between Jiejiao and Yuxu's sect, and he was afraid that he would not be attractive enough, so he brought out Fang Zhengqing, the deputy leader of Jiejiao. You still have to give the face you give!

"Haha, since the younger brother is here, and there is an order from the deputy leader, I am naturally willing to go!"

"With the help of my senior brother, I can rest assured!"


In the National Teacher's Mansion, Fang Zhengqing summoned Jiao Demon King and said, "Go to Chonghouhu and ask for a position as a general, just wait for the opportunity!"

"Yes, Master!" The Flood Demon King went straight out and flew towards Chonghou Hufu.

The reason why they sent the Jiao Demon King was because they didn't want to start a tug of war between the two sides, which would be a waste of time.

After the Flood Demon King walked out, Fang Zhengqing took out the black lotus and continued to refine it. If he wanted to exert the greatest power of the black lotus, it would not be possible to simply refine it like before, and it would take a certain amount of time. Fang Zhengqing planned to completely refine it as soon as possible. , or to face the war that comes at any time.

A month later, Chonghouhu led an army to the city of Xiqi and began to call for battle.

In Kunlun Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun, who had just left the customs, pinched his fingers and said in his heart: "Why is it so chaotic, I can't figure anything out. This war is coming earlier than expected, and why is the national strength of the Great Merchants not weakened?"

Yuanshi Tianzun was puzzled, but Xiqi's side had already started fighting.

At this time, generals were also emphasized. The first ones to fight were Huang Yuanji and Nangong Shi. They were just ordinary people and hadn't learned any supernatural powers, so the fights were all about fighting.

But Nan Gongshi is a famous general of Xiqi, how can Huang Yuanji beat him.After [-] rounds, Yuan Ji was defeated, and Nangong Shi seized the opportunity, wrapped his head with a knife, cut off his head and died.

Seeing this, Chonghou Hu slapped his thigh and said, "Where is Zhang Guifang?"

As soon as the words fell, one of them was wearing green armor, riding a green-maned horse and clapping his hands on the horse: "The end is here!"

"Kill this official!"


Zhang Guifang was originally the chief soldier of Qinglongguan, but this time Chongheihu got the order of Emperor Xin, and he could call out border guards at will. Because he knew that Zhang Guifang had supernatural powers, he was recruited here.

After Zhang Guifang got the order, she rode a horse and went straight to the battlefield, where she was beheading Nangong Shi.

But Xiqi also came out with a general, and shouted at Nangong Shi: "General Nangong, you go back, it's time for me to meet them!"

Nangong Shi heard the words, looked back, and saw Uncle Ji shouting at him.

Nangong Shi didn't think too much, and retreated directly, saying, "General Ji, be careful!"

Uncle Ji said nonchalantly: "Hehe, Chaoge is full of wine and rice, so what's so scary!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Nan Gongshi to speak, he urged his horse to come to Zhang Guifang, and shouted loudly: "The princes of the world, everyone is happy to return to Zhou, the destiny is already there; how dare you invade the Western Land and kill yourself?"

With a question mark on Zhang Guifang's head, she thought to herself: Who gave you the confidence!
Faced with such mentally handicapped words, Zhang Guifang didn't want to refute, and directly urged the horse to chop off with a knife, and at the same time shouted: "Rebel, die, look at Grandpa, I will take your life with three tricks!"

As soon as the two fought against each other, Zhang Guifang knew that the opponent was not her opponent, but it would be difficult to win with three moves!

Ji Shuqian and Zhang Guifang knew that they were not opponents once they slashed at each other, but they had the confidence to support him with thirty moves.

After the second move, Zhang Guifang didn't want to lose face, so she used her magical powers, opened her mouth and shouted loudly: "Uncle Ji, don't get off the horse!"

(End of this chapter)

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